Private messages (email)


Sep 26, 2007
I know that most new authors do not even know this forum exists, but it seems as if this is the only place relevant to post this bitch/request.

I get 2-3 PM's a week by authors thanking me for a positive comment on his or her story. Oh, and they don't identify the story I supposedly commented on, or their username. So how am I able to comment, if even able to respond, to talk about the genesis of the characters or the story itself? Of course I also probably get one or so a month calling me pond scum or worse, as I sometimes troll the trolls. They don't identify themselves either.

All I can do is respond and ask which story it was, and hopefully open a dialogue. Not all authors are that way. I have ongoing conversations with several authors about story lines on ongoing chapters.
I hear you. I get that too (though not that many a week - crikey, how much do you comment?)
Oh, this one is simple. It’s because we hardly ever get any feedback, so we think it’s as rare to you as it is for us, that our art is the precious jewel of genius that’s inspired you to reach out once in your life. Surely you must know what story it was. It doesn’t even cross our minds that you could be commenting on others’ stories.