Parlez-vous Francais?


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2003
Do you know more than one language?

Are you fluent in reading, writing, and speaking in more than one?
(that doesn't include curses!!)

What language that you know is the most challenging?

For me, I'm fluent in English, and semi-fluent in French. I can find the bathroom and the bus in Spanish, and I can count to 10 in Czech. I think French is most difficult, but only because that's my only non-native language I've really put a lot of effort into studying.
I can order a beer in 37 languages.

What more do you need?.
I can converse on a child-like level in French. Well, plus some lovely curses. And most things food related. I can read it on a slightly higher level.

I can speak enough Spanish to be cordial with people, to find a bathroom (as long as they point while giving the directions) and to know when I'm being called something I'd be upset over.

I can speak just enough Hebrew to get me in trouble and to read it without understanding a single word that I've read (with Hebrew, that's actually saying a lot! LOL).

Edited to add: And Hebrew is by far the most challenging for me.
mig said:
I can order a beer in 37 languages.

What more do you need?.

Good point! Once you relate on the beer-level, all things are equal. Thanks mig.
Kochana Cleo, dzien dobry pani. Y dobranots.
Jestes moja nagroda naszca mioszca podbijemy glod. Szwa Dziewecka do laseczka do zielonigo...kocham cie, Shingen.

Konnichi Wa Cleo. Ogenki desu ka? Wakarimasu ka? Watashi no nihongo o hanashimasu. Ashita koohi a nomimasu to udon o tabemasu.

Hola Cleo. Que Paso? Yo he pensado mucho ultimamente...para tu. Losciento, mi espanol is muy malo, pero yo hablo un poquito. Es ok? Adios mi amiga!

Yo Cleo, what's up girl? How the lil chillin? Well, I gots ta go. Headin back to the projects for mama's chitlins and fried chicken. It is dope!!! Anyway, peace out!

Nora said:
I can converse on a child-like level in French. Well, plus some lovely curses. And most things food related. I can read it on a slightly higher level.

I can speak enough Spanish to be cordial with people, to find a bathroom (as long as they point while giving the directions) and to know when I'm being called something I'd be upset over.

I can speak just enough Hebrew to get me in trouble and to read it without understanding a single word that I've read (with Hebrew, that's actually saying a lot! LOL).

Edited to add: And Hebrew is by far the most challenging for me.

Thanks Nora. I also could use the pointing as help, no matter which language it is. And the phrase, "Slower, please" when trying to decode a sentence.
Shingen said:
Kochana Cleo, dzien dobry pani. Y dobranots.
Jestes moja nagroda naszca mioszca podbijemy glod. Szwa Dziewecka do laseczka do zielonigo...kocham cie, Shingen.

Konnichi Wa Cleo. Ogenki desu ka? Wakarimasu ka? Watashi no nihongo o hanashimasu. Ashita koohi a nomimasu to udon o tabemasu.

Hola Cleo. Que Paso? Yo he pensado mucho ultimamente...para tu. Losciento, mi espanol is muy malo, pero yo hablo un poquito. Es ok? Adios mi amiga!

Yo Cleo, what's up girl? How the lil chillin? Well, I gots ta go. Headin back to the projects for mama's chitlins and fried chicken. It is dope!!! Anyway, peace out!



Thanks Shingen! I'm pretty sure this answers my question, but it also brings up a great point - babblefish is very helpful in cases like these!!
English is my secondary language.

Hillbilly is my first. ;-)

I had 2 years of French and can speak very little but I can pick apart some words when I read it. Someone taught me just a bit of Dutch awhile back.
k¡tty said:
English is my secondary language.

Hillbilly is my first. ;-)

Thanks kitty! I was thinking of putting "American" as what I speak - or even "Philly" - I'm amazed someone hasn't point out the difference yet.
Cleo32 said:
Do you know more than one language?

Oui, je parlez francais, ablais espanol unt spieken ze deutschen, with having dabbled lightly in latin and several other languages.

Are you fluent in reading, writing, and speaking in more than one?
(that doesn't include curses!!)

Was semi-fluent in French and German with picking up a bit of spanish and latin. Though havent used the first two in years with the last ones happening due to circumstance.

What language that you know is the most challenging?

Latin, as only experienced it briefly with curiousities of celtic and asian languages making them noteworthy in this as well.

For me, I'm fluent in English, and semi-fluent in French. I can find the bathroom and the bus in Spanish, and I can count to 10 in Czech. I think French is most difficult, but only because that's my only non-native language I've really put a lot of effort into studying.
I'm fluent in English, semi-fluent in French, and I'm learning Ancient Greek.

I can say 'I love you' in 10 languages, I can understand German and Dutch (for the most part), though I don't speak either. I can count to 10 in spanish, and when I went to Italy, I held my own rather well.
Re: Re: Parlez-vous Francais?

Wolf_Song said:
Oui, je parlez francais

mais non, je PARLE fraincais.

Parlez is the word conjugated for you, plural, or you, polite.
I only know English.. And of course key hockey phrases in French.

And I have been known to say "gracias" many times.
The only important language..

English, the international business language learned by virtually every industrialized nation on earth. I know a little French, like, "Piss on ze Amercans!" and can go without a bath for a week, so I could blend in well with the indigenious folk.*

*I'm in a pissed off mood at the moment...
oui, moi je parle francais.

I would say I speak 7 languages and a smattering of others.
speaking and reading is one thing, writing is quite another. always most difficult to write in a foreign language.

but then you don't go around writing notes to people when travelling... you speak with them...:)

oh, and Lost Cause... ALL languages are important. Regardless of what mood you're in...;)
I spean french, english, and LOL frenglish hehe

I was only 8 when I moved from Quebec so my french is not so great never really learned to write it and I have trouble reading it.
But I Speak it.
I speak fluent English and French, some Spanish (I'm studying it right now), can count to 20 in German, understand some Yiddish and understand Italian but can't speak it. Oh yeah, lol and I know some very funny words in Finnish.

edited to add: I also speak different French dialects: Quebecois, French from France, Cajun and Creole.

Je parle Anglais, Francais, un peu de l'Espanol (je l'etudie maintenant), je peu conter en Allman, je comprends le Yiddish et l'Italien mais je ne peux pas les parler. Ah oui, et je connais des mots tres droles en Finlandais.

Des becs pour Rex

Last edited:
roxanne69 said:
Je parle Anglais, Francais, un peu de l'Espanol (je l'etudie maintenant), je peu conter en Allman, je comprends le Yiddish et l'Italien mais je ne peux pas les parler. Ah oui, et je connais des mots tres droles en Finlandais.

Des becs pour Rex

TOUS les mots en finlaidais sont droles...
Coolville said:
TOUS les mots en finlaidais sont droles...

lol vous avez raison. J'aime ecouter mes amis en parlent le finlandais, c'est comme le "babytalk". C'est presque impossible a apprendre parce qu'il n ya pas de langue de base en commun avec les autres (comme hongrois).

Ou a tu appris ton francais?
roxanne69 said:
lol vous avez raison. J'aime ecouter mes amis en parlent le finlandais, c'est comme le "babytalk". C'est presque impossible a apprendre parce qu'il n ya pas de langue de base en commun avec les autres (comme hongrois).

Ou a tu appris ton francais?
C'est vrais ca. Et aussi comme le lingue du les pays basques.

Dans l'ecole. 11 ans. Et aussi, j'ai habiter en la france avant et j'ai en petite fermette dans un petite village au Pyrennees, pres du Espana. Pour les vacances tu sais.
roxanne69 said:
I speak fluent English and French, some Spanish (I'm studying it right now), can count to 20 in German, understand some Yiddish and understand Italian but can't speak it. Oh yeah, lol and I know some very funny words in Finnish.

edited to add: I also speak different French dialects: Quebecois, French from France, Cajun and Creole.

Je parle Anglais, Francais, un peu de l'Espanol (je l'etudie maintenant), je peu conter en Allman, je comprends le Yiddish et l'Italien mais je ne peux pas les parler. Ah oui, et je connais des mots tres droles en Finlandais.

Des becs pour Rex


Je t'embrasse
Coolville said:
C'est vrais ca. Et aussi comme le lingue du les pays basques.

Dans l'ecole. 11 ans. Et aussi, j'ai habiter en la france avant et j'ai en petite fermette dans un petite village au Pyrennees, pres du Espana. Pour les vacances tu sais.

wow! chanceux! C'est la meilleur facon d'apprendre une langue, avec les gens qui le parle. J'ai appris mon francais ici a l'ecole mais la plupart de mon francais j'ai appris de les autres en parlent. J'aimerais apprendre l'espanol en espagne ou de trouver des amis ici qui viennent de Mexique ou un autre pays dans l'amerique de sud.

Tu ecrit bien le francais!! Et tu americain? Je viens de Montreal, c'est pourquoi j'ai appris mon francais en parlent. J'ai beaucoup d'occasion a practiquer!