Pretty words are sometimes just that...


Jul 11, 2001
Pretty words and nothing else. One of the things I don't understand in life is why someone would waste their time and energy on a bunch of pretty words when there is absolutely nothing behind them? Why put another person through that? I wouldn't do it to someone and so I stupidly assume someone wouldn't do it to me. That is sooooo not true.

I think sometimes the need to want to believe in something is so much stronger that what the reality actually is. When the two finally collide, I'm always left wondering what I was thinking.

At times like these, I start back at the basics...

*I have a family that loves me

*A roof over my head with ammenities to keep me comfortable

*Clothes to wear that I like

*A job to go too that I enjoy

*A car to drive that I think rocks

*Ears and eyes to see and hear all that is still beautiful around me

Pressing on...
It is a very good question you pose. I think it has to do with the nature of the internet and the way people are. People dupe other people everyday, it is called big business. In the real world there are more consequences then there are in the internet. The worst punishment on the internet is that you have to change your name. You tend to forget emotions are involved because you think the other person thinks like you do. Mixed feelings are always bad.

I sometimes fall into the trap of using pretty words, but if I've been telling you pretty pretty words for a couple of months, then it is something I really mean.

*I need to add more to this to explain what I'm talking about but I don't want to miss my bus, bbl*
PacificBlue said:
Pretty words and nothing else. One of the things I don't understand in life is why someone would waste their time and energy on a bunch of pretty words when there is absolutely nothing behind them? Why put another person through that? I wouldn't do it to someone and so I stupidly assume someone wouldn't do it to me. That is sooooo not true.

I think sometimes the need to want to believe in something is so much stronger that what the reality actually is. When the two finally collide, I'm always left wondering what I was thinking.

I was just wondering the exact same thing. Interesting comments PB, very interesting.
They do it because it makes them look better to others, thus making them feel better about themselves. We're all here for different reasons - some are here to get the validation they can't get in real life, because what they protray on here is a polar opposite to how they really are. So, they are a geek in real life who spends their days playing fantasy RPG games on the net, but they want people to think they are cool, so they invent colourful pasts and speak in pretty words so that they don't look like that geek they really are.

That's why until you meet that person in real life, you should never 100% believe what they tell you.
Some people say pretty words because they want the reaction they will get, from one person or a group. But all that is behind them is ego and insecurity and a need to feel wanted by others. They just dont think about the pain they cause others.
Kitte said:
Some people say pretty words because they want the reaction they will get, from one person or a group. But all that is behind them is ego and insecurity and a need to feel wanted by others. They just dont think about the pain they cause others.

But in the end I wind up feeling sorry for someone like that.
Just know that not everyone is dishonest about their true feelings. Some people do speak from their heart, sometimes indeed, too much so.
Sometimes the words come a little easier than the actions. It doesn't mean that there is not sincerity in those words, just that the actions take a little more risk. Whether these pretty words carried sincerity is something that only you can decide.

Be well sweetie and be strong.:)

PacificBlue said:
I think my expectations are wrong.

Your expectations are not wrong simply because they arent returned. Likewise, your feelings arent 'wrong' because they arent returned. You feel how you feel, that's what makes you the person that you are, your feelings. If someone wasnt honest about how they felt about you, dont second guess yourself because of it.

People are always trying to drag you down that same hole that they're in. It happens with everyone you meet, every day. Teaches, co-workers, parents, friends, lovers, they'll drag you down that hole if you let them.

Never let anyone extinguish your inner spark! It's your essence. It's what makes you, you.