Posing For Andre (Ch 1)

Whiskey Will

Apr 15, 2001
Looking for feedback on our story "posing for andre" Please have a quick read and
give us your feedback:heart:
Thanks Octavian

Thank you for keeping me straight. I will add the link to ch 2 of the story.

Posing For Andre Ch. 02
Oh, all three parts of that story were very nicely written! I enjoyed them all. Very sexy and erotic.

But! But when I got to the end of part 3... it was very anti-climactic. I'm not saying I was expecting a banging sex scene or anything like that as it wouldn't have been keeping to the rest of the story, but something a little... more would have been better.

Cheers :)
Thank You so much for the feedback. I appreciate your candor. Incidentally, there is a Ch 4, but it seems to be hung up in "pending" status. I hope that it will take things further toward a more satisfying climas for you (pun intended). I thank you so much for taking the time to tell me your thoughts. Stay tuned for the next chapter.
I've tried to update my profile to list my stories. Ch 4 is now posted. Hope this works

url=link address]My Stories/url
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