Post your Favorites list

Just worked this one over. Whenever I encounter an exceptional story, or a story with exceptional insights, I add it to the list.
You're one of those guys with a huge long list. You do realise that we authors want to be considered special, not one of hundreds?

I pay attention to those with lists of maybe thirty or so authors (depending how long they've been on Lit), and a similar number of stories. That means their tastes are going to be similar to mine.

The real buzz comes when a follower is brand new to Lit, and somehow I've ended up being in their first lot of faved authors - especially if I haven't published anything for a while. It's always interesting to see how they've "arrived" on my page, by looking at the writers above me.
I'm a fiction swinger. Fidelity has always been difficult for me.
You got too high a body count for me. :)

The point of curation is selectivity. I know that reducing the million stories here to hundreds is being selective, but it's not the list of all stories that needs to be culled, it's the list of really good stories.
The point of curation is selectivity.
I agree. However, my assessment may be different than yours. These stories are all solidly good. I am not testing for originality, merely quality. There's a lot of quality writing on this site.
I'll never get why people have such long fav lists. I mean, I can kinda understand if it's people who've been on here for a long time and don't want to break with old habits. But I have ONE favorite story on this site... the rest that I just like to read more often are all categorized in Reading Lists. Makes it a whole lot easier to find them a year later as well.
I think it's interesting to see what people like. Also, with the number of stories on this site, and the number of good ones, some people are going to have long lists. My criteria are different than most, I'd suppose, but part of that comes from a lot of exposure to commercial fiction and therefore, less highly rating of the surface and more of a look into content. In particular, LW is half-essay anyway and Exhibitious and Voyeur (XV) is more like dream sequence material, so there are different criteria there to a degree.
How do you get a URL formatted that way? If I go to my favorites and copy the URL, it has /m/# in it. I believe that this means that anyone who clicks on it is going to see their own favorites list.
How do you get a URL formatted that way? If I go to my favorites and copy the URL, it has /m/# in it. I believe that this means that anyone who clicks on it is going to see their own favorites list.
For me, on the right-hand top there's a drop-down menu with user functions, and under that there is a My Profile that provides the canonical link.
For me, on the right-hand top there's a drop-down menu with user functions, and under that there is a My Profile that provides the canonical link.
Are you on a phone or a website?
Are you talking about the dropdown to the right of your avatar in a circle? If I click on that and then on My Favorites, I get the /my/# URL.
Are you on a phone or a website?
Are you talking about the dropdown to the right of your avatar in a circle? If I click on that and then on My Favorites, I get the /my/# URL.
I am on a website. If you go to, click Stories, then go to the upper right-hand menu, you will (hopefully) find the drop-down I am talking about. You have to go to the main site, not the forum. I got the wrong link-name, it is "My Profile," which was my error, and it will take you to something like this:
Then you click on the Favorites tab and your link should be in the browser menu bar.