Pending, not ever approved

Sep 15, 2002
most recent submission has been pending for nearly two weeks. Is this unusualy or am I just antsy. Can't get Literotica to respond to emial inquiries.
Two weeks hearing nothing is long, but not unusual.

I waited about 3 weeks for my first story approval, which seems to be toward the longest.

Chyoo seems to have busy staff who do work in bursts.

In the meantime, if you're planning to have other authors contribute to your story, you might read and contribute pages to stories you like.

- Zingiber
Also, you didn't specify weither this is a submission for a new story, or a new thread to an existing story... If it is a thread for someone else's story, it can take up to... a few years?... if the moderator decided he didn't care about his story anymore. :p
