pondersome thought

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
I've noticed something about someone I see around, but don't actually 'know'.

The person looks down right anorexic, or bulimic.

I don't know how to best approach the subjecy, because I've never talked with the person before, and I don't know how to actually ask without offending.

Invite them to lunch...if they go to the bathroom every four bites there is a problem.
My worry on it is because two years ago, a friend of mine found out her little sister was both bulimic and anorexic. (she didn't eat unless forced, then threw it all back up)

Anyway, the girl's sister didn't get really bad until she went away to college, and didn't see her family all the time.

The didn't find out about the problem until her room mate called them, when Kaelynn had been admitted to the hospital after fainting.

She weighed 86 pounds at 18, and was 5'8" tall.

She died two months later weighing 67 pounds.

The disease worries me. :(
Gilly Bean said:
My worry on it is because two years ago, a friend of mine found out her little sister was both bulimic and anorexic. (she didn't eat unless forced, then threw it all back up)

Anyway, the girl's sister didn't get really bad until she went away to college, and didn't see her family all the time.

The didn't find out about the problem until her room mate called them, when Kaelynn had been admitted to the hospital after fainting.

She weighed 86 pounds at 18, and was 5'8" tall.

She died two months later weighing 67 pounds.

The disease worries me. :(

It should, its deadly serious.

Maybe you can drop a gentle hint about the persons appearance, gingerly, and then try like hell to get them to go have a checkup, get to a clinic, talk to a nurse, talk to counselor, etc.

Get them thinking about it if yoiu can. Chance are they are already.

Good luck!:rose:
I think the best way to deal with it is to just tell this person you are concerned. You can check out this website it has a lot of helpful information. There are a lot of things you simply can not do when it comes to eating disorders. My daughter is an anorexic...and the more I used to push the fact that she needed to eat the worse it got. The cause is much, much deeper than a simple desire to be thin. It is more about control than anything else. Usually an anorexic feels that their lives are out of control and not eating is something they can control. It's a fine line between helping and hurting when it comes to eating disorders. Unfortunately most people do not understand that it is a disease and not as simple as just choosing not to eat.

Btw....hi Gilly..
Gilly Bean said:
Thank you, everyone!

Feisty, that website is very helpful!
I'm glad you found it helpful Gilly. It was the site that helped me the most over the past couple of years.
I hope it helps the someone you're concerned about.