Quotes saved for future sig lines...


Nov 27, 2002
Starting with this one because I think it is so true and no one should ever forget it.

HeavyStick said:
Better to be honest, then build a foundation on lies.
A classic...

A Desert Rose said:
You have to care in order to flame, which is quite different from a spirited argument or debate.

There is no one here I care enough about to flame and if there are people here who care enough to flame me, then I see that as complimentary.
Anal grammar buddy votes HS meant "than build a foundation..."

"Then" would be a sequence of events.
I have to thank estevie for mine...

If it weren't for all of us - that includes you - jumping in, there would be no arguments. 2 people can work it out or choose to ignore. Add in 50 others and well, you have Lit. ~ estevie
WaxNWane said:
Anal grammar buddy votes HS meant "than build a foundation..."

"Then" would be a sequence of events.


I think he meant it that way.
Killswitch said:
Its all about you butterbutt....its always alllll about you.


Killswitch said:
Peep Show ...A serious way to describe, and refer to Glam when he gets into Marxist's cab the morning after he let all the nameless fags from the glitter bar blast all over him, because he smells like a peep show booth......


Killswitch said:
wheres the contradiction flute boy.....I dont like fat chicks, and I couldnt care less what these broads HERE look like......are you under some false impression that you are going to fuck one of these twits?


Killswitch said:
Gay man tied to fence
Umpire points to you and says
Play ball...batter up!

Killswitch said:
Yeah .....she needs you to design a size 25 evening gown for her.......