Period Fetish

I have never minded but most woman that I have been with during their period they take a shower beforehand.
It doesn't bother me in the least, in fact, it has a taboo thing going on which of course, for me, makes it hot
Some of the best sex I have had was at that time of the month. It is definitely a time of heightened sensitivity if you can get the woman past the stigma.
Did it without hesitation. Great cure for cramps. Just lay a towel underneath And pound away. Extra lubricant. .
I've done it several times and would do it again but I've never given oral during that time and probably never would.

For me it completely depends on the female, I'm much more interested in her pleasure then my own. If it's just about me getting off, there's plenty of porn out there and no one can please me like me. If she's enjoying herself, I get MUCH more pleasure out of it, so it's really up to her.
I've had sex with my wife on her period, its pretty hot and I have nothing against it at all. Oral sex on her period however............I've gone down on her once during her monthly cause it was a turn on at the time, having done it once I'll never do it again.................probably
I love sex when I have my period (hell, I love sex PERIOD) if the guy is into it. If he isn't the softcups work like a charm, or I just masturbate and give him an orgasm other ways ;). My sex drive is insane during my period, so it's a major bonus if my guy is into it.
I have, and would again. It's unnecessary because my lady has had a hysterectomy.
I love sex when I have my period (hell, I love sex PERIOD) if the guy is into it. If he isn't the softcups work like a charm, or I just masturbate and give him an orgasm other ways ;). My sex drive is insane during my period, so it's a major bonus if my guy is into it.

That is hot
your thread

Interesting to see the male & female view. I personally find sex more sensitive during my period. I can orgasm quicker and more intense. And its wonderful how it eases menstrual cramps. However I'm not comfortable receiving oral during this time. Any thoughts or experiences ?

I have have many times, love the feeling.
I have sucked the clit hard but no lower.
all in all it was great. male
Interesting to see the male & female view. I personally find sex more sensitive during my period. I can orgasm quicker and more intense. And its wonderful how it eases menstrual cramps. However I'm not comfortable receiving oral during this time. Any thoughts or experiences ?

I am a man and I have done it on many occasions. I have no problem with it and find it quite enjoyable.
I have have many times, love the feeling.
I have sucked the clit hard but no lower.
all in all it was great. male

The first time I did this was so erotic, because I kept getting closer and closer and she was telling me how close to her pussy I was getting....
Love sex while I'm on my period, so much more turned on during that time. Hubby won't have a thing to do with it though...ugh.
Love sex while I'm on my period, so much more turned on during that time. Hubby won't have a thing to do with it though...ugh.

Smile its each to his own, one has to understand that a female , (I understand,) is at the peek of her horniness, in the middle of her period, she is so aroused that she finds it wonderfull. How ever some men worry about the mess, which can easily be cleaned up in the shower. I have done it several times, and found it very fullfiling, care to try it MBFemale?
Being sexual has always been a little tricky for me during a girlfriend's menstrual period. Mostly because they have all acted differently. Some didn't mind petting, others didn't want anything to do with me. There hasn't been any that got her rocks off or at least admitting she got off faster during her period.

I don't think I could ever orally please a woman at that time, but, meh, it depends I guess...
Being sexual has always been a little tricky for me during a girlfriend's menstrual period. Mostly because they have all acted differently. Some didn't mind petting, others didn't want anything to do with me. There hasn't been any that got her rocks off or at least admitting she got off faster during her period.

I don't think I could ever orally please a woman at that time, but, meh, it depends I guess...

Thats where open communication is the key. Both to openly communicate that yes, I like that it really does it for me. Or I don't care for that so much. And give~n~take. If he is uncomfortable with some aspects of sex during her period. Ask if he is comfortable squeezing her ass or paying extra attention to her nipples while she does the rest :). It is a HUGE turn-on and motivator alone knowing your partner is eager to please you.
Do whatever

I have never been in a relationship where this has come up until recently and even then it had a highly theoretical component. In the event, when asked, the lady concerned was not interested and had other ideas.
Surely, in a close, loving relationship you have to constantly meet each other half way?
Nothing is always both unanimous and perfect, sometimes things occur between loving couples that is perceived to be, or in reality is more for the pleasure of one of the participants than the other. It is all about something so tender and precious and assumptions, I know to my cost have no place.
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I have never been in a relationship where this has come up until recently and even then it had a highly theoretical component. In the event, when asked, the lady concerned was not interested and had other ideas.
Surely, in a close, loving relationship you have to constantly meet each other half way?
Nothing is always both unanimous and perfect, sometimes things occur between loving couples that is perceived to be, or in reality is more for the pleasure of one of the participants than the other. It is all about something so tender and precious and assumptions, I know to my cost have no place.

Nicely put !
I have had sex many times when the woman was on her period. One said she wouldn't and I didnt push it. Now as for the oral... I have twice. The first time i didn't like it and then a few years later i tried again
but still didn't like it.
As i have read here from some women... sexual arousal id heightened during there period. I can attest to that. But as with everything... do what you like and work through what you dont. M 49
in general, hell yes! of course, you have to communicate well with your partner... and I've run the spectrum from partners who were grossed out at the thought, partners with who we've had to use lube and condoms to help things out, and partners that flat out told me if I didn't, it was a deal breaker... *lol*

also, this nicely dovetails into another thing I like, showering together... so I suppose I'm just all sorts of selfish in saying yes to sex every day of the month... ;)