Peeping over the parapet.....

Effects of childbirth!

Yes.. you seem very ... "tense" .. instead of relaxed... sort of rigidly erect instead ....

I'm not sure who suggested that you needed to cross your legs for the 2nd picture....!!

You are right, just4. After having children my breasts shrank but my nipples became hypersensitive. With only a tiny stimulus they would go rock hard and stay that way. It was good fun on the beach because the sexual high of showing off and being looked at while totally nude and totally exposed would be enough to keep my nipples looking like volcanoes all day long.

Before I had children that had never been the case - my nipples would only really react to cold conditions. Even when I was feeling as randy as a rabbit in the club studio, being under the hot lights ensured that my nipples would never erect spontaneously. I did sometimes massage them, but they didn't stay erect for very long. I did feel a bit self-conscious about the large size of my areolae - the "relaxed" photo shows you what I mean, but the photographers didn't seem to complain.

About crossing my legs - that was the first of a series of photos, and, studying the evidence, it is clear that that problem was solved in subsequent shots!


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I don't know how unusual I really am, but most people seem to react with disbelief or even shock when they find out that one of my favourite pastimes in my younger days was to pose nude for photographers in the local photographic club studio. What really seems to confuse them is that I didn't do it to make money - I was never paid, in fact the idea of being paid never entered my head.

My elder brother's girlfriend had posed for them a few years before, and it was seeing her photographs at the age of thirteen which made me want to do it as well. She was a really lovely girl who was like an elder sister to me, and it came as a bit of a shock at first that someone as nice as her would pose nude for a whole group of photographers. When I had had a little time to think about, however, I found myself getting more and more excited at the idea, and I was desperate to talk to her about it.

As things worked out it was more than year later that I eventually managed to work a conversation round in that direction. Stephanie was very open and honest, and told me about the club, that everyone was very friendly and kind and that she just loved showing off her body to them. She showed me a lot more of her photos - there were all sorts, portraits, swimwear and a lot of nudes, some of them very revealing. She was a very flexible and athletic girl, and she showed practically every bit of her anatomy in a series of spectacular poses.

After we had talked and looked at the photos I didn't really need to tell her what I was thinking. She said something like "you're much too young to do that kind of thing", which I knew of course. She did suggest that I might join the club in my own right which seemed a brilliant idea to me. It would get me on the inside so to speak, and I could then continue with my devilish plan to shock them all.

I served a pretty good apprenticeship at the club, I learned darkroom skills, posed for portrait sessions and even won a couple of prizes in competitions. Every time I posed at a portrait session I found myself wishing I was older; I often fantasised about what it would be like just to go along one day and take all my clothes off for them. I just wanted to stand there in the studio completely nude and let them all look at me.

The funny thing was that although I never gave up on the idea, I never really thought it would happen; I believed that I would always be too embarrassed to let them know that I wanted to pose nude. My other fear was that they might not like my body!

Counting through the years, I think I probably posed for 15-20 "portrait" sessions from the age of 13 up until I was about 18. After the first excitement wore off, there was a time when I found the portrait sessions a bit tedious. I seemed to spend the whole evening sitting on a stool pretending it was fun, while similarly-bored photographers stalked around me pretending they were perfecting their photographic skills. I think it was only later that I realised that many of them were probably there because they were having a much better evening than they would have had at home.

Pam I remember your previous thread, and your sharing not only pics but life stories, welcome back!
A rare viewing: A series


I will be off line later in the week. But hope to come back to see what lovely pictures you have shared. Be it your lovely breasts... sexy ass.. be it hairy or bare pussy so HOT .. each and every curve

hugs :kiss::rose:


Thank you, Fred, and also thanks for the index.

By way of thanks a series of three on the hairy theme. Here is number one:

Pamela opening up 1

There is a clear focus of attention, but take a moment to look upwards a little. Something else will appear in the later posts!
Thank you, Fred, and also thanks for the index.

By way of thanks a series of three on the hairy theme. Here is number one:

Pamela opening up 1

There is a clear focus of attention, but take a moment to look upwards a little. Something else will appear in the later posts!

Link's not working....drat!

Thank you, Fred, and also thanks for the index.

By way of thanks a series of three on the hairy theme. Here is number one:

Pamela opening up 1

There is a clear focus of attention, but take a moment to look upwards a little. Something else will appear in the later posts!

day caught yooz....

Someone give Pam a new hosting site, STAT!!
Thank you, Fred, and also thanks for the index.

By way of thanks a series of three on the hairy theme. Here is number one:

Pamela opening up 1

There is a clear focus of attention, but take a moment to look upwards a little. Something else will appear in the later posts!

What ever happened? The title had me hanging on the edge of my seat :)
Nice to see you have a new hosting site.

That is a mouth watering picture if I have ever seen one.
i really like your black and white shots...

your soft skin and the cute bush are so sexy.
nowadays every girls seems to be shaved but some hair on the sweet might add some extra fun...
Pamela Opening Up

Hopefully not seeming or sounding to shallow and acknowledging it was worth the wait... I say this with all sincerity, you have such a beautiful vagina, so perfectly shaped and graced with such natural beauty :heart: :heart: :heart:
I would make every and any effort to enjoy you :)
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Seems to be working now!

Hopefully not seeming or sounding to shallow and acknowledging it was worth the wait... I say this with all sincerity, you have such a beautiful vagina, so perfectly shaped and graced with such natural beauty :heart: :heart: :heart:
I would make every and any effort to enjoy you :)

Not sure whether I dare try another :confused:

hmmm but i guess there are some hosting sides, that aren't causing problem to upload nude shots...
New to this thread and I am impressed by your pictures. Professional. Artistic. Erotic. I appreciate the fact you share the personal aspects of your modeling. Keep up the great work and keep posting those pictures - old and new. :rose:
They weren't silly at all, they had wanted to see my anus all along, I was the one who thought they might find it disgusting.

Once I had got over my fears and was finally showing them everything, I very nearly had an orgasm right there in the studio just at the thought that they were all looking at my anus. Because of the way I was posing I couldn't really see what was going going on, but the deep breathing and nice comments and the shutters clicking convinced me they were really enjoying the view.


You could see in that one picture that you were really soaked. That's very hot!

Peeping over the parapet..... Index

Need a index

Lady has ok it.

Here's the water........ p1

Pamela shy and uncertain p18

Does this look about right? p23

Obeying instructions! p27

Strategic omission of knickers 1 p43

Strategic omission of knickers 2 p46

Pamela Tanning her Perky Bottom

Pamela Bristling! p52

Knickers off and into the sun p62

Knickers off and turn over! p66

Trying to get over one of my early hang-ups p73

Realising they were keen to see everything p76

A glimpse into the inner regions p84

Pamela ready for action p109

Close encounter of the personal kind p116

Relaxed in the club studio

Anything but relaxed on the beach

Pamela Opening Up

page 7 post 175

You asked if it isn't too hairy for us... No for some it remind us of days of pasted.. of when we were growing up and the first hardon caused by the veiw of a few pussy hairs show thru her white pair of panties OMG

Thank you. hairy or not you are a lovely lady.



its my birthday on Sunday maybe someone with drop by Cheer wish me a great one or a gift