Pistol control


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
After every mass shooting, when the idea of gun control suddenly becomes relevant and important, all discussion seems to center on control of automatic and semi-automatic rifles. Sure, those are extremely deadly weapons and they are used in mass shootings -- but the vast majority of gunshot deaths in America involve handguns. What can we do about those?
Open microphones are everywhere in cellphones and smart speakers. They could triangulate the location of almost every gun discharge.
After every mass shooting, when the idea of gun control suddenly becomes relevant and important, all discussion seems to center on control of automatic and semi-automatic rifles. Sure, those are extremely deadly weapons and they are used in mass shootings -- but the vast majority of gunshot deaths in America involve handguns. What can we do about those?
Nothing. And we shouldn't even try.
How does that help?
We can create a database of times and locations of gunfire, for public edification. No government agency would be needed to create it. If Dinesh D’Sousa can get hold of cellphone location data, anybody can.
We can create a database of times and locations of gunfire, for public edification. No government agency would be needed to create it. If Dinesh D’Sousa can get hold of cellphone location data, anybody can.
Is there any mystery about that? Gunfire usually makes the news.
Remember the last school shooting when thing were gonna change? How about the last elementary school shooting when we finally had enough?
Nothing gonna change and everyone will move on. But of course nobody wants to admit that.
As Oggbashan recently remarked in the other thread, in the UK most gunshot deaths involve shotguns because handguns are illegal.

And they have a lot fewer gunshot deaths per capita than we have.
As babyboomer50s has shown us, after every mass shooting where the perp is not black, the strategery is to lay low and 48 hours later try to gin up the ole "full auto vs semi-auto" debate and bog everyone down in minutiae until the next shooting comes along.
Auto vs. semi-auto is irrelevant here -- there is no legal distinction I know of between automatic pistols and revolvers.
And in the UK both are banned.

You can, if deemed an acceptable person by the Police and have a reason - farmer, clay shooter etc., a shotgun with a barrel at least 24 inches long.

As long ago as the 1920s, owning a gun for personal defence was seen as unacceptable in UK law.