People who exercise and work out


Kpop lover
Nov 7, 2005
Guess what I did today?? I finally got up my nerve and went and worked out at the local YMCA. I joined not too long ago and I finally got up my nerve to to go.

I walked on the tread mill for 20 minutes and I lifted weights after that. I asked someone who works there to show me the lifting machines and he gave me a huge workout. My arms are weak now. We worked on my back, legs, different parts of my arms, shoulders and my chest muscles. For the first week, I am going to walk for 20 minutes. i really enjoyed lifting weights.

i think i could get hooked on lifting weights. It's like a drug. I'm really excited about this journey to losing weight and getting healthy.

lifting weights is great. the extra muscle you build will be burning fat even in your sleep. people worry about bulking up, but it's so gradual that you can just wait until you hit the level you're happy with and not increase the weight from there.
Guess what I did today?? I finally got up my nerve and went and worked out at the local YMCA. I joined not too long ago and I finally got up my nerve to to go.

I walked on the tread mill for 20 minutes and I lifted weights after that. I asked someone who works there to show me the lifting machines and he gave me a huge workout. My arms are weak now. We worked on my back, legs, different parts of my arms, shoulders and my chest muscles. For the first week, I am going to walk for 20 minutes. i really enjoyed lifting weights.

i think i could get hooked on lifting weights. It's like a drug. I'm really excited about this journey to losing weight and getting healthy.

You are so right. Exertion is like a drug, easy to get addicted to. Very happy for you. This is the one thing that keeps me feeling somewhat sane, in my little mind anyway.

lifting weights is great. the extra muscle you build will be burning fat even in your sleep. people worry about bulking up, but it's so gradual that you can just wait until you hit the level you're happy with and not increase the weight from there.

I figure if I gain weight I gain weight. I am doing this to get healthy and I am not giving up. Nothing is going to stop me, i will keep going and working hard. Even if I only lose 20 pounds then I lose 20 pounds.
You are so right. Exertion is like a drug, easy to get addicted to. Very happy for you. This is the one thing that keeps me feeling somewhat sane, in my little mind anyway.

Mentally, i feel really good today. It has to be the workout.
Good for you. The only part of my body I work out regularly is my gob. I'm a lazy fucker.
I'd also like to buy myself a bicycle and start riding around town.
Good for you. The only part of my body I work out regularly is my gob. I'm a lazy fucker.

It was really hard to go. I'm always afraid people are staring at me thinking look at that idiot girl who doesn't know what she is doing.
You are so right. Exertion is like a drug, easy to get addicted to. Very happy for you. This is the one thing that keeps me feeling somewhat sane, in my little mind anyway.

It is a drug. You are manufacturing your own endorphins. Hence the phrase "runner's high", for example.

I do upper body workouts one day, lower body the next, abs and cardio every day.

60 years old, can still bench press more than my body weight, do 14 chinups, etc.

I'm old, my body isn't. 8)

Your body is a meat machine, and exercise is how you do maintenance and tuneups.
It is a drug. You are manufacturing your own endorphins. Hence the phrase "runner's high", for example.

I do upper body workouts one day, lower body the next, abs and cardio every day.

60 years old, can still bench press more than my body weight, do 14 chinups, etc.

I'm old, my body isn't. 8)

Your body is a meat machine, and exercise is how you do maintenance and tuneups.

That is awesome.

My endorphin's are working today. I almost feel high.
I figure if I gain weight I gain weight. I am doing this to get healthy and I am not giving up. Nothing is going to stop me, i will keep going and working hard. Even if I only lose 20 pounds then I lose 20 pounds.

you might gain numbers on the scale, but you'll be losing fat.
some people lose three dress sizes and stay the same weight.
It takes about 2 weeks of going consistently to get in a routine. You will crave it, and want to go after that. Skip that routine twice and all that goes away unfortunately.

For what you want to accomplish lift light with multiple set and lots of reps.

Each exercise should be done 3x with reps of 15,12,10
Nice job, pink.

Remember to stretch beforehand.

And, have fun.

I've heard it doesn't benefit you to stretch beforehand and might actually impair your workout. It's probably like the whole palaver about whether or not eggs are bad for you. I imagine the bottom line is just that stretching is good for you, so do it whenever you do it.

And Pink, that's awesome! I really like weight training; my gym has a barbell-workout-to-shitty-dance-music class that I like. It's great that you had the guy take you through the workout and use the machines. The right form makes a big difference.

I'm going to some outdoor workout bootcamp thing this weekend. I don't really know what to expect, but I think it involves monkey bars. Pretty excited.
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you might gain numbers on the scale, but you'll be losing fat.
some people lose three dress sizes and stay the same weight.

I've got to lose some weight, dolfie. I'm up to 250. I'm not ashamed to put that on here. My goal is to lose 50 pounds this year.
It takes about 2 weeks of going consistently to get in a routine. You will crave it, and want to go after that. Skip that routine twice and all that goes away unfortunately.

For what you want to accomplish lift light with multiple set and lots of reps.

Each exercise should be done 3x with reps of 15,12,10

Is it weird to crave it after only going 1 time????? i can't wait to go back.
I've got to lose some weight, dolfie. I'm up to 250. I'm not ashamed to put that on here. My goal is to lose 50 pounds this year.

you do. but remember to look at your body fat percentage too. it'll stop you from losing heart when you think that you've stalled if you can see that you lost fat after all, it's just that the muscle gain stopped it from showing up on the scales this week.
I've got to lose some weight, dolfie. I'm up to 250. I'm not ashamed to put that on here. My goal is to lose 50 pounds this year.

For what its worth, I would like to add that it helps to think long term, months not weeks and hopefully years. As I've gotten older I have adjusted my routine to accomodate any shortcomings that arise due to age. Compared to most in my peer group I'm doing pretty well. Have fun and take it slowly because work out injuries are not fun.
I love working out just to get the rush.

You just gotta get past the pain, then it's nothing but pleasure.

I started by walking. Then got addicted to running.