Please Make the Holidays Stop


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
I must keep telling myself that I love my family, or commit murder on a grande scale.

My house in in shambles, the guest house is... I dont even want to talk about that.
My kitchen is bare of anything remotley edible, my dishes are piled in the sink like the leaning tower of china plates. The small children are fingerpainting with 10 dollars a 2oz tube of oil paints on 15 dollar canvases, that take forever to stretch over frames. I havent been able to keep a gallon of milk in the fridge in days, and I have no fucking clue where all my toilet paper went. I do two loads of towels a day, and I always get the semi damp one pulled out the dryer mid cycle. My DVDs are all mixed, with the disc in the wrong box. and God DAMNED if these people don't produce piles of trash. (where the hell they get enough stuff to throw away that much I'll never know)

I'm back to work today, and thank the lord god fasting for that.

But oddly enough I still got that warm fuzzy content feeling of having my family around. which goes against my grumpy guy ethos so shhhhhhh
Merry Christmas!

You have just listed reason number 37 why I dont have my family over:D
Sounds like my house, and I only have 2 small girls here!

MC Aquila, hope you had a great one :)
Hey soblue, Happy merry fun christmas to you too.
So wheres my gift?