Pure Moonlight (closed)

Selena looked down at Mako with a laugh as he ran back into the room with dripping fur. As Kreston dried his fur, she laughed as his coat puffed out.

"What are we going to do with you, Mako?" Selena asked as she bent down and kissed the little wolf.
Mako's immediate and sure answer was simply, "Food." Kreston could only chuckle as he took a seat at the table, watching as Mako followed Selena like a shadow.
"I'm hurrying as fast as I can!" Selena exclaimed as Mako asked for food.

Selena grinned down at her cub as he followed her around on his tiny paws, his tail swishing back and forth as he continued to shake water droplets free. She was a good mother, trying to engage him in every single step of the process, from watching her turn the eggs to mixing up the corn batter for the cakes. Selena adored her little family and she especially doted on Mako.
Mako seemed to trade regularly between following Selena and getting distracted by Kreston, until he finally decided the best vantage point was sitting at the table on Kreston's lap where he could see everything going on. And he was quickly distracted again when Kreston began playing with his little brown ears.
"No, no, Da." Mako would say, playfully swatting Kreston's hands out of the way. "Da, no!"

He would dissolve into a fit of giggling as Kreston kept at it, the little boy leaning back against his father's strong chest. Selena grinned at the two of them, happy that the house was filled with the sounds of a child's laugh again.
After the late breakfast, Mako decided the best course of action was to go and scamper around the house and garden while Kreston took care of a few chores. He tried to help, but was too easily excited to manage much other than taking things inside or fetching things Kreston needed.
Selena settled on the front porch, shelling peas as she watched Mako running around the house and garden after Kreston. The little wolf was most definitely scattered, but he was sweet and tried his hardest. They would have to work on teaching him to focus as he got older, but for the time being, Selena left him alone.

"Mama? Go see Luna?" Mako asked after a while, coming to her side with his excited brown gaze.

"She's probably working right now, love." Selena said as she brushed her fingers through his brown fur. "Jan might be working on his cabin. We can go visit him in a while."
Kreston settled on the steps near Selena, leaning back and thinking aloud, "He ought to be nearly done with the foundation by now... Unless he's had help."
"Perhaps we can all go help him tonight." Selena suggested, looking at Kreston as she pulled Mako into her lap and handed him a bowl of peas to shell. "I know Luna is eager to get everything in please so they can mate."
"I'm still not sure if I want to help him, or slow him down," Kreston told her honestly with a rueful smile. He was excited for Luna to be in love and sure of who she'd chosen, but he didn't want to admit his little girl was a fully-grown Wolf ready to start a proper life with a mate. Jan's reputation aside, Kreston wasn't ready to let anyone have Luna.
"And what was it you were saying to me not that long ago?" Selena teased her mate, laughing at the look in his amber gaze. "She's grown, love. We can't stop her in what she wants and needs. Jan makes her happy. She's ready to start her life."
"I told you to give Jan a chance, that he was a good cub under it all. I didn't say I was happy with someone stealing my little girl. It was already hard enough to watch her move out." Kreston came to sit by her side, pressing a kiss to her lips before leaning against the wall.
"But we can make certain that her new home will be just as good as this one." Selena said as Kreston came to her side, kissing her before he leaned against the wall beside her. "I know Jan wants to make it perfect for her. We can certainly help him along the way."
"I suppose I could be persuaded," Kreston sighed with a slight grin, reaching out to take Selena's hand while his attention turned to Mako who'd suddenly decided to chase grasshoppers.
"What are we going to do with him?" Selena asked, shaking her head as she watched Mako chase the grasshopper across the yard, distracted in a moment's notice.
"All he needs is a focus. I'm certainly not one to mind energetic cubs. Better to be lively and energetic than the opposite," Kreston said with a smile as he watched Mako a moment more before laying his head in Selena's lap.
Selena smiled as her brute of a husband laid his head in her lap and she instantly started to comb her fingers through his fur. It was a quiet little life, one that she cherished dearly. She was a princess of Inverness, but she lived simply. She adored her family and tried to give them the life that she had always wanted.
When they went off to Jan's building site, they found the tan Swedish Wolf half-asleep in the grass next to a log that he was processing to take off the bark and smooth out knots in preparation for building the walls. The foundation, built from stone and mortar carefully fitted together, was still setting properly and the mortar was hardening.

Kreston looked on and with a grin, he leaned down to Mako and muttered, "Go get him."
Mako didn't need to be told twice as he bounded towards Jan and took a leap into his side. Mako was giggling as Jan started and he growled as ferociously as he could. It sounded like a puppy but Mako fancied himself a brave soul.
Jan jolted upright, but when he saw Mako, he gave a little growl back and snatched the cub off his feet, trapping him and tickling him until he managed to squirm away. "Little rogue, you're worse than me," he laughed before rising to face Selena and Kreston. "Hey, come to make sure I'm making good on my promise?"

"Exactly," Kreston nodded, strolling around the foundations and finding them well-made as well as the base of the walls that Jan was working on.
"Coming to lend a hand." Selena said as she watched Mako racing around the plot of land on all fours like a wild wolf cub. "We figured you could use it and Mako wanted to visit Luna."

"Luna candy." Mako said as he stood in his hind legs beside his mother, panting as he looked up at her with this brown eyes.

"That's why you wanted to see Luna? Because she has candy?" Selena asked as she ruffled his fur.

"And hugs." Mako said, clearly adoring his sister.
"Well, for now I'm just letting the logs ready. Ruben's boys come by every so often to help me place them." Jan smiled to Kreston as the older Wolf paused beside him. "Don't think you two have to help me. This is my way of proving myself to your family and Luna."
"We don't have to think anything, Jan." Selena said as Mako soon moved from her side to inspect the great logs that were lying in the sun. "And you don't have to try and prove anything to us anymore. We know what is between you and Luna and nothing is going to stop you."
"Still, after being such a pain for so long... I feel like I've got a lot to prove to a lot of people. Luna will always be the first to say I don't have to... But it'd be nice to make myself a proper member of the tribe, you know? And make up for my trouble."
"You are a proper member of this tribe. All that has yet to be done is introducing you at the next full moon. We can do that just as easily as Ruben and Telma introduce the twins." Selena said as Jan insisted that he had to make up for his past. "And now that you've stopped flirting with every woman that comes your way, I think Luna feels more comfortable."

Make scrabbled to the top of one of the logs, shakily balancing on it as his little claws dug into the soft bark.