Publish Story


Really Experienced
Jun 25, 2016
My story was just published under "Loving Wives" but I don't see it listed under Loving Wives "new" stories. I had to do a story or author search to bring it how is anyone to find your story if it isn't listed?
Just published sounds like it is still in the pending and says new. If it does, there is a date next to it for going live.
My story was just published under "Loving Wives" but I don't see it listed under Loving Wives "new" stories. I had to do a story or author search to bring it how is anyone to find your story if it isn't listed?
You have to give it a little time. The lists don't post simultaneously here.
Thanks guys and gals, either I looked too soon or I'm losing it .... If you read it please give some constructive criticism, it's hard for the author to critique their own work... i want to improve !!!
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Also, loving wives is a rough category to post in. Just a heads up.
The amount of attention they give over there is amazing, however. There's a story that went up today that already has over 1,300 votes and 139 comments. They must be gaining momentum or, perhaps, they need something else to do with their lives.
The amount of attention they give over there is amazing, however. There's a story that went up today that already has over 1,300 votes and 139 comments. They must be gaining momentum or, perhaps, they need something else to do with their lives.
What lives? I mean, that's the real issue. They haven't anyone, nothing, not a single ray of sunshine or a brief moment of happiness in their drab excuses for lives! Or am I full of shit?
What lives? I mean, that's the real issue. They haven't anyone, nothing, not a single ray of sunshine or a brief moment of happiness in their drab excuses for lives! Or am I full of shit?
The weird thing is that he did get some positive comments, although not the majority of course. And the overall score so far of 3.71 is not too bad. Some unlucky person below him has a 1.63 with 194 votes, one of the worst scores I've seen on anything. Only twelve comments, which I haven't read yet. Yes, I am curious about those.

I have seen a few other places online that can be equally downbeat, however, if that is the correct way to describe it.
The weird thing is that he did get some positive comments, although not the majority of course. And the overall score so far of 3.71 is not too bad. Some unlucky person below him has a 1.63 with 194 votes, one of the worst scores I've seen on anything. Only twelve comments, which I haven't read yet. Yes, I am curious about those.

I have seen a few other places online that can be equally downbeat, however, if that is the correct way to describe it.
Downbeat, browbeat, pummel mercilessly, pic your descriptor.
Downbeat, browbeat, pummel mercilessly, pic your descriptor.
I looked at the profile of the first person, and they've been here for a few years and have a good track record with stories. Most of the stories are in Transgender/Crossdresser and Loving Wives with some others I've forgotten. The story in question is quite long at six Lit pages and I admit that I didn't attempt to read it.

For the second one, it was their first story ever. It was short and I did read it. Frankly, it is quite bad. However, it's not my job to be a literary critic here (although some people appoint themselves); thus I had no interest in commenting on it. I wouldn't even know what to say to them.
I wish I could say I never made an unkind comment to a writer on here. I really, really wish I could say that. But one story was gawdawful, and I just blurted out how bad the story was. To be honest, I wrote it one fast blur and hit the post without thinking. Once it was going up, I hadn't an idea how to prevent it from being posted. I never went back to be sure it was posted. I'm certain it did.
I wish I could say I never made an unkind comment to a writer on here. I really, really wish I could say that. But one story was gawdawful, and I just blurted out how bad the story was. To be honest, I wrote it one fast blur and hit the post without thinking. Once it was going up, I hadn't an idea how to prevent it from being posted. I never went back to be sure it was posted. I'm certain it did.
Yeah, been there done that, tripped over my own feet and was totally, utterly embarrassed by my actions. So don't feel too bad, we, or at least I, have done it. My biggest and most hardass critic is myself.

I wish I could say I never made an unkind comment to a writer on here. I really, really wish I could say that. But one story was gawdawful, and I just blurted out how bad the story was. To be honest, I wrote it one fast blur and hit the post without thinking. Once it was going up, I hadn't an idea how to prevent it from being posted. I never went back to be sure it was posted. I'm certain it did.
I know people are going to find this hard to believe based on my posting style, but I've never left a nasty comment on a story, or denigrated anyone's writing on the boards(other than my disdain for BTB writers, but even then its the topic, not their ability)

I have sent a couple of private feedbacks where I've been less than kind, but both times it was over the "you think rape is BDSM" type of thing, and again, nothing about the writing skill or lack of.

I'm paradoxical in many ways, I'll trash people mercilessly on some things-and certain people-without regard for their feelings(what are those?) but when it comes to writing I felt early on that there's a person behind the story and even if its awful writing, maybe this is the best they can do and they're proud of it and why should I take that away from them?

I can't say that I've been treated the same, but I'm someone who has always been able to shrug it off.