Republicans are trolling President Obama


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
President Obama, who yesterday challenged critics of his administration's strategy. "If folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan."

"We play into the ISIL narrative when we act as if they are a state and we use routine tactics used to fight a state that is not a state," the president said. "That's not what is going on here. These are killers with fantasies of glory."

"What I do not do is take actions either because it is going to work politically or it is going to somehow in the abstract make America look tough, or make me look tough," he added. "Folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do—present a specific plan."

Washington Post

President Obama speaks to the attacks from Republcan trolls

“When you listen to what they actually have to say, what they’re proposing, most of the time when pressed they describe things that we’re already doing."

"Maybe they’re not aware that we’re already doing them."

"Some of them seem to think that if I were just more bellicose in expressing what we’re doing, that that would make a difference, because that seems to be the only thing that they’re doing, is talking as if they’re tough."

"But I haven’t seen particular strategies that they would suggest that would make a real difference."

Who answered the challenge to "pop off" ?

John McCain, has trolled President Obama, before...

The Republican who sacrificed gravitas and dignity, to pretend that he was fainting and retching from Obama's farts. John McCain did this in front of all the cameras of all major media. John McCain did this after a debate. It was a childish joke worthy of G.W.Bush.

False meme about John McCain
He fathered a child out of wedlock, that was biracial


Cindy McCain was on a relief mission to Bangladesh, she was asked by one of Mother Teresa’s nuns to help a young orphan with a cleft palate. Flying her to the U.S. for surgery, Cindy realized she couldn’t give her up. At the Phoenix airport, she broke it to her husband, and they eventually adopted the child.

Ted Sampley was at the root of the rumors of John McCain's mental instability.
TS was part of the Extremist group that attacked anyone that was not conforming to their Extremist Right standards.

A strong rebuke to U.S. Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republicans passed a resolution to censure the one-time presidential nominee (John McCain) for what they (Extreme Right Wing Tea Party activists) characterize as a liberal record that has been “disastrous and harmful” to the state and nation.

John McCain 2010

McCain’s distaste for Obama is deeply personal. “I think he thinks he’s full of shit,” one former McCain aide says of his boss’s opinion of the president.

McCain’s contempt only deepened when Obama abandoned his pledge to take public financing in the general-election campaign, a move that the Obama high command saw as a pragmatic reflection of reality but one that McCain regarded as a betrayal of principle for which Obama paid no political price. (Yet McCain himself had backed away from his application for public financing in the primaries, for similar reasons of expediency.)

When the president went to Capitol Hill in May to address the Senate Republicans at their weekly lunch, McCain accused the president of misrepresenting Arizona’s Draconian new immigration law (which McCain had endorsed, and which Obama’s Justice Department was preparing to challenge). “You can tell he can barely fucking stand the fact that he was beaten by Barack Obama,” says one senior White House aide who was present. “Throughout the whole meeting, he would not look at the president, even when he was talking to him.”

Some of McCain’s former aides wish he would pick his shots more carefully. One former adviser, who also worked in the Bush administration, said that McCain has let his personal distaste for Obama get in the way of actually influencing the debate. “Certainly through the Bush administration, McCain was the most credible voice on the conduct and prosecution of the war,” this adviser says. “We knew it would lead the news and people would believe him. If there’s a missed opportunity with the Obama presidency, it’s letting his personal feelings get in the way of trying to shape the policy."

When he talked about Iraq or Afghanistan, we listened.” This adviser added, “I think that in some ways he’s sacrificed that to deliver messages that other people could deliver. Anything that [Republican National Committee chairman] Michael Steele could put out in an e-mail quote shouldn’t come out of John McCain’s mouth.

Donald Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, that attracted several thousand people.

It’s very bad,” McCain, who was eager to talk about Trump, told me on Monday when I stopped by his Senate office. The Senator is up for reëlection in 2016, and he pays close attention to how the issue of immigration is playing in his state. He was particularly rankled by Trump’s rally. “This performance with our friend out in Phoenix is very hurtful to me,” McCain said. “Because what he did was he fired up the crazies.”

"We have a very extreme element within our Republican Party,” McCain said. He then noted that he was personally censured by Arizona Republicans in January of 2014 and has been fighting to push out the extremists in the state G.O.P. ever since. “We did to some degree regain control of the Party.”

But McCain fears that Trump may be reversing those gains. “Now he galvanized them,” McCain said.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says President Obama’s “failed policies” and lack of leadership have led to the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“It’s because of the president of the United States’ failed policies, ‘leading from behind,’ which has led to this chaos and renewed influence and growth of ISIS,” McCain told John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday.

McCain predicted in the interview, which was conducted before the terror attacks in Paris on Friday, that ISIS would take advantage of the migrant crisis to send its operatives to major Western cities.

“I am sure that Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, has already told some of these young men, go into the refugee flow and call us when you get to Berlin, New York, Paris, wherever it is,” he said.

A migrant passport was found on the body of one of the attackers responsible for the Paris massacre.

The Independent

man has been detained in Serbia after he was found carrying a Syrian passport matching the same details as one found near the body of one of the Paris suicide bombers.

The document also carried the details of 25-year-old Almohammad Ahmad but with a different photograph to the one found on Friday.

It raises already serious concerns that the passport used to identify one of the attackers as a “refugee terrorist” was faked.

Whether the man who blew himself up outside the Stade de France did indeed travel through Greece and Macedonia, as the passport suggests, remains unclear.

Greek authorities have said they took the passport-holder’s fingerprints and photo when he was registered there on the 3 October, and it is now up to the French authorities to match them to one of the attackers’ bodies.

More information about passport may be available.

Friday’s suicide bombers.

Le Figaro reported that GPS data from a Seat Leon used by the attackers traced Brahim Abdeslam to a rented apartment in Bobigny, a north-eastern suburb of Paris.

Investigators found laptops and smartphones in the property, used in the days before the attack, leading to speculation it was used by a “safe-house”.
McCain’s contempt only deepened when Obama abandoned his pledge to take public financing in the general-election campaign, a move that the Obama high command saw as a pragmatic reflection of reality but one that McCain regarded as a betrayal of principle for which Obama paid no political price.
This from the man who condemned Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson for saying the 3000+ people deserved to die on 9-11, but less than five years later was giving the commencement address at Falwell's university
Once, again, the phrase "poseur" floated up out of my subconcious.

The Republican factions each chose a pose, that has nothing to do with their beliefs.

Jimmy Carter walked the talk. He was true to his beliefs. It was not a pose.

Jimmy Carter is 91 years old. He remains true to his principles.

He remains a man. He remains human. He remains a force for good.

There is no room in the Republican machine for someone like Jimmy Carter.

The Republican strategy of winning by any means, has destroyed the Republican party.

There is not a shred of honor or integrity remaining.

January 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave a Farewell Address and warned us about the military-industrial complex.

We are living with the results of ignoring that warning.
Trumps numbers rose since last week. Donald says make the ragheads a beautiful safe place inside Syria.
Once, again, the phrase "poseur" floated up out of my subconcious.

The Republican factions each chose a pose, that has nothing to do with their beliefs.

Jimmy Carter walked the talk. He was true to his beliefs. It was not a pose.

Jimmy Carter is 91 years old. He remains true to his principles.

He remains a man. He remains human. He remains a force for good.

There is no room in the Republican machine for someone like Jimmy Carter.

The Republican strategy of winning by any means, has destroyed the Republican party.

There is not a shred of honor or integrity remaining.

January 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave a Farewell Address and warned us about the military-industrial complex.

We are living with the results of ignoring that warning.

Is this the same Jimmy Carter who let our people rot in Iran for 444 days? NEVER forget.
I love how the media and liberal volunteers on the internet always call that turd "President Obama."

When President Bush was in office, it was almost always just "Bush."
I love how the media and liberal volunteers on the internet always call that turd "President Obama."

When President Bush was in office, it was almost always just "Bush."

I mostly called him the Shrub, or "W".
I think this is remembrance as one wishes to remember it. I don't remember Bush not being referred to as the president in the media. Certainly like I can remember Fox commentators and posters to this forum not giving President Obama his title.