Protests, protests everywhere!


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Especially in San Francisco, which has been virtually shut down by militant direct action today. NO business as usual should be allowed while the U.S. engages in mass murder of Iraqis. Shut the capitalist system, the source of war, racism, and poverty, down!

1, 2, 3, 4-- We don't want your stinkin' war!

5, 6, 7, 8-- Smash the bosses' police state!
Especially in San Francisco, which has been virtually shut down by militant direct action today. NO business as usual should be allowed while the U.S. engages in mass murder of Iraqis. Shut the capitalist system, the source of war, racism, and poverty, down!

1, 2, 3, 4-- We don't want your stinkin' war!

5, 6, 7, 8-- Smash the bosses' police state!

I for one think its great that the people are making their opinions known. I marched last Sat. on DC. Wish there was something more going on around here. I guess tonite from 5 - 6 in downtown Cleveland - but I'm too far away to make it. I'll have to stick to phone calls and black arm bands.
Sorry, Impotent boy! But your in Las Vegas and I am actually here is San Francisco. So you had better get your facts straight before you report on things you know nothing of!

There are demonstrators in the streets of SF today, but they have largely been ineffective in shutting down the city. What they have accomplished is preventing emergency personnel from responding in a timely manner. They have prevented hospital personnel from getting to their jobs on time.

They have started deficating and vomiting on the streets of San Francisco in front of the Federal Building, but that is about all they have accomplished. Real class!!! But then they are right up your alley, redboy!!!

But the bottom line is that the city is operating and the most contentious of the protesters have almost duked it out with several cabbies.

You do know what cabbies, are don't you redboy? They are usually poor people that are trying to make a living... But of course, none of that matters to a cretin such as yourself.

Everything you report on this site is always based on rumour! Why not trying to report the "Truth" sometime you poor excuse for a human being!!!!!
Death to the bon jour gees!

Rise pro-litariats!

Who shot J.R?!
Notice, no protests in New York

3,000 dead on 9.11 might have something to do with that.
Especially in San Francisco, which has been virtually shut down by militant direct action today. NO business as usual should be allowed while the U.S. engages in mass murder of Iraqis. Shut the capitalist system, the source of war, racism, and poverty, down!

1, 2, 3, 4-- We don't want your stinkin' war!

5, 6, 7, 8-- Smash the bosses' police state!
9, 10, 11, 12, why don't you go fuck yourself?

Typical BS

Typical stale bullshit from the mentally deficient screamers. There were protests in NYC, as reported by the NYT. The situation in SF was chaotic, with over 1,000 arrests. And this is just the first full day of the war! Bush is in big trouble.

Re: Typical BS

Typical stale bullshit from the mentally deficient screamers. There were protests in NYC, as reported by the NYT. The situation in SF was chaotic, with over 1,000 arrests. And this is just the first full day of the war! Bush is in big trouble.


I'm sure he's just shaking in his combat boots.
War at home and abroad

The government has responded to this outpouring of people's power with a massive wave of repression, with mass arrests, especially in San Francisco. The U.S. government is now not only waging a war of mass murder against the Iraqi people. It is also waging a brutal war of repression against its own people.
Re: War at home and abroad

The government has responded to this outpouring of people's power with a massive wave of repression, with mass arrests, especially in San Francisco. The U.S. government is now not only waging a war of mass murder against the Iraqi people. It is also waging a brutal war of repression against its own people.

The police actions in Chicago, NYC and SF were totally out of scale and was like watching a third world dictator's crackdown on dissidents.

The footage from South Korea, for example, was brutal, but nothing like the smackdown in the USA.

Good thing the US media is the administration's poodle...I don't think middle america wants to know how divided the country really is.
lol...You shouldn't contribute to his level of anxiety Lance, he's likely to actually go out and do something he advocates in his posts.
Re: Notice, no protests in New York

tailfinz69 said:
3,000 dead on 9.11 might have something to do with that.

There were protests in NY, they've been having them and what does 9/11 have anything to do with this?
NYC for peace

The New York City Council voted overwhelmingly against war with Iraq.

The disconnect between the news coverage on TV, and what is really going on (reported only by the foreign press and alternative media here) is incredible. Anyone with any brains can see what phony propaganda we're being fed by TV, both local and network, and even much of the print media.

Despite the brave attempts by the talking heads on TV to put the best face on it, so far the war on Iraq is NOT going well at all. A few more days of this, and Bush will have to pull all the troops home from the Middle East just to try to hold on to power here.
Re: War at home and abroad

The government has responded to this outpouring of people's power with a massive wave of repression, with mass arrests, especially in San Francisco. The U.S. government is now not only waging a war of mass murder against the Iraqi people. It is also waging a brutal war of repression against its own people.

My only question at this time, you impotent wimp, is if the US government is repressing our own people, why in the hell are you still free to spew your BS here?

With the way you talk about conditions here in the states, I would think if the US government was so terrible, you would have been one of the first they would have come after.....

Of course the fact that young Americans are fighting and dying for the freedom for you to voice your opinions like this means nothing to you, does it?

What is your opinion of our soldiers, pinkboy? Do you support them or not? I wonder if you have the balls to even respond!!!
Go away for 2 weeks and come back and nothing has changed... it's like a bad soap opera here.

Same idiots... same anti-Americanism... same bullshit posts.

Scary as it is, if SOME of you had a fucking life and a REAL job, you might learn something.

What a bunch of bullshit. Have a nice day.
I'm sick and tired of people assuming that just because I'm against this war I'm against America and our soldiers. I love our soldiers. I don't want them to have to die for me. I think that's as patriotic as you can be? This war is not going to solve anything. oh - we may look really big and tough for awhile, but let's see how foreward thinking this war turns out to have been in 20 years or so......
crazybbwgirl said:
I'm sick and tired of people assuming that just because I'm against this war I'm against America and our soldiers. I love our soldiers. I don't want them to have to die for me. I think that's as patriotic as you can be? This war is not going to solve anything. oh - we may look really big and tough for awhile, but let's see how foreward thinking this war turns out to have been in 20 years or so......

Wake Up
A Desert Rose said:
Go away for 2 weeks and come back and nothing has changed... it's like a bad soap opera here. Same idiots... same anti-Americanism... same bullshit posts.Scary as it is, if SOME of you had a fucking life and a REAL job, you might learn something.
What a bunch of bullshit. Have a nice day.

So just cuz I don't agree with you I'm an idiot without a job or a life? geesh! I'll have you know I'm a single mom who raised 2 kids living below the welfare level, working 2 jobs, with little or no help from their father or the government. One is a teacher after working her way thru college and the other starts college next year. I have every right to not want people to die from war - on any side!
Re: War at home and abroad

The government has responded to this outpouring of people's power with a massive wave of repression, with mass arrests, especially in San Francisco. The U.S. government is now not only waging a war of mass murder against the Iraqi people. It is also waging a brutal war of repression against its own people.
Oh really? Being arrested . . . oh yeah, soo brutal.

Guess what, you block traffic, you get arrested. Trash a McDonald's, you get arrested.

Despite the brave attempts by the talking heads on TV to put the best face on it, so far the war on Iraq is NOT going well at all. A few more days of this, and Bush will have to pull all the troops home from the Middle East just to try to hold on to power here. :p
The war is going well. And if people demonstrated peacefully, there'd be no arrests at all.

As it stands, their efforts to undermine the everyday work of the country will only drive people away from their cause.

Give it up, RED. Most of the country isn't buying your shit.

I marched in the Austin protests Saturday.

It was a beautiful day and it felt good to do something to stand against the war.

I'd feel like a traitor to the principles enunciated in the Bill of Rights and the American Constitution if I did nothing to make my voice heard.