President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

Fuzzy1975 writes: "I don't see a curse, the only president's wife to run was Hillary, and she lost."

Hillary set an historic precedent, Fuzzy. No wife of an impeached president has ever been elected president herself. Andrew Johnson's wife, Bill Clinton's wife, and now Donald Trump's wife.

"Eliza couldn't and Melania can't."

Back when Eliza was First Lady women were making huge gains. Within ten years of her husband leaving office, women in Wyoming were allowed to vote in U.S. presidential elections! Perhaps Eliza was planning to run, but her husband's impeachment shattered her dreams?

The same is true with Melania. Maybe she was planning to challenge the system, but not anymore!

"But if your talking about Hillary, then I must be mistaken and you are feeling ok..."

Hillary was confident that she could BREAK the curse regarding the wives of impeached presidents, and all of those polls said that she would! But we all saw what happened on that Tuesday night in early November, '16. It was NOT to be! And yes, I remember feeling OK that night!

magicalmoments writes: "That last one not so well researched, your grade has been shifted back from a C to a D-"

Did nobody tell you that I DROPPED your class right before Thanksgiving? Check with the university registrar's office and you'll see.
Fuzzy1975 writes: "I don't see a curse, the only president's wife to run was Hillary, and she lost."

Back when Eliza was First Lady women were making huge gains. Within ten years of her husband leaving office, women in Wyoming were allowed to vote in U.S. presidential elections! Perhaps Eliza was planning to run, but her husband's impeachment shattered her dreams?

One minor issue, Wyoming was a territory at the time, not a state . Though it did allow women to keep the vote after statehood.
All the Dems have to do is regain the Senate and they can reimpeach his ass, if he does win. The Rethug's have six weak sister Senators who could lose in 2020 and Trumpski is toast!

If Pence holds on it would be easy to nail his ass too. If Trumpski has Haley as Veep, she will be vulnerable and better mind her P's and Q's.
Fuzzy1975 writes: "One minor issue, Wyoming was a territory at the time, not a state.?

Another minor issue worth noting, Fuzzy, is that Eliza Johnson's husband NEVER humiliated Hillary Clinton - but he was STILL impeached! He remains to this day the ONLY impeached American president who never did that!

JackLuis writes: "All the Dems have to do is regain the Senate and they can reimpeach his ass, if he does win. The Rethug's have six weak sister Senators who could lose in 2020 and Trumpski is toast!"

You're not being serious, Jack. An impeachment is like an indictment - you're ACCUSING someone of wrongdoing. The next step is for your accusation to go to trial. The Democratic Party doesn't want this because they KNOW they'll NEVER get a conviction, despite packing the jury-pool with Trump-haters like Chuck Schumer, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, etc. etc. etc. You're saying they need to pack it even MORE?

An impeachment vote without a trial in the U.S. Senate means absolutely NOTHING. If Nancy Pelosi neglects to forward it to the senate then that means it never happened! Waiting for one day in the unforeseeable future when the Democratic Party actually has enough senate votes for a conviction is never going to occur, and I'm pretty sure the U.S. Supreme Court would strike it down in any case as unconstitutional!
President Trump ends 2019 in a better position than when he started. The year opened with the swearing in of Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House. The Mueller probe dragged on. The legislative agenda of Trump's first two years in office had petered out. The Democratic frontrunner, Joe Biden, was beating him by double digits in the polls. And a little more than halfway through the year, bond prices signaled recession.

But look where things stand now. Pelosi's decision to impeach Trump already has cost her a seat and stands zero chance of ending with a Senate conviction. Not only has Mueller shuffled-off the stage, but Michael Horowitz's report on FBI malfeasance also raises serious doubts about the credibility of the government and media elites who spent years arguing that Trump and his associates were Russian agents. Mitch McConnell blocks liberal bills from the House while confirming additional conservative judges. Joe Biden has been damaged and the problems of his candidacy manifest as he sleepwalks toward his party's nomination. The economy is gangbusters.

The hinge point of Trump's good year was Friday, March 22, when the Mueller Report was released. It was clear by then that despite all of the time, energy, resources, and indictments and convictions, Mueller had NOT uncovered a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia and was not willing to assert that the president obstructed justice. Mueller's testimony before Congress on July 24 was a flop. The Russia investigation that had begun in the summer of 2016 and consumed the media since it was made public the following year ended in a whimper.

And now we've got impeachment. This has made freshmen Democrats from districts Trump won in 2016 extremely anxious. Pelosi had to give them something in return for impeachment, and that something was the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement—which just so happens to be a top priority of the president's. At the end of it all, Trump will have kept his job and pocketed a significant diplomatic accomplishment and campaign promise. No small feat.

Impeachment has also distracted people from the Democratic presidential race. There are six weeks until the Iowa caucuses and hardly anybody besides the candidates and their immediate families seem to care. The Ukraine scandal involves the Democratic frontrunner but in an unusual way. Trump's desire that President Zelensky look into the energy company Burisma, where Hunter Biden sat on the board, confirmed Joe Biden's status as the preeminent threat to Trump. But it also reminded people that over the years members of the Biden family have benefited financially from Joe's high office. And Biden's clumsy response to allegations of unseemly profit-seeking was another reminder of his weaknesses as a candidate. This flawed frontrunner, already defined by his son's influence peddling, maintains his lead in the polls because Democratic primary voters see his 14 rivals as too radical or unelectable.

President Trump heads to Mar-a-Lago impeached but defiant, with a new NAFTA and a "Phase One" China deal, Space Force, 185 federal judges, the lowest unemployment in half a century, a stock market that has increased by 50 percent since Election Day 2016, a unified party, and an opposition barreling toward a confusing and bruising primary. Trump won 2019, but this is the preseason. The real game begins in 2020.
All the Dems have to do is regain the Senate and they can reimpeach his ass, if he does win. The Rethug's have six weak sister Senators who could lose in 2020 and Trumpski is toast!

If Pence holds on it would be easy to nail his ass too. If Trumpski has Haley as Veep, she will be vulnerable and better mind her P's and Q's.

Well since impeachment is the answer to democracy we don't like anymore, just impeach Pence too!!!

Just remember, when (R)'s get back hold of Congress y'all gonna regret that standard.
The Economy, Stupid

Overall, 76% rate economic conditions in the US today as very or somewhat good, significantly more than those who said so at this time last year....

Almost all Republicans (97%) say economic conditions are good right now, as do 75% of independents and 62% of Democrats. Positive ratings are up across parties compared with August of this year, when 91% of Republicans, 62% of independents and 47% of Democrats said the economy was in good shape.

Looking ahead, nearly 7 in 10 expect the economy to be in good shape a year from now..... The new finding includes 63% who say things are good now and will continue to be good next year, while just 9% say they economy is currently good but will turn south in 2020.

G. Sparks, CNN Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years, CNN (Dec. 20, 2019) (emphasis added).
Fuzzy1975 writes: "One minor issue, Wyoming was a territory at the time, not a state.?

Another minor issue worth noting, Fuzzy, is that Eliza Johnson's husband NEVER humiliated Hillary Clinton - but he was STILL impeached! He remains to this day the ONLY impeached American president who never did that!

Yes that is true, Hillary was not humiliated by Johnson. I think Johnson's impeachment was pretty partisan though.
Fuzzy1975 writes: "Yes that is true, Hillary was not humiliated by Johnson. I think Johnson's impeachment was pretty partisan though."

I believe that, if you interviewed Mrs. Clinton, you'd discover that somewhere in her past she felt humiliated by the behavior of President Andrew Johnson, which would explain his impeachment by the radical Republicans in post-Civil War America.

Technically speaking, Andrew Johnson was a southern Democrat serving in the U.S. Senate, just like Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, the major difference between the two men being that Johnson remained loyal to the union after Tennessee seceeded, whereas Jeff Davis resigned his seat when Mississippi departed to join the Confederacy (and even became its President!)

When President Lincoln ran for re-election in 1864, he made Johnson his running-mate and changed his party affiliation on the ballot from Republican to UNION, although that was just for show - he was still a Republican. His assassination put Johnson in the White House, even though that had NEVER been the plan! The radical Republicans (who wanted to PUNISH the south after the war) were Lincoln's party, which doesn't mean they were ever going to embrace Johnson (and no, they didn't!)
Did nobody tell you that I DROPPED your class right before Thanksgiving? Check with the university registrar's office and you'll see.

Hey dump, you know your music. The Eagles: 'Hotel California'. "You can check out but you can never leave."
All the Dems have to do is regain the Senate and they can reimpeach his ass, if he does win. The Rethug's have six weak sister Senators who could lose in 2020 and Trumpski is toast!

If Pence holds on it would be easy to nail his ass too. If Trumpski has Haley as Veep, she will be vulnerable and better mind her P's and Q's.

I think you're overestimating the popularity of (D)s' right now in competitive states.
magicalmoments writes: "Hey dump, you know your music. The Eagles: 'Hotel California'. 'You can check out but you can never leave.'"

Are you seriously going to compare your mundane classroom with the magical, mysterious "Hotel California" as described in the Eagles song? The two are NOTHING alike!

Columnist J. Peder Zane has written in The Charlotte Observor about the deep hatred that so many Democrats have felt (and continue to feel) towards President Trump. Yes, he says they also hated Reagan and both of the Bushes (especially George W.) - but their hatred of Trump goes much deeper! Zane says that many libs especially hate his judicial appointments, and they want him gone by any means necessary.

Recall that from the moment Trump was elected, the reporting and commentaries from news organizations such as the New York Times, CNN and NPR created the impression that Trump conspired with the Russians to steal the 2016 race. Former CIA Director John Brennan promised time and again that indictments were imminent. The reporting was all so one-sided and unfair that it’s no wonder that Americans already repulsed by the president took it all in as the gospel-truth. Who could believe that prestigious news outlets would mislead them about so much for so long?

But they did.

And then in April, Special Counsel Robert Mueller admitted the obvious – there was not enough evidence to say that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia. That, of course, hasn’t stopped Hillary Clinton and others from insisting the election was stolen. And earlier this month, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General issued a devastating report that found the FBI committed gross abuses – including presenting “inaccurate” information to the courts and doctoring documents — while chasing a phantom conspiracy. Combine this with the documented anti-Trump bias of those agents working the case, and the fact that false opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign was a foundation of this probe that included spying on a presidential campaign, and every American should fear that the ghost of J. Edgar Hoover still runs the bureau.

It doesn’t get any more serious than this.

Instead of owning up to all of this horrific malfeasance, Democrats and their operatives in the media have continued gaslighting the public, defending their indefensible conduct by pretending only a few small errors were made while switching the focus to the first wholly partisan impeachment in our nation's history. None of this will end the ongoing hatred, but one can still hate Trump while admitting that he's been libeled and smeared. One can oppose him with every fiber in their being and still openly acknowledge that the government and the press have acted with reckless contempt for the truth.
Marc A. Thiessen of The Washington Post has listed President Trump's TOP TEN accomplishments since taking office:

10. He continued to deliver for the forgotten Americans. Unemployment is at record lows - this year the number of job openings outnumbered the unemployed workers to fill them by the widest gap ever - wages are rising, and low-wage workers are experiencing the fastest pay increases. Fifty-seven percent of Americans say they are better off financially since Trump took office.

9. He implemented tighter work requirement for food stamps. With unemployment at historic lows, there is no reason for more people not earning their success through productive work. The rules apply only to able-bodied, childless adults. When we require people to work for public assistance, we not only help meet their material needs but also help them achieve the dignity and pride that come with being a contributing member of our community. Work is a blessing, not a punishment.

8. He has made our NATO allies cough up more money for our collective security. Allies have increased defense spending by $130 billion since 2016. And the White House reports almost twice as many allies are meeting their commitment to spend 2% of gross domestic product on defense today than before Trump arrived.

7. He has stood with the people of Hong Kong. Trump has warned China not to use violence to suppress pro-democracy protests, and he signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. Hong Kong demonstrators have marched carrying American flags and sung our national anthem in gratitude.

6. His withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty is delivering China and North Korea a strategic setback. The United States is now testing new, previously banned intermediate-range missiles. These weapons will allow us to compete with China’s massive investment in these capabilities, and also provide a fallback in the likely case negotiations with North Korea fail — obviating the need for temporary deployments of U.S. carrier battle groups and allowing us to put North Korea permanently in our crosshairs.

5. His “maximum pressure” campaign is crippling Iran. Iran’s economy is contracting, inflation is spiraling and the regime has been forced to cut funding for its terrorist proxies, including Hezbollah and Hamas, the Iranian military and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). And now the Iranian people are engaged in the largest popular uprising since the 1979 revolution.

4. His tariff threats forced Mexico to crack down on illegal immigration. Mexico is for the first time in recent history enforcing its own immigration laws — sending thousands of National Guard forces to its southern border to stop caravans of Central American migrants. Plus, Congress is poised to approve the U.S.-Mexico-Canada free-trade agreement, which would not have been possible without the threat of tariffs.

3. He has delivered the biggest blow to Planned Parenthood in three decades. Thanks to Trump’s Protect Life Rule that prohibits Title X family planning funds from going to any clinic that performs on-site abortions — Planned Parenthood announced this year that it is leaving the Title X program barring a court victory.

2. He ordered the operation that killed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It was a high-risk mission that required U.S. forces to fly hundreds of miles into terrorist-controlled territory.

1. He has continued to appoint conservative judges at a record pace. The Senate recently confirmed Trump’s 50th pick for the federal circuit courts of appeal, which have final say over about 60,000 cases a year. In three years, Trump has appointed just five fewer circuit court judges than Obama appointed in eight years. And he has flipped three of these courts from liberal to conservative majorities, giving conservatives the majority in seven out of 13.

In addition to the above, Trump gave Ukraine the lethal aid that the Obama-Biden administration refused to deliver. He secured the release of additional American citizens held abroad. He launched cyberattacks on Iran, approved a major arms sale to Taiwan, imposed visa restrictions on Chinese officials over Beijing’s oppression of the Uighurs, and refused to make major concessions to North Korea. Not a bad start after fewer than three years in office!
All the Dems have to do is regain the Senate and they can reimpeach his ass, if he does win. The Rethug's have six weak sister Senators who could lose in 2020 and Trumpski is toast!

If Pence holds on it would be easy to nail his ass too. If Trumpski has Haley as Veep, she will be vulnerable and better mind her P's and Q's.

I'm sure that even you realize conviction by the Senate requires a 2/3 majority. Even if the Dems take over the Senate (unlikely) they would still not be able to convict the POTUS.
We STILL don't yet know who President Trump will be running against next year. Taylor Lewis notes in the American Thinker that the Democratic Party is currently spinning its wheels with a profuse collection of candidates. As things currently stand, white geriatric Joe Biden holds the overall lead in all of that party's polls, with no other candidate seemingly capable of challenging him for his party's 2020 presidential nomination.

The dropouts thus far: Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Robert "Beto" O'Rourke, Eric Swalwell, Jay Inslee, Bill de Blasio, John Hickenlooper, with several more clown car occupants joining them shortly. That party's candidates aren't interested in capturing the American heartland anymore, focusing instead on the idea of multi-sex bathrooms. TWO Democratic Party billionaires have since entered the race! "Party of the working man?" Seriously? "Getting money out of politics?" Tom Steyer and Mike Bloomberg have buffaloed their way into consideration with oligarchical spending, shattering Democratic shibboleths in the process.

Strange to tell, the most successful Democrat not named Joe is a Marxist-Leninist wannabee who's probably been wearing the same three pairs of Dockers since 1991. Bernie Sanders is no smooth-talker, but he's ideas-driven and consistent, despite his ideas being obsolete since Gorbachev left the Soviet Union. Were Liz Warren's supporters to suddenly switch to Sanders, along with the remaining few candidates polling above two percent, the Vermont socialist would very likely be the nominee! The odds of that happening? The same as the Cincinnati Bengals clinching a playoff berth anytime soon in the NFL. Obama has quietly suggested that he'll put his thumb on the scales to deprive Bernie of the nomination, and the DNC isn't likely to cross the most popular living Democrat.

So we're back to 2016. The Democrat power brokers will thwart Bernie's efforts - coronating Joe Biden instead. The only other option is to allow Sanders's Guevarista supporters overtake the Party apparatus and likely bollix the entire election.

To add to the dismal Democrats' situation, it's beginning to appear highly doubtful that Creepy-Sleepy Joe will be competitive with Trump. Yes, he has blue-collar "roots," if blue-collar translates to mean spending three decades in the Senate doing little to nothing to stop the mass exporting of manufacturing jobs. His increasingly erratic stump speeches on the campaign trail don't inspire confidence.

Compare this state of political affairs to that of four years ago. The Republican Party field was still strong, despite the unforeseen surge of an unorthodox Manhattan real estate giant. Plenty of conservative stars were running, most with, if not a solid record of governance, then a principled brand.

Democrats tried to mimic this in 2019, only to fill it with House backbenchers and up-&-coming senators. Perhaps political historians will be able to examine the race decades from now and find out why the Democratic field has less social appeal than a Dungeons & Dragons game. The phenomenon is particularly curious, given the Democrats' willingness to impeach their opponent a year out from Election Day. Liberal/progressives remain convinced that Trump is corrupt and unpopular enough to be beatable. But right now, their best hope for confirming that theory is a guy who can't remember what state he's in.

Good luck with that. This election increasingly looks like Trump's to lose.
Matthew Continetti writes in The Washington Free Beacon that, in calling the Ayatollah Khamenei's bluff, President Trump just scored a huge victory over Iranian-sponsored terrorism! Continetti says that the KEY to understanding Donald Trump is that he'll be as good to you as you are to him. Say something mean, however, or work against his interests, and he will respond in force. It won't be pretty. It won't be polite. There will be fallout. But you may think twice before crossing him again.

President Trump has always conditioned his policies on Iranian behavior. When Iran spread its malign influence, Trump acted to check it. When Iran struck, Trump hit back: never disproportionately, never definitively. He left open the possibility of negotiations. He doesn't want to have the Greater Middle East—whether Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, or Afghanistan—dominate his presidency the way it dominated those of Barack Obama and George W. Bush. America no longer needs Middle Eastern oil. Best keep the region on the back burner. Watch it so it doesn't boil over. Do not overcommit resources to this underdeveloped, war-torn, sectarian land.

The initial result has been reciprocal antagonism. In 2018, Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran treaty negotiated by his predecessor. He then began jacking up sanctions. The Iranian economy quickly turned to shambles. This "maximum pressure" campaign of economic warfare deprived the Iranian war machine of revenue and drove a wedge between the Iranian public and the Iranian government. Trump offered the opportunity to negotiate a new agreement. Iran refused.

And Iran then began predictably to lash out! Last June, Iran's fingerprints were all over two oil tankers that exploded in the Persian Gulf. Trump tightened the screws. Iran downed a U.S. drone. Trump called off a military strike at the last minute and responded indirectly, with more sanctions, cyber attacks, and additional troop deployments to the region. Last September a drone fleet launched by Iranian proxies in Yemen devastated the Aramco oil facility in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia. Trump responded as he had to previous incidents: nonviolently. Iran slowly brought the region to a boil. First it hit boats, then drones, then the key infrastructure of a critical ally. On December 27 it went further. Members of the Kataib Hezbollah militia launched rockets at a U.S. installation near Kirkuk, Iraq. Four U.S. soldiers were wounded. An American contractor was killed.

Destroying physical objects merited economic sanctions and cyber intrusions. Ending lives required a lethal response. It arrived on December 29 when F-15s pounded five Kataib Hezbollah facilities across Iraq and Syria. At least 25 militiamen were killed. Then, when Kataib Hezbollah and other Iran-backed militias organized a mob to storm the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, setting fire to the grounds, America made a show of force and threatened severe reprisals. The angry crowd melted away.

The risk to the U.S. embassy—and the possibility of another Benghazi—must have angered Trump. "The game has changed," Secretary of Defense Esper said hours before the assassination of Soleimani at Baghdad airport. Indeed, it has. The decades-long gray-zone conflict between Iran and the United States, manifesting itself in subterfuge, terrorism, technological combat, financial chicanery, and proxy forces, was about to change.

The bombs over Baghdad? That was Trump calling Khamenei's bluff. The game has changed. But it isn't over.
NOBODY on the left is predicting that the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential candidate will defeat Donald Trump - NOBODY! And while we don't yet know how impeachment will play out, NOBODY anywhere is arguing that the House Democrats might yet win their battle in the U.S. Senate - NOBODY!

For reasons nobody can really figure out, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided to delay the second phase of the impeachment process that she previously deemed so vitally necessary to “protect our Democracy.” Basically, she's now admitting that it's not really all that important to remove President Trump from office, and that the current status quo is acceptable to Democrats.

Many House Democrats are now intent on preventing a Senate trial from becoming a complete embarrassment to their impeachment crusade, wondering how they can pretend that this whole thing never happened! The Republican leadership is going to follow Constitutional guidance, which gives the Senate the “sole Power to try all Impeachments,” with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell likely to focus on one thing: decorum.

If House Democrats thought their evidence sufficient for an “indictment” in the House, there’s no reason for them to demand more testimony in the Senate.

The impeachment trial will be swift and fair and will not be allowed to devolve into a partisan circus like the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. And with a possibly bipartisan acquittal of the president, the only hope left for the Democrats to remove Trump from office will be at the ballot box.

Thanks to the House’s “impeachment,” you no longer can say the word “Ukraine” without mentioning “Joe Biden.” And with his party's base moving ever further to the left, the door is opening ever-wider for Bernie Sanders! With Sanders at the top of the ticket, the Democratic National Committee will realize that the soul of their party now belongs to socialists. And who better to lead this new Democratic Party than the top Sanders affiliate in the House, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

In conclusion, the Democrats will lose control of the House of Representatives in 2020, along with the presidency! And Republicans will hold the Senate. After the media predicted doom for Senate Republicans in 2016 and 2018, I think you’re able to guess the narrative for 2020. However, this time they are right in one small aspect: It is going to be a tough, possibly losing, battle for some incumbents, particularly in Colorado, Arizona, & Maine — but some Democratic incumbents, such as Gary Peters in Michigan and Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire, will face serious challenges of their own. And with Alabama's Doug Jones facing the extremely unlikely prospect of winning re-election, Democrats and the media are going to have to get accustomed to saying “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell” for another two years.

President Trump will win re-election in 2020 by a much wider margin that he won in 2016. Donald J. Trump will win MORE electoral votes in 2020 than he won in 2016. In 2016, candidate Trump ran on promises. In 2020, President Trump is running on results. Thanks to the actions of the Trump administration, the U.S. is again the world leader in energy production, other countries are paying their fair share in international agreements, and American farmers, workers, ranchers and manufacturers no longer are taken advantage of by other countries using a rigged system of international trade. When the other side is actually praying for a recession, it's a clear sign that your side has already WON!
Fuzzy1975 writes: "Don't you post links from these people?"

Once again, NOBODY out there (not even yourself) is predicting that ANY Democratic Party presidential candidate will actually beat Trump! You may WANT a particular Democrat to defeat him in November, but you're not about to predict such a thing (which would just make you sound foolish!)

And NOBODY anywhere believes that an impeachment trial in the the U.S. Senate will end well for the Democratic Party! You may want to pretend that Nancy Pelosi believes that it might, but her actions indicate the exact opposite! If she believed for one moment that Trump would lose in a U.S. Senate trial she'd have driven those impeachment articles over there herself six days ago!

You need to accept the obvious, Fuzzy! Trump will be in the White House until his second term ends on January 20, 2025 - and if you'd like to tell me about a Democratic Party presidential candidate, declared or un-declared, that you truly believe to be capable of defeating this president, don't be afraid to say so! I'd really love to hear what you think!
Michael Goodwin writes in the New York Post that even the killing of a brutal Iranian mass murderer is a cause for more partisan strife. In the sane country that America used to be, there would be a shared sober satisfaction over the elimination of General Qassem Soleimani. Yet today's Democrats have apparently outsourced their reactions to robots, whose script calls for conceding that Soleimani was "a very bad man," but then loudly condemning President Trump for having the guts to take him out.

The fear that Trump is taking us into war ignores the fact that Soleimani was already waging war on America for years.

The recent attack on our embassy in Baghdad was exactly the sort of dirty work that General Soleimani specialized in — getting Iran's Arab Muslim proxies to fight and die for Iran’s goal of regional dominance. In Iraq, the munitions provided by Soleimani killed & maimed thousands of American soldiers, he forged terror groups in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.

The notion that Trump was wrong to act, if followed to its logical conclusion, means America should play only a tit-for-tat game with terrorists everywhere and all the time. This is the same screwy thinking that demands Israel hit its enemies only as hard as the enemies hit it. What is the point of having a superior military force if it can’t be used to defend its homeland and citizens?

This criticism also shows that Dems still haven’t figured out Trump. “If you hit me, I’ll hit back, 10 times harder,” he has said countless times already. Unfortunately, the counsel of timidity is now virtually the only voice heard on the left. President Barack Obama’s global apology tours shattered historic norms and his attempts to appease Iran’s mad mullahs broke new ground in the worst possible way. Iran took his concessions — and stacks of American cash — and used them to foment even more mayhem against our allies, including Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Soleimani was the spearhead of this violent expansion, and it is noteworthy that both Obama and his predecessor, President George W. Bush, passed up opportunities to drone him, fearing the backlash. President Trump was patient with the son-of-a-bitch, even as he shifted our Iran policy 180 degrees by exiting away from Obama’s misbegotten nuclear deal and using tough economic sanctions to try to force the regime to mend its ways. But his offers to meet were met with threats, the slaughter of Iranian dissidents, repeated attacks on our allies and, finally, our Baghdad embassy.

Naturally, the president’s decision that enough was enough led the celebrity sewer to open its mouth, with Rob Reiner, Debra Messing, Rose McGowan and others sputtering vapid nonsense. Rosanna Arquette went straight to the Hitler comparison. Ho hum. Whatever Trump says or does must be mocked and resisted. Don’t let facts or even national security get in the way of your moral preening.

Even the most plausible Dem criticism — that Trump acted without congressional approval — fails the common sense test. Should he have called for a public vote? Should he have trusted Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff to keep the mission a secret?