Pinto beans and corn bread.

Jabo 69

Literotica Guru
Sep 22, 2001
Pinto beans and corn bread tastes so good and makes me fart like a horse..I love em..

Other Lit members opinion very welcome...

I also love a big onion and a glass of buttermilk with them...
No pintos or corn bread. How about a big ol' thick steak with grilled onions? That would make me happy tonight.
I haven't had any decent pinto beans since my mom past away, but I can make a mean cornbread!

What? No fried green tomatoes? :eek:
I cook up beans in a chili like stew in the crock pot (I am cooking up some now) and then serve it over cornbread. That and stir fry rice is pretty much what I live on. Damn beans take so long to soften though. :(
Fart makers

Fried red cabbage and Heineken beer produces the stinkingest farts on the planet..Saddam Hussein ain't got nothin like that.
