rate my slut ch01

So once Im knickerless and in the house what should i do next to please him?

  • Total voters
Jun 21, 2013
this week julie has to come round at a set time and remove her knickers at the front door befor knocking. we wont speak, she will crawl over so i can inspect her.

julie would like to be told what to do next. i have set up a poll to see what happens next.

She has decided all four so whatever happens it will be fun.
julie very excited at thought and pms recieved. be doing it on thursday so will leave poll open til tomorrow night

thanks for voting

will post pics of outcome, well the ones lit will allow
Nice options indeed! Look forward to seeing results of poll and results of the event. I am sure some of the more tech savy members can help with pic posting so you can show it all. Good luck!