Prefered means of excecution


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
Ok this isn't a debate on the death penalty. Let's say for argument's sake it is here to stay.

What do you think the means of excecution should be?

Personally I think death by lethal injection seems the most humane and least messy but I have no idea if it's cost efficient.
The cost of the serum has to be quite minimal compared to the cost of the electricty for the chair, and both quite minimal compared to the cost of appeals and such.

Public death by dismemberment, as they did in SK's The Stand. It's the only way.
I once watched old clip of Russian excecution. Two horses pulled a man in half.

Not really. The limbs tore away.
In Saudi Arabia the executions are in public every Friday.

Mostly beheadings, but the occasional stoning too! Very popular form of entertainment there.

So, given the bloodthirstiness and love of showbusiness the great unwashed of the USA have, I'd think that a Live Executions Network would be perfect.

24/7 with audience voting as to methods and degree of pain inflicted.

It would pay for itself with no cost to taxpayers.

Americans would like'd be bigger than WWF!

The live studios would be in Texas.

*bangs head against wall*

Ok who wants to talk about my ass? Or the best of musical theatre? How about a debate on wheter Sienfeld went off the air before it got stale?
Seinfeld was stale the whole last season.

You've got a GREAT ass that my cock would love to kiss.

"Anything Goes" was a pretty good show.
Lancecastor said:
In Saudi Arabia the executions are in public every Friday.

Mostly beheadings, but the occasional stoning too! Very popular form of entertainment there.

So, given the bloodthirstiness and love of showbusiness the great unwashed of the USA have, I'd think that a Live Executions Network would be perfect.

24/7 with audience voting as to methods and degree of pain inflicted.

It would pay for itself with no cost to taxpayers.

Americans would like'd be bigger than WWF!

The live studios would be in Texas.


Hell of an idea Lance, sell it to FOX, the ultimate reality show!!:D
I don't think that 'banging ones head against the wall' is a good form of execution. It would take much too long.:)

Your ass sounds like a much better subject Sun.:devil:
As much as I'd love to discuss your ass, I actually have thoughts on the original topic first. ;)

I agree that lethal injection seems to be the most humane method. From a logical, rational standpoint I'm all for humane methods for the death penalty.

From an emotional (and highly illegal) standpoint, I'd love to see the method be matched to the crime itself. If someone raped and strangled a woman, for example, that should be the method. Fortunately, from a legal standpoint, we don't do that. lol But boy it'd be a lot more satisfying in a way!

Ok, so...about your ass?
Phil Donahue used to talk about putting executions on PPV when he had his talk show.
I'm so glad the bleeding heart liberals haven't found this thread and fucked it up yet.I think the choice of execution should be the choice of family members.What ever they want.I love the pay per view idea.I would tie them to a post about 30yards away and pull out my 3 wood ,because I can't hit a driver for shit,and drive golf balls at them.
I :heart: Nora.

Ok I'm going to take a bath. This thread has made me feel the need to wash my ass.

Some of you people are fucked in the head.
Assuming capital punishment is only used for murder, I would make the execution as close to the method of killing as the killer used on his victims. If he was kind enough to end someone's pain quickly by capping them in the head, then that's what he gets. If he was a sick bastard who fed his victims to his piranhas, then into the tank he goes.

I'm all for poetic justice.

What is going on with these prison and death penalty threads, sunstruck? Geez.

I agree with lance. Public executions. I do think that the prison populations should watch up close and personal. I like the idea of an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth kind of deal, too. Just chop them up in pieces. Make everyone watch. Make the other lifers clean up the vomit.

Maybe someone will really get heartsick and help to stop them.
sunstruck said:
"Ok this isn't a debate on the death penalty. Let's say for argument's sake it is here to stay".

Lethal Injection then.

Or an honorable Samarai sword assisted decapatation.

I'm serious.

Decapatation serious.
sunstruck said:
"Ok this isn't a debate on the death penalty. Let's say for argument's sake it is here to stay".


Asked and answered.

Take teh loophole out of your question and I'll answer it.

I say let teh prisoner decide. Lethal injection is too clean, not for the person being murdered, but for the people who watch and the State. Killing should no slip away easily but be loud, violent, and unpleasant.