Post War Profits


Literotica Guru
Sep 23, 2002
Halliburton have been invited to bid for contracts in post war Iraq.

The contracts worth an estimated 560Million Pounds (approx 750Million dollars) have been put out to tender and halliburton have been invited to take part.

Vice president Dick cheney was chief executive of Halliburton until becoming vice president in 2000.

lets not let those pesky french make all the money eh?

John Brown a diplomat in the US state department has today resigned in protest at the Us policies on Iraq. He said in a statement America was becoming associated Globally with the unjust use of force around the world.

Both sourced from the BBC ceefax service.
During the Iraqi embargo... Haliburton financed Iraq heavily w/ Dick Cheney at the helm.

Among the things they gave to Iraq? Pulse Generators.

Used correctly Pulse Generators can be used as a detonator for a nuclear bomb.
Didn't Dubyah Shrub and Dirty Dicky make a packet exiting Haliburton before it crashed under Chapter 11?

Well, their payouts deserve SOME recognition . . . was the alleged $24 million to Dubyah the same as the one million from IT&T to his predecessor, Nixon . . . like I say, AmeriKKKa the best democracy money can buy. :)

No point in owning the President if you can't make a profit from the Man . . . :)