Period Fetish

My first time

All of my girlfriends had been shy about their period, but one of my neighbors and I shared a bottle of wine on a Sunday night that lead to romance. She told me from he start she was on her period and I did not push it; I was enjoying our time immensely while she retained her panties. Much to my surprise, after about an hour of sensual play, she jumped up and said "OK, but I have to use a towel." She ran into the bathroom and came back without her panties and a towel. She laid it carefully on the bed and laid back on it. I gave her some oral with her tampon still in. Eventually she got up and took it out as if she were expecting me to leave. We had a wonderful night together and many more after that. The towel was a bit of a mess, but so were we. Somehow it all came together!
Everyone should try it!!

Earning your "Red Wings", "good soldier never feared a little blood" etc.

The smell of a clean fresh out of the shower bloody pussy is intoxicating.

Most women love it once they try it!:devil:
lol years ago I was down on my girlfriend, I swear I only noticed a slightly different taste
she told me to hang on something felt funny, she turned on the light and screamed my face was covered in a blood fluid mix
I have had...

damn if that was not a weird experience...but one gets sooooo horny...
Oh yeah, definitely would. I went down on a girl during her period before. And it wasn't even a light flow day, it was like a crime scene.
My ex used to have sex with me during that time of the month. It was amazing, and nothing a towel and a shower couldn't take care of. Although he never dared go down on me during that time. I'd love too have a man try it. Too bad my current man treats me like I have the plague when I start. He won't touch me with a ten foot pole.
I would not go down but would stick it in :) ... I have stuck in a couple of times at the end ... no complaints :)
Personally, I don't prefer it, as it tend to make the vagina sticky (in my experience). But if you use enough lube and put a towel down to save the sheets, it works just fine.

My exact sentiments. I don't care for the stickiness. I usually enjoy some sort of coming-down time after sex, but if it's during my period, I just want to run for the shower. Of course, that's an excellent place to HAVE sex during a period, too!
I am very fortunate to have a wonderful man who doesn't "Push me aside" during those hard, medium or light flow days. He is loving and tender with all the other symptoms of
menstruation. He also keeps better track of my cycle than I do and isn't grossed out by having to stop by the store to pick up a box of tampons.
As I have said before. Life begins and flows through her. She is my goddess. To be the one who makes her feel as loved and desired especially during her period is my pleasure. I know how horny she is during that time. And to give her that extra pleasure during that time is natural and oh so intimate.
As others have said i will agree with. On the bed use a towel.Or not whatever her preference is. In the shower lets enjoy and clean each other up afterwards.;)
To suck on her clit oh my how magical:kiss:
I am very fortunate to have a wonderful man who doesn't "Push me aside" during those hard, medium or light flow days. He is loving and tender with all the other symptoms of
menstruation. He also keeps better track of my cycle than I do and isn't grossed out by having to stop by the store to pick up a box of tampons.

Ohh you lucky lucky woman. Hold onto that one!! :)
As I have said before. Life begins and flows through her. She is my goddess. To be the one who makes her feel as loved and desired especially during her period is my pleasure. I know how horny she is during that time. And to give her that extra pleasure during that time is natural and oh so intimate.
As others have said i will agree with. On the bed use a towel.Or not whatever her preference is. In the shower lets enjoy and clean each other up afterwards.;)
To suck on her clit oh my how magical:kiss:

Oh obi-wan of sex...please PLEASE show my man the way of the force!!!
Oh obi-wan of sex...please PLEASE show my man the way of the force!!!

I am a very lucky lady to have the Sandman in my life. Send him over they can discuss periods in the shop over beer and a game of pool.
My first sexual partner got so horny during her period. She said she never had a guy who who would have sex with her then, and since she was my first I did not think anything of it. While I would not think about having oral sex, it was not a turn off. She seemed to have a more intense orgasm while menstruating.
Some of my best sex has been with One particular partner when she was on her period. Good memories!
Nothing wrong with it or you can just have anal sex instead if she is self conscious about vaginal sex during menstration.
My man doesn't care. The only time I decline is if I feel sore. But if we do, I feel super sensative all over my body! We just have to make sure to put down a towel!
would i?-- yes
Have I?-- Yes
how's it taste?- a little metallic
is it messy? - YES
would/will I do it again-- OF COURSE!
Just two nights ago...she was at a terrible emotional and hormonal crossroads. She wanted me but did not want me. We took the plunge...and we're very pleased that we did!
Interesting to see the male & female view. I personally find sex more sensitive during my period. I can orgasm quicker and more intense. And its wonderful how it eases menstrual cramps. However I'm not comfortable receiving oral during this time. Any thoughts or experiences ?

I totally agree some of the best sex I have ever had was on my period!!
I enjoy sex, while I have my period. It makes it so much easier to have multiple orgasms. It feels great.
sadly it is a no for me...I just caqnnot get over the scent. I think the missus would be good to go. maybe I give it another try.