Racial, or Sexual Oreniation Stereotypes that might be true?


Literotica Guru
Mar 8, 2011
Racial, or Sexual Orientation Stereotypes that might be true?

The title pretty much explains everything. We all know stereotypes exist, and they came from somewhere,and we all like to think they don't exist,bt I want to know what stereotype you are afraid that might be true? Oh, this question can go for Nationality as well.
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God loves you.


Especially if you are a lesbian.
A few posts in, and the bullshit has already started.Hmmmm. I wonder how this thread will turn out by the end of the day?

Well isn't that special...

A whore that doesn't know how to spell "orientation"

A wow, talking shit about a simple misspelling,how noble of you? Shut up evil slut. Stop being a dumb little bitch, you fat ass bully. Go fuck around somewhere else, you stupid bull dyking bitch.
The title pretty much explains everything. We all know stereotypes exist, and they came from somewhere,and we all like to think they don't exist,bt I want to know what stereotype you are afraid that might be true? Oh, this question can go for Nationality as well.

I appreciate you raising such a vitally important point on this Board...

...it takes true courage to stand-up and boldly offer a sensitive issue like this here, one which most of the rest of us meekly try our best to avoid and keep buried as deep as possible in the background.

In honor of that admiration for what you're contributing here on the GB, and because you've given me strength to be bold, too, I will step forward and answer your inquiry...

...the sexual orientation stereotype that I'm not just "afraid" is "true", but am actually mortified that it is actually so, is:

Gay men suck d!ck.

There, I've said it...
I appreciate you raising such a vitally important point on this Board...

...it takes true courage to stand-up and boldly offer a sensitive issue like this here, one which most of the rest of us meekly try our best to avoid and keep buried as deep as possible in the background.

In honor of that admiration for what you're contributing here on the GB, and because you've given me strength to be bold, too, I will step forward and answer your inquiry...

...the sexual orientation stereotype that I'm not just "afraid" is "true", but am actually mortified that it is actually so, is:

Gay men suck d!ck.

There, I've said it...

Believe it or not, there are some gay men that don't.Well the few I have encountered.
Believe it or not, there are some gay men that don't.Well the few I have encountered.

Some are tops and bottoms. The "top" ones might not like taking roles that are usually fulfilled by the woman in a relationship, namely receiving.
Gay Asian couples suck small dicks and are really bad drivers but I can't actually verify this.
I appreciate you raising such a vitally important point on this Board...

...it takes true courage to stand-up and boldly offer a sensitive issue like this here, one which most of the rest of us meekly try our best to avoid and keep buried as deep as possible in the background.

In honor of that admiration for what you're contributing here on the GB, and because you've given me strength to be bold, too, I will step forward and answer your inquiry...

...the sexual orientation stereotype that I'm not just "afraid" is "true", but am actually mortified that it is actually so, is:

Gay men suck d!ck.

There, I've said it...

I wish...
Every lesbian I know of looks like George Gobel or that Huckabee guy on FOX. or Karl Rove.
Q: Why would any person adhere to a stereotype if there wasn't a factual foundation to said stereotype?

A: Because stereotypes often have a benefit for their subjects, the chief one being that they get to define themselves based on someone else's definitions rather than making the effort to forge their own person. That's how stereotypes are perpetuated. They don't have to be based in fact.

Give me any "negative" stereotype about any group of people, and I can spin it into a positive for that group re: quickly formulating self-identity out of thin air.
I dunno... some shit like, "Native Americans are drunks"- the steriotype just sounds better when you say shit like, "Alcoholism among members of the tribe is three times that of the nation. This is a problem that we need to address." The steriotype is generally true; Addictive Personality Disorder does have a hereditary component. That's not to say that all steriotypes are true, it's just that some aren't convinet shields to form an identity, they evolve out of observation.
I dunno... some shit like, "Native Americans are drunks"- the steriotype just sounds better when you say shit like, "Alcoholism among members of the tribe is three times that of the nation. This is a problem that we need to address." The steriotype is generally true; Addictive Personality Disorder does have a hereditary component. That's not to say that all steriotypes are true, it's just that some aren't convinet shields to form an identity, they evolve out of observation.

They do like the firewater.