What gets her hot?


with cheese
Aug 8, 2022
So I'm a day sleeper and I woke up at 1:30 pm, to find my wife in a baking mood. She smiled and I kissed her good afternoon. I returned to our room to shower. An hour later my wife came in to see what I was up to, to find me freshly showered, wearing only a pair of blue jeans, putting away the three loads of laundry I'd just folded. Long story short, by the time we were done, most everything had to be refolded and a fair amount, rewashed. :devilish:

Okay guys, what sort of non-sexual stuff do you do, that gets your woman hot and bothered? Ladies, feel free to chime in. We'll make this a primer for all the single fellas.

Another thing I had done when we had small children was just grab the kids and head out, stroller and diaper bag in hand. It would give her X hours to do whatever she wanted. I'm not sure if it got her turned on or if she was just showing her gratitude but we always had a great night when the kids fell asleep. Probably a bit of both. Also, when we had a home gym, I can't remember actually ever finishing a workout. It was always just sort of sweaty foreplay.

And guys, if you can't think of anything ... you might want to work on that.
I don’t know if this got her hot and bothered. But when I was married my exwife would go out drinking; most of the time it would be with guys. A lot of the time if not most of the time she would wake me up after getting home drunk with a BJ.

One of these days I noticed clothing in the wash. I called her and asked if she needs me to handle it. I could hear the shock in her voice but she said yes.

She told me the next day after we hung up she said to the guys she was with “My husband just earned a blowjob.”

For the record she woke me up with one and swallowed my load that night.
I'm not actually a good musician, but she likes to watch me play the bass. She used to crank the volume to max and sit on the amp wearing next to nothing.
We'd go on d8s and act like it's our 1st meeting with all the flattery, compliments & cliches that come with it. It drove her insane, well, me too. We'd go home, start making out in the car like teens. When home, we'd hump like rabbits that just discovered humping 😂🤣😂