Parents Who Read Their Kids Stories Featuring Animals Are Reinforcing “Racist Norms”…


Jan 23, 2011
Canadian Researcher: Parents Who Read Their Kids Stories Featuring Animals Are Reinforcing “Racist Norms”…

What the f….?

Via National Post:

Parents who read their kids stories about happy, human-like animals like Franklin the Turtle or Arthur at bedtime are exposing their kids to racism, materialism, homophobia and patriarchal norms, according to a paper presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Most animals portrayed in children’s books, songs and on clothing send a bad message, according to academics Nora Timmerman and Julia Ostertag: That animals only exist for human use, that humans are better than animals, that animals don’t have their own stories to tell, that it’s fine to “demean” them by cooing over their cuteness. Perhaps worst of all, they say, animals are anthropomorphized to reinforce “socially dominant norms” like nuclear families and gender stereotypes.

“[M]uch of young children’s media reproduces and confirms racist, colonial, consumerist, heteronormative, and patriarchal norms,” Timmerman and Ostertag write in their paper ‘Too Many Monkeys Jumping in Their Heads: Animal Lessons within Young Children’s Media,’ presented at Congress Wednesday. [...]

“What I’ve noticed in particular about animals is the cultural stereotypes that we have in our society, and in the culture of prejudices we have often are more hidden when they’re inserted into a story about animals or animal form.”

Keep reading…

In case you were wondering what the moonbat who wrote this nonsense looks like, here she is:
Some researchers can be pretty loony, and that researcher sounds like one of the looniest. I have never heard of Franklin the Turtle but Arthur, if it is the one I am thinking of, is anti-racist and anti-stereotypes.

I remember quite well a series of books my mother read to me and my brothers and that I read later for myself. It was a series entitled Old Mother West Wind, and it included stories about how opossums learned to play possum, and other stories of that type. It also included unsanitized tales of animals being animals. Reddy Fox and Peter Rabbit were two of the characters, and the former was always trying to catch and eat the latter. There was nothing the least bit racist about any of those stories, or any similar tales I read or heard.

Of course, I haven't read every children's book ever written, and there may be some which are what that loon is saying. :eek: