Please People!!!


Literotica Guru
Jan 1, 2010
the problem isnt guns or people its the availablity of semi auto guns!!!!! who the fuck goes hunting with a semi auto???? who needs a 16 or 20 or 30 shot clip of ammo for protection????? maybe Obama other then that only are armed forces should have such weapons and lest all you far righties or far lefties assume im against guns wrong!!!!! but please????? the founding fathers never knew such technology would ever exist plus we have a president who believes he should pit one side(dems) against the other(rep), rich against poor union against non union yes america you voted for this guy and now we reap the benes!!!!
the problem isnt guns or people its the availablity of semi auto guns!!!!! who the fuck goes hunting with a semi auto???? who needs a 16 or 20 or 30 shot clip of ammo for protection????? maybe Obama other then that only are armed forces should have such weapons and lest all you far righties or far lefties assume im against guns wrong!!!!! but please????? the founding fathers never knew such technology would ever exist plus we have a president who believes he should pit one side(dems) against the other(rep), rich against poor union against non union yes america you voted for this guy and now we reap the benes!!!!

OK let's go after air to because of the availability of it there's to many people.
the problem isnt guns or people its the availablity of semi auto guns!!!!! who the fuck goes hunting with a semi auto???? who needs a 16 or 20 or 30 shot clip of ammo for protection????? maybe Obama other then that only are armed forces should have such weapons and lest all you far righties or far lefties assume im against guns wrong!!!!! but please????? the founding fathers never knew such technology would ever exist plus we have a president who believes he should pit one side(dems) against the other(rep), rich against poor union against non union yes america you voted for this guy and now we reap the benes!!!!

...not all of us voted for him.....
what this topic really needed was another thread!
no but the majority of us

did vote for him !!! and theres no better man around to divide our country!!
,me thinks your on the wrong

post never mention word one about religon sean maybe you should go back to school
post never mention word one about religon sean maybe you should go back to school

It's "you're", you fucking retard. And "religion". And she hijacked a whole thread telling us how it was god's will for those kids to be murdered. Wouldn't surprise me if she was a member of the WBC.
Is this all you people have to agrue about?

I pity you all!!! Think of the children who will never see Christmas, never see another sun set, day break, or experience living. They can never be huged by Mum or Dad, but will be loved for ever in our hearts
...who the fuck goes hunting with a semi auto???? ...

As a teenager, I hunted with one of these:


I've never seen one, but I've heard that extended magazines are available. It doesn't really matter though 'cause it only takes about a half-second to drop the magazine and pop in another even though the stock magazine only holds five rounds.
sorry sean

i fought for this country and your views and everyone has them just yours are a bit unedgemacated lol plus i was trying to say no one not even julia mention religon in this post you can damn sure spell but cant read very well
i fought for this country and your views and everyone has them just yours are a bit unedgemacated lol plus i was trying to say no one not even julia mention religon in this post you can damn sure spell but cant read very well

I read very well, I just don't speak fluent retard.
how about

dyslexic??? you must have some issue cause i still see no post about religon on this post thats D Y S L E X I C but ty for the spellcheck i feel much better knowing your out there serving our country:rolleyes:
dyslexic??? you must have some issue cause i still see no post about religon on this post thats D Y S L E X I C but ty for the spellcheck i feel much better knowing your out there serving our country:rolleyes:


run out of stupid shit to say!!! sorry sean my mom use to tell me to never have a battle of wits with an unarmed man or women in your case;)
run out of stupid shit to say!!! sorry sean my mom use to tell me to never have a battle of wits with an unarmed man or women in your case;)

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Son of Garbage Can!