Progress or Deterioration ?


Unrepentant Untamed
Nov 27, 2001
As the changes take place, what impact will it have in the long term?

1. "Unregistered" can no longer post

2. Long running threads can now be put on "ignore"

3. The warring factions are becoming more entrenched

4. PM no longer means Private Message

5. Members are dedicated to "outing" other members

Is this progress or deterioration?

Umbrella technology has made great strides in the past decade. I'm inclined to vote Progress.
RawHumor said:

It seems (based on some posts in the last few days) that some members forward or pass along a PM that sent to them. I don't know if it is true, but it has also been said that moderators have access to PMs. Perhaps I was naive. But I thought a PM was a private message for the addressee only.
PaganZepher said:
It seems (based on some posts in the last few days) that some members forward or pass along a PM that sent to them. I don't know if it is true, but it has also been said that moderators have access to PMs. Perhaps I was naive. But I thought a PM was a private message for the addressee only.

That's the intent, BUT...

As with e-mail, if you send it to someone they can always forward it or Copy&Paste it.

As with e-mail, the domain owner has access to it, but the chances of them actually reading every single message that passes through are quite slim.
PaganZepher said:
It seems (based on some posts in the last few days) that some members forward or pass along a PM that sent to them. I don't know if it is true, but it has also been said that moderators have access to PMs. Perhaps I was naive. But I thought a PM was a private message for the addressee only.
Laurel cleared that up. The moderators do not have access to PMs. And PMs have always been able to be forwarded. That's what the "forward" option is for at the bottom of your PMs. PMs are as private as e-mail.
PaganZepher said:
It seems (based on some posts in the last few days) that some members forward or pass along a PM that sent to them. I don't know if it is true, but it has also been said that moderators have access to PMs. Perhaps I was naive. But I thought a PM was a private message for the addressee only.

It may be but what the addressee does with it after it leaves you is not under your control.

You or I may wish a message to remain private but the addressee may think differently.
Thank you RawHumor, Mischka and bluespoke for clearing that up. As I said I guess I was just naive.
No, you were not naive, PZ. It's hard to cull the truth from the avalanche of inneundo that's hit Lit of late. PMs have always been able to be forwarded - and have been forwarded - without cause for ruckus in the past. Just recently it's been sensationalized. Ditto with the allegations on the mods.
I have never had any problems with a mod and I feel they do a thankless job well. But I am pleased to know they can't read my PMs.

I always assumed that at the very least there was an uderstanding that you just don't forward PMs unless you had the sender's OK.
PaganZepher said:
As the changes take place, what impact will it have in the long term?

1. "Unregistered" can no longer post

2. Long running threads can now be put on "ignore"

3. The warring factions are becoming more entrenched

4. PM no longer means Private Message

5. Members are dedicated to "outing" other members

Is this progress or deterioration?


Crown Prince assassinated in Sarajevo!!!

Austro-Hungarians issue ultimatum!!!

Russia supports suspension on trade of dick jokes with Serbs!!!

In Germany, The Kaiser says he's on a roll!!!

Can this stop short of War? The World Wonders!!!!
PaganZepher said:
As the changes take place, what impact will it have in the long term?

3. The warring factions are becoming more entrenched

Is this progress or deterioration?

Depends on perspective. Would the warring factions please note that I declare myself Switzerland in the upcoming war. Please do not invade me.

I'm discreet, have good chocolate and cheese, and I like to yodel.

Feel free to deposit any ill-gotten war booty into my account.

Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.
Re: Re: Progress or Deterioration ?

RosevilleCAguy said:
Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.
Do Gauge impersonation. I'll cum like a puppet.