Question about violence in stories


199 story Noob
Jun 22, 2021
I have a fiction story where young women are held captive as slaves and violently abused at the beginning, but in a way that makes the reader sympathize with the women instead of glorifying it. By the end of page one, the man who hurt them dies and there is no significant violence in the rest of the story. Do you think this would violate Literotica rules?

Sorry if this has been asked before, and thanks in advance.
There are some things which almost always fall into a gray area and this is one of them. The site will not permit snuff stories, nor even the word torture, nor will they go with non-consent (rape) tales unless the victim winds up enjoying it. Despite such iron-clad rules, it's still fuzzy.

In such cases, I often PM Laurel, the site owner and ultimate judge, explain the issue and ask for her opinion in advance. She's always been reasonable when I asked.

Good luck.
Lot of readers are fine with a bit of non-con but sexual abuse and rape can be a bit uneasy for many readers but it can also attract a small subset...

So its upto you
As others have said, sexual abuse in that case is likely not to be okay (but inconsistently enforced maybe). If its physical abuse, then it may be okay if you are not glorifying, but you're probably best to think about whether you're laying it on too thick and whether it could be regarded as torture/misery porn. If you want an opinion I'm happy to look at your first page.
I agree with TP that this sounds like a gray area, but it sounds like one you could navigate successfully with a bit of care. The key is not to present scenes of violence against women in a way that the reader derives erotic pleasure from their pain. It's OK if they suffer some distress and pain but ultimately enjoy the experience. If this sounds like an artificial and contrived distinction, it is! But this is fantasy, and the rules get to be whatever the site wants them to be. If you keep in mind the concept behind the rule and write with it mind, you should be OK, especially if you send a note to Laurel with the submission.
There is a way to find out. Submit the story and see if it gets published.
Prepare yourself for a rejection and a rewrite.
My granny used to say: "Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst."
There are some things which almost always fall into a gray area and this is one of them. The site will not permit snuff stories, nor even the word torture, nor will they go with non-consent (rape) tales unless the victim winds up enjoying it. Despite such iron-clad rules, it's still fuzzy.

In such cases, I often PM Laurel, the site owner and ultimate judge, explain the issue and ask for her opinion in advance. She's always been reasonable when I asked.

Good luck.
From experience it depends on the mood of the person censoring your story when you post it. Some things that you think will get rejected sail through and others that seem innocuous get banned. Their rules are extremely vague, and are applied in an inconsistent manner.
I have found the site (ie. Laurel) to be flexible and prone to evaluate things like a violent scene in the context of its contribution to the story as a whole.

After almost 8 years, no one has complained (so far) about a brutal gang rape scene in one of my stories here, but I'm not going to post a link to it and invite anyone to start complaining now that I brought attention to it.
I think it'll be okay as long as you don't make it a huge part of the story, which it doesn't seem to be. Just write it as part of the backstory that is quickly narrated. Don't go too much into detail about it. Back story is fine.
Mere violence is not generally a problem.

Violence involving coercive sex? Probably a problem.
A lot of it depends on your context. I know that I have walked back words and positioning a few times in stories as it got a little too dark and/or graphic. Sometimes you can describe the matter with a slightly different context and still convey the meaning you want the reader to have.
As others have said, sexual abuse in that case is likely not to be okay (but inconsistently enforced maybe). If its physical abuse, then it may be okay if you are not glorifying, but you're probably best to think about whether you're laying it on too thick and whether it could be regarded as torture/misery porn. If you want an opinion I'm happy to look at your first page.
I started a conversation. Thanks for taking a look.
There is a way to find out. Submit the story and see if it gets published.
Prepare yourself for a rejection and a rewrite.
My granny used to say: "Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst."
General Landry: "Okay, Cameron, how many sayings does ole Granny have?"

Cam Mitchell: "One for any situation that might come up. Two for unusual ones, Sir.