Pedophilia: a predisposition that can't be changed?


Hello Summer!
Nov 1, 2005
From here:
In searching for causes of pedophilia, researchers have largely dismissed the popular belief that abuse in childhood plays an important role. Studies show that few victims grow up to be abusers, and only about a third of offenders say they were molested.

Scientists at the Toronto center have uncovered a series of associations that suggest pedophilia has biological roots.

Among the most compelling findings is that 30% of pedophiles are left-handed or ambidextrous, triple the general rate. Because hand dominance is established through some combination of genetics and the environment of the womb, scientists see that association as a powerful indicator that something is different about pedophiles at birth.
There is an interesting part about how some people with a tumor in a certain part of their brain can find themselves suddenly attracted to children, but if the tumor is removed, they're back to being attracted to adults, not children. So a pedophile is like someone with a tumor in a certain part of the brain.

Not that this changes the fact that they're a danger to children. But it would be nice if it led to ways of prevention--which might save the children--rather than just jailing them after the fact. Rather like someone with a predisposition for alcoholism knowing he must always avoid drinking.

And yes, granted that we can't write about underage sex on this site, and so this might not be useful for anyone but a would-be Nabokov. But I think articles on all aspects of human sexuality--including such sad/unpleasant abberations--can be useful to us writers of human sexuality.
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So a pedophile is like someone with a tumor in a certain part of the brain.
Correction; some pedophiles have brain tumors.

Sorry. :(

And yes, it would be wonderful, but at this time there is no way of knowing and no way to preemptively force treatments on any person. That's a violation of their civil rights.
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Considering the punishment meted out to pedos, I would think they're dealing with a compulsion, rather than a desire. Like we have discovered with alcoholism, some people are curable, some aren't. That's not an excuse for their behavior, but the biological factor is worth exploring, especially if it could lead to a cure.
I think we should just go with the "because they're left handed" reason.
In searching for causes of pedophilia, researchers have largely dismissed the popular belief that abuse in childhood plays an important role. Studies show that few victims grow up to be abusers, and only about a third of offenders say they were molested.

Scientists at the Toronto center have uncovered a series of associations that suggest pedophilia has biological roots.

Among the most compelling findings is that 30% of pedophiles are left-handed or ambidextrous, triple the general rate. Because hand dominance is established through some combination of genetics and the environment of the womb, scientists see that association as a powerful indicator that something is different about pedophiles at birth.

The use of language is interesting cf. "the most compelling findings is that 30%" versus, "only about a third" - one is dismissive and the other smaller one is "compelling."

Nevertheless, the idea that paedophilia might be a medical condition, with the possibility of a cure, rather than just being evil (to which the only cure is execution) is intriguing.
And yes, it would be wonderful, but at this time there is no way of knowing and no way to preemptively force treatments on any person. That's a violation of their civil rights.

Pedophilia in many countries is recognized as both a mental illness and a crime. Some countries in Europe carry out compulsory chemical castration and in many where such a drastic approach is not used ,there are means of classifying a person as insane and then essentially reducing that person ( legally ) to a zombie with appropriate legal and compulsory prescriptions.
Pedophilia in many countries is recognized as both a mental illness and a crime. Some countries in Europe carry out compulsory chemical castration and in many where such a drastic approach is not used ,there are means of classifying a person as insane and then essentially reducing that person ( legally ) to a zombie with appropriate legal and compulsory prescriptions.

Some paedophiles have been shown to be receptive to training and education. They ain't cured, but they can overcome their urges (think of a smoker or alcoholic), and thus take a place in today's society.

According to my Ex, who worked in a place where such things were talked about by experts in the field, it is a condition which cannot be cured.

That said, if some bloody kiddy-fiddler got too close to my grand-daughter, I'd have to get my cricket bat out.
Sorry, I'm in the camp of one round to the head for anyone messing with kids.
But in most states you can marry a young teen, and a century ago it was legal to marry preteens. Marriage was often how families disposed of orphans. Another common destination for girls were brothels. Checkout some 19th Century census records, especially for brothels in large cities.

To my way of thinking sex with a kid is par with beating a kid, not a good idea. Mostly its not a good idea because its a big bite from the Tree of Knowledge that gets you tossed outta the Garden of Eden. And dont deny that we dont try and sexualize girls as much as we can.
I have always believed and still do pedophilia is incurable.

Pedophilia is unfortunately the sexual identity of these people. You cannot get them to stop desiring children no more than you could get a homosexual to become straight or straight into homosexual.

They will have those cravings their entire lives its just can they keep it in check. I believe there are many out there who have these impulses and have never acted upon them, its not easy I'm sure and has to be a tortured existence, but they do it.

As for for them comments that many men years ago married teens and even preteens in certain times/cultures. That is true and it is also true that some men desire girls of less than legal age.

if you look on a site like Hustlers "barely legal" some of these 18 year olds are so small chested and with the pig tails and the smooth pussies that they look 13 and the guys I'm sure are think that.

But even then that to me is still not pedophilia. Those girls have the "parts" so to speak and are sexually developed and know what it is to different degrees.

True pedophiles crave girls and boys who are not even of sexual age. They're after 8 year olds, hell they're after 5 year olds these girls are not sexually mature in anyway shape or form.

I think pedophilia almost classifies as fetish, albeit a very dark very sick one.

In the end I am of the opinion of castration for these people, but even then they may still want to kidnap and do somethings to these kids.

Maybe the bullet is not a terrible idea. Its their life as opposed to all the childrens lives they can destroy.

Also being left handed a big Fuck you to lit's biggest fraud as well as old lady Pilot.
Just curious, tell us about your teen years and how you never-ever played with your magic wand.

So you can fap to it? Me thinks you're defense of this sickness is a cry for help. Maybe you ought to volunteer for the one round solution?

Fact is, you fuck with a kid you deserve a ticket punching.
So you can fap to it? Me thinks you're defense of this sickness is a cry for help. Maybe you ought to volunteer for the one round solution?

Fact is, you fuck with a kid you deserve a ticket punching.

"Ticket punching" I like that.

A long time ago my old man told me you never hurt, a child, a woman, an animal or a senior.

Basically only a piece of shit coward hurts someone that cannot defend themselves.

Sadly there are many of those walking around these days and I'm ashamed to say 95% are alleged "men"

The addendum I would add to your ticket punching is the parent/parents of the child hurt get to pull the trigger.
I agree with Glen Beck on this one. Truthfully, child sexual predators should receive the death penalty. Rehabilitation cannot reverse evil.
So you can fap to it? Me thinks you're defense of this sickness is a cry for help. Maybe you ought to volunteer for the one round solution?

Fact is, you fuck with a kid you deserve a ticket punching.

You ignore the fact that lotsa girls are putting out at an early age. They always have. If you wanna play the hysterical card, go for it. But things aint different now than they were in the past. I had lotsa propositions from girls when I was a child. All thats really changed is the new excuse for people to go apeshit.
You ignore the fact that lotsa girls are putting out at an early age. They always have. If you wanna play the hysterical card, go for it. But things aint different now than they were in the past. I had lotsa propositions from girls when I was a child. All thats really changed is the new excuse for people to go apeshit.

Early as in 14 and 15? Very true and not just putting out, but sexting pictures of their under age tits to every boy in school and putting racy pictures on the net.

Where are their parents? Oh, never mind they're doing the same thing.

But as I said before, Pedos are not going after these little overheated teenagers they're going after 4th graders and as bad as things have gotten your average 9 year old is not "putting out"
I just want to add that in this country there is one allowance for pedophiles.

Apparently you are not only able to rape young boys, but do so with the full knowledge of your superiors as long as you're part of a winning football program.

Sorry, Penn State, (and college football in general with all its corruption) but I couldn't resist.
Early as in 14 and 15? Very true and not just putting out, but sexting pictures of their under age tits to every boy in school and putting racy pictures on the net.

Where are their parents? Oh, never mind they're doing the same thing.

But as I said before, Pedos are not going after these little overheated teenagers they're going after 4th graders and as bad as things have gotten your average 9 year old is not "putting out"

Yes. Some go after infants. But our hysterics toss the kiddies in with the teens. I've known 18 year olds who went to prison for fucking their 17 year old girlfriends. And I say its bullshit, 9th grade oughta be the age of consent, with a warning cough for the 7th and 8th graders.
the age of consent varies all over the world even state to state in ca its 18 in uk 16 in spain 13 so in the uk you could be married at 16 and having sex but you couldnt watch a prn movie??????? some people say a person attracted to someone under the age of consent is a paedophile that wouldnt be the correct definition. Im not defending paedophilia but i dont think society helps ..stores sell clothes that make lil girls look like hookers and mini women from an early age...if we sexualise children arent we adding to the problems? in the last centuries girls were married and bearing children at 12/13 but the adult life expectancy was so much lower that was considered normality It would be a great discovery if paedophilia was cureable
Yes. Some go after infants. But our hysterics toss the kiddies in with the teens. I've known 18 year olds who went to prison for fucking their 17 year old girlfriends. And I say its bullshit, 9th grade oughta be the age of consent, with a warning cough for the 7th and 8th graders.

Don't know which state you're in, but in Minnesota, eighteen year olds are allowed to date 16 and up. They have allowences to make sure that two-year differences wont be punished. You can get in trouble if the sixteen year old decides to press charges, but if they are pressing charges, maybe you shouldn't be dating them.
Considering the punishment meted out to pedos, I would think they're dealing with a compulsion, rather than a desire. Like we have discovered with alcoholism, some people are curable, some aren't. That's not an excuse for their behavior, but the biological factor is worth exploring, especially if it could lead to a cure.

Having dealt with the effects of pedophilia on its victims,my greatest hope is that if it is a biological matter,that they die out as part of the species.
Pedophilia in many countries is recognized as both a mental illness and a crime.

Well, you're talking about two different things. The desire to molest a child is a form of mental illness, but actually doing it is a crime. And rightly so. There's nothing lower than a rapist who preys on children. And having a desire to commit a crime is certainly not an excuse for the crime. Mental illness only excuses crime when the offender cannot understand the consequences of his actions. Child molesters know the harm they cause, and they either don't care or they enjoy causing that harm.

"[T]here's a difference between feeling the feelings and acting on the feelings. If you feel the desire to molest a child, I'll grant you that that's sick. If you act on it, it's evil. It's a different ball of wax. Can you see a couple of cops sitting around the interrogation room, and [a suspect is] being asked about an armed robbery, and he won't talk. Can you hear the cops saying, 'Well, gee, John's in denial.' Is there an offense called 'armed robberia'? These are child molesters. The fact that we have a pretty theatric term is simply a 'Get out of jail free' card. What you do, and not what it's called, is what counts. And to steal a child's soul, which is exactly what happens ... there is no greater crime." - Andrew Vachss

... Child molesters know the harm they cause, and they either don't care or they enjoy causing that harm....

In the case of a compulsion, like anorexia, the subjects can't help themselves, even though they know better. 100 years ago, we defined schizophrenics who acted out in evil ways as "evil" or possessed by the devil. Nowadays, we recognize the affliction as an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, and we treat it that way.

I think the article posted was suggesting that 50 years from now, (or 10 years from now) we might be approaching pedophilia the same way we approach schizophrenia - as a medical condition, not "pure evil." This would allow a person to confide in his doctor about his disturbing urges, (that have not yet been acted upon) and get proactive treatment, rather than jail time.

I agree that any pedo who acts out should be prohibited from doing so again, by whatever means necessary. On the issue of prohibiting a suspected pedo from committing his first act, that's a tough one. As Stella said, there are civil rights involved. Maybe 10 years from now, biological markers will be a reliable enough predictor of harm to others that civil rights could be restricted.
Of course 50 years from now, we can be creating such life-like robots that we can just make some for these guys (and some girls, let me point out), isolate them, give them a robot that responds to their fetish, and let them go at it in isolation.

Weird, of course, but speaking of 50 years out . . .

Hey, I feel a story coming on. But it couldn't be posted here; it would still be pedo.