Peeping over the parapet.....

Lovely images Pamela :)

And yes, I agree that your button peaking out is indeed adorable in a "dive right in and catch it" sort of way :p
Long service gets you an avatar!

I see I'm not the only one interested in your thread. Actually, you seem quite popular which is more than understandable from the photos you've posted.

Btw, what makes you a "guru"?


Or, more specifically, diligent service. You move up through the ranks as you post more submissions. This will be my 633rd post (maybe the guru milestone is 500, I am not sure).

At the moment you are on 5 posts. Your real aim should be to get to 100 as quickly as possible because that allows you to post an avatar photograph which appears alongside each post. Even if I say it myself, I think my avatar photo is fairly striking - it always seems to attract attention, anyway! In the past I have switched avatar photos from time to time, but I have always gone back to the current one.

Anyone have any views? - should I keep my current avatar or change it from time to time?

:D :D

Or, more specifically, diligent service. You move up through the ranks as you post more submissions. This will be my 633rd post (maybe the guru milestone is 500, I am not sure).

At the moment you are on 5 posts. Your real aim should be to get to 100 as quickly as possible because that allows you to post an avatar photograph which appears alongside each post. Even if I say it myself, I think my avatar photo is fairly striking - it always seems to attract attention, anyway! In the past I have switched avatar photos from time to time, but I have always gone back to the current one.

Anyone have any views? - should I keep my current avatar or change it from time to time?

:D :D


Its lovely.

But variety is the spice of life :p

Either choice is a good one....see how helpful I am? :rolleyes:
What a lovely way to put it!

Lovely images Pamela :)

And yes, I agree that your button peaking out is indeed adorable in a "dive right in and catch it" sort of way :p

Thanks, Maggiemarie. Are you making an offer?

I might just take you up :D

I agree with MM your current av is mighty delicious but it might be interesting to see what other ummmm things you might come up with to entice us with!!!!
I think

I think I saw lunch in a few of those pics. Any chance of seeing a full frontal of you taken right now?
keep looking?

Should be plenty of pics in the next few days - keep looking!


Why would we stop looking after so many years? Nice to know you are perhaps online right now. Even better to know that you are back again!
My first pubic shave, Part 1: I meet Marco

Your pubic hair is so thick and lush, reminds me of mine when I was your age. Did you ever trim it back or shave it completely when you were still in school or posing for your photo club? I imagine it would have allowed your labia to show much more prominently, not that the photo you just posted isn't a spectacular display IMHO.


Hi Pam,

Ive been away for a while, but love your pictures. Your labia are crying for attention from my tongue, which would have not problem finding you clitoris between the fleshy folds. I would lick slowly and gently until my mouth felt the twitch of delight. Then gently kiss and lick until she came out of her hiding place.

PS wish I had gone to school with you, although the wet spot on my pants might have been embarrassing.

Rose and Phoenix touched on similar themes, and made me think back to the first time that "Hairy Pamela" dispensed with the bush and experienced the delights of a smooth and hypersensitive pubis.

To get the full impact of the story I thought it was best to backtrack a little to tell of the events leading up to that important moment. It will take a while to tell all, so it will be in several instalments.

Part 1: I meet Marco

What prompted my first-ever pubic shave was one of the consummate skills possessed by my boyfriend at the time. I had met Marco when I visited a local restaurant run by his parents. Marco was doing his family duty as a waiter, and towards the end of the meal he very shyly passed me a note asking if I would like to go out with him. I think he might have been spurred on by listening in on my conversation, much of which had been about boyfriends and the difficulty of finding a nice one. He was about the same age as me, very polite and very presentable, but nonetheless I left it for two or three days before I telephoned him and accepted his invitation.

Given his family background, it wasn't a surprise to learn that Marco's parents were catholics and that he was attending a single sex catholic school. I had been a bit disappointed at first to find that he was really quite reserved when we were together, but I was pretty confident I would be able to subvert his catholic inhibitions and liven him up a bit.

After a few rather docile dates, I decided the time had come to take the initiative. Marco's parents spent most of their time at the restaurant so my embryonic plan involved having the family house to ourselves; prior to then I had always met Marco somewhere away from home.

That, at least was the plan, but I hadn't anticipated just how Marco might react and what the consequences were going to be.

I turned up on a Saturday morning, sort of hoping he might invite me up to his bedroom, but he didn't rise to the bait. We had a discussion downstairs about what we might do, but all he could really think of was going out somewhere. My hopes were beginning to fade a bit and I suggested he should make us some coffee. Being Italian restaurateurs, they of course had an espresso machine at home, so Marco said "sure, give me five minutes or so" and went off to the kitchen. I sat on the sofa for maybe a minute before I suddenly decided I had to take the intitiative......

Marco nearly nearly dropped the whole tray of coffee when he walked back into the living room. I was standing in the middle of the carpet, facing him completely naked. I may have looked calm, but I was absolutely terrified that he would be so shocked that he would just throw me out of the house. I waited in suspense for what seemed ages. Without taking his eyes off me for an instant, Marco slowly moved towards the coffee table, and somehow managed to put the tray down without spilling anything. He walked very slowly towards me - I could see that his eyes were fixed on my pubic hair and I was trembling with anticipation at what might be going to happen.

It certainly wasn't what I expected - he went down on both knees, and from a very close vantage point gazed intently at my pubic hair. He said his first words since returning: "I think I have waited all my life to see this!" And then "you are so beautiful". I left him a few more moments and then very gently pulled his head towards my pubis. When his nose was almost grazing my pubic hair I felt him tense up a little. I waited, and said very quietly "it's all right". He relaxed, and then I didn't need to pull his head any more; he nuzzled into my pubic hair, and I could feel his warm breath on my labia. Everything was so quiet, it was almost as though he had gone to sleep, but he responded when I lifted his arms and guided his hands onto my bottom. He massaged my bottom with gentle but firm hands, and used the grip he now had on me to pull his head even further into my pubis. Everything went still again, but the gentle massaging soon resumed, and I responded by thrusting my pubis forward. There was a slight response from Marco, and so to make my invitation quite clear I wriggled my hips.

A few more moments of stillness, and then I thought I felt just a tiny flutter of activity somewhere deliciously close to my clitoris. I held my breath with anticipation. The tiny flutter was not repeated so I stepped up the pace a little. I wriggled my hips again, pushed my pubis harder against his face and, just to make it crysal clear, I let let out a low groan of pleasure.

My perseverance was rewarded - the tiny flicker resolved into a delicious probing sensation as Marco's tongue worked its way through my tangle of pubic hair and finally made contact with my tingling fleshy folds.

And that was just the beginning.........

To be continued
Thanks for your insights and advice Pamela.

I'd say your avatar is a wee bit more than striking, at least IMHO. As for changing it, I guess it depends on whether this site has any prohibitions. If you want the most attention then the photo you posted on the 3rd would be hard to top.

Rose and Phoenix touched on similar themes, and made me think back to the first time that "Hairy Pamela" dispensed with the bush and experienced the delights of a smooth and hypersensitive pubis.

To get the full impact of the story I thought it was best to backtrack a little to tell of the events leading up to that important moment. It will take a while to tell all, so it will be in several instalments.

Part 1: I meet Marco

What prompted my first-ever pubic shave was one of the consummate skills possessed by my boyfriend at the time. I had met Marco when I visited a local restaurant run by his parents. Marco was doing his family duty as a waiter, and towards the end of the meal he very shyly passed me a note asking if I would like to go out with him. I think he might have been spurred on by listening in on my conversation, much of which had been about boyfriends and the difficulty of finding a nice one. He was about the same age as me, very polite and very presentable, but nonetheless I left it for two or three days before I telephoned him and accepted his invitation.

Given his family background, it wasn't a surprise to learn that Marco's parents were catholics and that he was attending a single sex catholic school. I had been a bit disappointed at first to find that he was really quite reserved when we were together, but I was pretty confident I would be able to subvert his catholic inhibitions and liven him up a bit.

After a few rather docile dates, I decided the time had come to take the initiative. Marco's parents spent most of their time at the restaurant so my embryonic plan involved having the family house to ourselves; prior to then I had always met Marco somewhere away from home.

That, at least was the plan, but I hadn't anticipated just how Marco might react and what the consequences were going to be.

I turned up on a Saturday morning, sort of hoping he might invite me up to his bedroom, but he didn't rise to the bait. We had a discussion downstairs about what we might do, but all he could really think of was going out somewhere. My hopes were beginning to fade a bit and I suggested he should make us some coffee. Being Italian restaurateurs, they of course had an espresso machine at home, so Marco said "sure, give me five minutes or so" and went off to the kitchen. I sat on the sofa for maybe a minute before I suddenly decided I had to take the intitiative......

Marco nearly nearly dropped the whole tray of coffee when he walked back into the living room. I was standing in the middle of the carpet, facing him completely naked. I may have looked calm, but I was absolutely terrified that he would be so shocked that he would just throw me out of the house. I waited in suspense for what seemed ages. Without taking his eyes off me for an instant, Marco slowly moved towards the coffee table, and somehow managed to put the tray down without spilling anything. He walked very slowly towards me - I could see that his eyes were fixed on my pubic hair and I was trembling with anticipation at what might be going to happen.

It certainly wasn't what I expected - he went down on both knees, and from a very close vantage point gazed intently at my pubic hair. He said his first words since returning: "I think I have waited all my life to see this!" And then "you are so beautiful". I left him a few more moments and then very gently pulled his head towards my pubis. When his nose was almost grazing my pubic hair I felt him tense up a little. I waited, and said very quietly "it's all right". He relaxed, and then I didn't need to pull his head any more; he nuzzled into my pubic hair, and I could feel his warm breath on my labia. Everything was so quiet, it was almost as though he had gone to sleep, but he responded when I lifted his arms and guided his hands onto my bottom. He massaged my bottom with gentle but firm hands, and used the grip he now had on me to pull his head even further into my pubis. Everything went still again, but the gentle massaging soon resumed, and I responded by thrusting my pubis forward. There was a slight response from Marco, and so to make my invitation quite clear I wriggled my hips.

A few more moments of stillness, and then I thought I felt just a tiny flutter of activity somewhere deliciously close to my clitoris. I held my breath with anticipation. The tiny flutter was not repeated so I stepped up the pace a little. I wriggled my hips again, pushed my pubis harder against his face and, just to make it crysal clear, I let let out a low groan of pleasure.

My perseverance was rewarded - the tiny flicker resolved into a delicious probing sensation as Marco's tongue worked its way through my tangle of pubic hair and finally made contact with my tingling fleshy folds.

And that was just the beginning.........

To be continued
Great story so far, Pamela. From the verve with which you write and your attention to detail I expect we'll have numerous installments before we reach your conclusion. If you've not done so before, you should consider doing an e-book. Based on your first chapter and your prior posts in this thread you have a definite flair for the literary, at least the erotic variety.

Did Marco realize how lucky he was to have such an experienced guide to lead him through the jungle?

Dear Bill

Thanks for the nice message. I have been trying to pluck up the courage to post the photo below. After deciding to come back I have been feeling very cautious about what pictures I post - I don't want to end up with problems like last time.

Thanks to you and the others who have given me confidence.....

Here goes.......

Knickers off and turn over!

Im new to your thread Pamela The photo above is fantastic you are beautiful ( down there ) Why would you worry ? I think your sexy as hell from either direction I look forward to looking over more of your great pics
Thank You!

We love story time!! In fact it's almost as good as show and tell!

I hope this is a LONG LONG story!
It's very nice to see you with a thread again, Pam. Your pics are incredible and the stories you share are just as enticing, if not more so. I loved your old thread and can't wait to see what's in store for this one. :)
My first pubic shave, Part 2: Marco hits the target

I think it fair to say that I was taken totally by surprise at Marco's response to my rather impulsive and risky overture. I had expected him to respond with either complete shock or else an over-excited fumbling response, but his revelation that he had never even seen a girl's pubic hair before, and his instant compulsion to explore my pubic region was totally unexpected. He was so direct and intent that any ideas I might have had about taking charge of the situation just evaporated into confusion. My will to take charge was further diminished by the fact within a just few seconds I had realised just how much I was enjoying what was going on - my rapidly soaring libido and sheer curiosity as to what might happen next just took over, leaving me floating on a cloud of intense erotic enjoyment. I just did not want it to stop.

My reveries were punctuated by a rather mumbling voice coming from from the hairy reaches of my cunt. I didn't immediately get the point of the Marco's question - he seemed to be saying "am I getting this right?", to which I responded something vague along the lines of "it feels good to me, don't stop".

That wasn't what Marco wanted to hear - he hadn't been looking for compliments at all.

He went on "no, .......... you know".

But I still didn't get it.

"What, Marco?"

"You know, ...... your clitoris."

That was another totally unexpected turn of events. This cloistered and clearly virginal catholic boy not only knew about the clitoris, but also had a pretty good idea of what he ought to be doing to it to give me pleasure. It made me feel very close to Marco, and very grateful for the obvious care he was taking to make sure I was enjoying this voyage of discovery just as much as he was.

When I thought about the real point of his question, I did realise that in fact all was not quite as it might have been. Standing on the floor with my legs slightly apart, and Marco kneeling down in front of me was not exactly comfortable or satisfying for either of us, and certainly not conducive to proper stimulation of my clitoris. I knew it would be best to make readjustments, but I still felt a little apprehensive that Marco might suddenly take fright at what was happening - I would have to handle the change carefully.

"Sorry, Marco, you are making me feel so wonderful that I haven't been helping you." With that I gently steered him towards the coffee table. There was space alongside the untouched tray of coffee to rest my foot. Marco was still kneeling down, so with one foot in the air and my legs splayed as wide as they would go I gently pulled his head towards me. When I was sure he was watching, I reached down and parted my inner labia. With two fingers I eased my clitoris into view. Marco needed no prompting - he licked his index finger and gently stroked my clitoris and then moved in closer and put his tongue to work. That felt really wonderful, but I was even more pleased when I realised what he was beginning to do with the finger that had just stroked my clitoris - it was very gently working its way inside my vagina.

When I had splayed my legs wide for Marco I knew very well that my vagina would already be gaping open - like most teenage girls I had spent many a long hour in front of my bedroom mirror checking the views and assessing the potential my body offered. I had felt there was a slight possibility that a view of my gaping vagina might have put Marco off, so I was really pleased when his finger began its journey into my warm and moist zone. What I had been less certain about was whether, from his low viewpoint, he would have had a clear view of my anus - I thought probably not, but I wasn't really sure. I knew that quite a few people (including, to my great regret, several former boyfriends) had a really crippling anal phobia which I could never comprehend. I hoped that Marco would not have that unfortunate affliction, but I was for the moment relieved that we hadn't yet put that to the test.

To digress slightly, in the time I spent with Marco we never got as far as taking photographs. By that time I had posed nude for several boyfriends in what were pretty innocent poses - breasts, bottom and a few marginal glimpses of pubic hair, but with Marco it never seemed quite appropriate, at least not to me - I never mentioned it to him - maybe I would have been surprised.

However, since this is the Amateur Pic Feedback forum, I have assembled a selection of photos from later sessions which should give an idea of what Marco would have seen that day.........

Marco's first view of my pubis

Pamela hairy with protruding labia

Marco's view of my labia and orifice

Marco's view of protruding labia
Last edited:
I think it fair to say that I was taken totally by surprise at Marco's response to my rather impulsive and risky overture. I had expected him to respond with either complete shock or else an over-excited fumbling response, but his revelation that he had never even seen a girl's pubic hair before, and his instant compulsion to explore my pubic region was totally unexpected. He was so direct and intent that any ideas I might have had about taking charge of the situation just evaporated into confusion. My will to take charge was further diminished by the fact within a just few seconds I had realised just how much I was enjoying what was going on - my rapidly soaring libido and sheer curiosity as to what might happen next just took over, leaving me floating on a cloud of intense erotic enjoyment. I just did not want it to stop.

My reveries were punctuated by a rather mumbling voice coming from from the hairy reaches of my cunt. I didn't immediately get the point of the Marco's question - he seemed to be saying "am I getting this right?", to which I responded something vague along the lines of "it feels good to me, don't stop".

That wasn't what Marco wanted to hear - he hadn't been looking for compliments at all.

He went on "no, .......... you know".

But I still didn't get it.

"What, Marco?"

"You know, ...... your clitoris."

That was another totally unexpected turn of events. This cloistered and clearly virginal catholic boy not only knew about the clitoris, but also had a pretty good idea of what he ought to be doing to it to give me pleasure. It made me feel very close to Marco, and very grateful for the obvious care he was taking to make sure I was enjoying this voyage of discovery just as much as he was.

When I thought about the real point of his question, I did realise that in fact all was not quite as it might have been. Standing on the floor with my legs slightly apart, and Marco kneeling down in front of me was not exactly comfortable or satisfying for either of us, and certainly not conducive to proper stimulation of my clitoris. I knew it would be best to make readjustments, but I still felt a little apprehensive that Marco might suddenly take fright at what was happening - I would have to handle the change carefully.

"Sorry, Marco, you are making me feel so wonderful that I haven't been helping you." With that I gently steered him towards the coffee table. There was space alongside the untouched tray of coffee to rest my foot. Marco was still kneeling down, so with one foot in the air and my legs splayed as wide as they would go I gently pulled his head towards me. When I was sure he was watching, I reached down and parted my inner labia. With two fingers I eased my clitoris into view. Marco needed no prompting - he licked his index finger and gently stroked my clitoris and then moved in closer and put his tongue to work. That felt really wonderful, but I was even more pleased when I realised what he was beginning to do with the finger that had just stroked my clitoris - it was very gently working its way inside my vagina.

When I had splayed my legs wide for Marco I knew very well that my vagina would already be gaping open - like most teenage girls I had spent many a long hour in front of my bedroom mirror checking the views and assessing the potential my body offered. I had felt there was a slight possibility that a view of my gaping vagina might have put Marco off, so I was really pleased when his finger began its journey into my warm and moist zone. What I had been less certain about was whether, from his low viewpoint, he would have had a clear view of my anus - I thought probably not, but I wasn't really sure. I knew that quite a few people (including, to my great regret, several former boyfriends) had a really crippling anal phobia which I could never comprehend. I hoped that Marco would not have that unfortunate affliction, but I was for the moment relieved that we hadn't yet put that to the test.

To digress slightly, in the time I spent with Marco we never got as far as taking photographs. By that time I had posed nude for several boyfriends in what were pretty innocent poses - breasts, bottom and a few marginal glimpses of pubic hair, but with Marco it never seemed quite appropriate, at least not to me - I never mentioned it to him - maybe I would have been surprised.

However, since this is the Amateur Pic Feedback forum, I have assembled a selection of photos from later sessions which should give an idea of what Marco would have seen that day.........

Marco's first view of my pubis

Marco's view of my labia and orifice

Marco's view of protruding labia
It's easy to see from your photos, Pamela, why you had to help Marco locate your clitoris. You had an amazingly lush and thick forest when you were a teen. Really and truly breath-taking.

This is a delightful and sexy story and I can't wait for the next installment. Thank you so much for sharing.

Final photo - my little friend out to play

Dear Bill and many others

Sorry to leave things hanging for so long. Here is a follow up.

I posted the pic showing my labia slightly open and my vagina almost showing, but what I really wanted to show is a little bit higher up the photo - the next two photos will show the sequence of my clitoris just coming nto view.

To give some context:

Although it works wonderfully, my clitoris is not particularly prominent, and it is quite well surrounded by fleshy labia. After my intitial shyness about posing nude for photo club members I soon lost all my inhibitions about showing my body, but I was a bit disappointed when I realised that even when I was posing for quite explicit open-leg shots my clitoris would never pop out to say hello to the photographers. I really wanted to show it off - like my anus, one of those secret treasures I wanted to share, but even with loads of practising at home I never found any way to do it, except by holding my labia apart with my fingers, and that was something I hardly ever did because I always thought poses like that were really just porn and not really erotic at all.

I recently came across some old photos I had overlooked and was delighted to see my clitoris clearly emerging from my fleshy folds. I know my vagina is probably the obvious centre of attention, but to me my little personal button is much more revealing!

Keep looking, more to come!


Here is last of the "clitoris" sequence - clearly showing as a glistening globe. The photographer particularly liked this photo (so do I!) because of the way my inner labia come together, cuddling something inside like a pair of arms.

That wasn't accidental - one of the the photographers in the group had my permission for a little bit of manual arrangement. I was always a bit wary about letting that happen, not because I didn't like it, but for the opposite reason, I liked it too much. If a session was going well I would be on a permanent high - I would spend the whole session poised just a couple of seconds away from orgasm. If I judged it wrongly, or if the touch of fingers went on for a little too long, the photographers would sometimes find the session had a rather more literal climax than they perhaps were expecting.

Pamela's clitoris - labia arranged by the photographer

Here is last of the "clitoris" sequence - clearly showing as a glistening globe. The photographer particularly liked this photo (so do I!) because of the way my inner labia come together, cuddling something inside like a pair of arms.

That wasn't accidental - one of the the photographers in the group had my permission for a little bit of manual arrangement. I was always a bit wary about letting that happen, not because I didn't like it, but for the opposite reason, I liked it too much. If a session was going well I would be on a permanent high - I would spend the whole session poised just a couple of seconds away from orgasm. If I judged it wrongly, or if the touch of fingers went on for a little too long, the photographers would sometimes find the session had a rather more literal climax than they perhaps were expecting.

Pamela's clitoris - labia arranged by the photographer

Very erotic sequence, Pamela. It's so revealing seeing the minor differences in your state of arousal. Do you recollect how much time there was between photos?
