Phones WITHOUT sex...


Nov 27, 2002
are pretty hot in themselves. :)

It is fun to find someone to chat with where there are no expectations and you find out that you have things in common. You talk for awhile and hang up knowing that you just made a friend.
teddybear4play said:
I tried to get somebody to call me.

The person who tried went to jail. :(


It helps if you hand out the WHOLE phone number, silly!! :)
The few people I talk to from Lit are all non-sexual conversations. I'd love to talk to more, but I just can't afford the bills - but it's a lot of fun chatting with aquaintances from here on the phone. Tends to make people a little more real.
Fine then... PM me your number, and the canadian prefix and I'll call you
Mia62 said:
*waves bye to Freya and Jim for awhile.*

Damn, and I'm going out. But did I mention that I really have a thing for Australian accents?
Mia62 said:
It helps if you hand out the WHOLE phone number, silly!! :)
I did. Just in a scrambled order. All he would have needed to guess on were the last five digits out of 10.

And I would have given it to him outright if he asked and had boobs.

Mia62 said:
Ahh...what strict rules you have, my dear!
I don't bang enough chicks to have a high threshhold for whom I talk to. Dillinger could, if he wanted, limit whom he converses with just to women whose last name begins with L and weigh between 110 and 115 pounds, and still have a line of willing callers. I can't.

LMAO...methinks Dillinger's rep is all based on other people's fantasies. You have to actually know the reality of things...which I don' maybe I am just shooting down everyone's fantasies...but oh well. :)
Hey, I notice how things go around here. Dillinger creates a thread around his COCK and it draws the Lit-women to it like a magnet. Actually, satellites orbiting the earth might be a better analogy.

At any rate, a thread about my penis would probably not rate so high. In fact, it would probably be me and the sound of bored crickets chirping. If I even mention Little Teddy, it pretty much kills a thread.

Plus, I don't know how to banter with octagons. And I don't know what the nazz is.

Yes, but how well can you truly know someone?

I have been here for months, and have barely even chatted with anyone one on one.