I don’t believe anything can redeem that awful debate performance.

I DO believe a strong performance in this interview (and future unscripted appearances) can reassure voters that the debate was a one-off, and that President Biden IS capable and competent. (See also: President Biden’s achievements over the past 3 1/2 years.)

The question is: Will anything satisfy the corporate mainstream media that seems to be actively driving a narrative to exacerbate division among Democrats for the ratings / clicks that an open convention, etc, would generate???

Probably not…

I DO believe a strong performance in this interview (and future unscripted appearances) can reassure voters that the debate was a one-off, and that President Biden IS capable and competent. (See also: President Biden’s achievements over the past 3 1/2 years.)

The question is: Will anything satisfy the corporate mainstream media that seems to be actively driving a narrative to exacerbate division among Democrats for the ratings / clicks that an open convention, etc, would generate???

Probably not…