Quote of the Day

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"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Benjamin Franklin
AR-15's are modular. Of you don't like something on your AR, you can easily replace it. What I'm saying is: if you can't hit the target with an AR-15, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Accidents are relevant. Guns are dangerous, and foolhardy behavior can and will result in injury/death. But suicides? Americans only use guns for suicide because it's convenient. If we didn't have guns, we'd just use another method. 😜

Is the only thing preventing you from killing yourself a lack of access to firearms, Tilan? What a pity. 😉
AR-15's are popguns, the most dangerous part is the trigger actuator. Anyone who considers them an "Assault Weapon" knows nothing about weapons and even less about assault, the gun does not kill - the heart kills, the gun is just the means to an end
This isn't political and the political board isn't a dumping ground.