Q for the ladies: Boob-checking


Literotica Guru
Oct 4, 2012
This seems to me that it's a lot like subtle flashing, but a targeted audience of just one.

Quick question for the ladies about their breasts and personal space.

When you're standing fairly close to a guy, what determines if you stand with your boobs against their arms/back when there is no other 'good' reason to do so? I've only heard this called a boob-check.

Would "loving them like a brother" have any bearing or just make it weird? Is it just flirting or wanting attention? Can you do this without really knowing it?

I've been getting some really conflicting signals from some ladies I know, plus seeing a few wives doing this more blatantly to other guys more lately.

Damn this sounds juvenile, but I've never had to wonder this before. Thanks in advance ladies!
I just don't do this unless I'm flirting or there's some really good reason, like being crushed up against someone in a mosh pit, or helping him stay upright when he's sick or hurt.

Maybe if I had enormous boobs it might happen by accident. But I don't, and it doesn't.

Remember, though, culture has a lot to do with how much personal space you give people. I'm kinda at the maximum end of that range - I'll stand about 3 feet away from someone to have a conversation unless there's a reason to move closer.
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I have a c-cup chest, and I pretty much can't hug or lean on someone without putting my boobs on them. So yeah, I don't worry about pressing my chest against any guy I was friendly enough with to hug, including my actual brother and brother-like friends.
I'm good friends with girls whose boobs range from small to OMG, and my triceps have had more contact with boobs than my hands ever have.

It doesn't seem to matter the size, it's all about the flirting. They know what they're doing.
I have a c-cup chest, and I pretty much can't hug or lean on someone without putting my boobs on them. So yeah, I don't worry about pressing my chest against any guy I was friendly enough with to hug, including my actual brother and brother-like friends.

D-cup here and it's exactly the same. Every hug I give has breast contact, standing on a busy train there's usually arm to boob touching. It's usually accidental...occasionally I will do it on purpose, but not nearly as much as I do accidently