pre-season football


Literotica Guru
Apr 9, 2003
this shit needs to stop. it's like watching the arena league. it's kinda like the real thing, but just meh. i'd masturbate instead, but i'm just too bored now. thanks nfl network. you've killed my soul with your endless stream of meaningless football. just add two more real games already, goddamnit.
The games are a hell of a lot better than they used to be.

(Except for this replacement official bullshit. They're even screwing up team names.)
Please picture me with a smarmy smile as I say the following:

Have a nice day!

Week 1 (and sometimes 2) used to look like today's preseason...
Adding two games would kill fantasy football.
But thems the breaks.
I'm not playing this year, too much to do, but I've made some pretty good coin playing in the past.
But with two extra regular season games, I know they'd rest some high priority starters.