Pot heads you need to clean your house more often!


Sexy Mother Clucker
Sep 4, 2002
I just found a half oz of weed behind my couch. It burns awfully fast, but what a nice treat!:D
Look what I found in my toilet!

i was thinking of advertising for a submissive who gets off on house cleaning.
Jeez, now I've found a heavy metal hairband in my closet.


Am I having a good day or what?
*runs to closet...opens door* Dammit! I guess I'm just shit out of luck today!:(
Wow Hans, that's pretty clever. But there are more reasons for smoking pot other then getting high. I know, I know folks, but really, there are! And, Hans, it's not gonna take as much tapdancing for me to prove that I'm "normal" as it will for you. (although I hear you like tap dancing) So why don't you go run along and play in the traffic.

Damn it, STD, I checked under my couch, in the closet, everywhere . . . Didn't find any pot!
Holy smokes! I am having some kind of day I tell Ya. You're not gonna believe what I found when I went to make my bed.
