Random Porn Duel

We all know how to tell silicone from flesh [well, most of the time], but here are some neat ways to tell if a wang has been surgically altered!

1) If, when erect, it dangles down vertically [rather than sticking out parrallel to the ground], it has been surgically altered. [A tendon has been cut. This can also slightly interfere with reproduction, because it may pinch off the urethra, preventing fluid flow]

2) It's too soft. Many of these pictures show an apparently erect penis bending almost as well as it would flaccid. This is most likely because fat has been surgically pumped into the penis.

3) It's too long. The record for penis legnth is 14". 90% of men have between 4 and 8.5 inches. 90% of those who remain have shorter than 10 inches. Beyond that, there aren't enough people to do a representative sample
Re: Re: go ahead...c'mon....you know you wanna....lick...me....

curious2c said:
More than you'll ever know.:p

Flight 948, requesting permission to land.


I'm sorry... that just looks like a goddamn runway lol
ubertroll said:
Is that a urethra, or the fucking Suez Canal? Or does he just have a REALLY long aorta? lol


It is rather repulsively titanic, isn't it?
tortoise said:

It is rather repulsively titanic, isn't it?

And, judging by his apparent career, probably gives him a nitche fetish market lol.