Paranormal / Magical Erotica


Literotica Guru
May 1, 2012
Hello everyone. I'm thinking of doing a series of paranormal-ish stories, but before I do I wanted to get some feedback and see if the ideas are completely rubbish, overdone, or might land me in hot water.

The meat of the series would be a string of stories about the sex lives of mythical creatures and humans. So humans getting busy with trolls (sexy trolls), centaurs, faerie folk and mermaids and the such like. I'm quite keen, but I'm weird like that. What does everyone else think? And would it be considered bestiality if they're mythical creatures?

Suggestions are also welcome :D
Hello everyone. I'm thinking of doing a series of paranormal-ish stories, but before I do I wanted to get some feedback and see if the ideas are completely rubbish, overdone, or might land me in hot water.

The meat of the series would be a string of stories about the sex lives of mythical creatures and humans. So humans getting busy with trolls (sexy trolls), centaurs, faerie folk and mermaids and the such like. I'm quite keen, but I'm weird like that. What does everyone else think? And would it be considered bestiality if they're mythical creatures?

Suggestions are also welcome :D

No, not even sex with a unicorn would be considered bestiality. Lit's kind of funny that way. If it is a fantastic or mythical creature, you can do it. Pun intended.

There are quite a few stories already, in the Non-Human and Sci-Fi categories. I'm finishing up one now for Earth Day, in fact. There's an audience for it . . . not as large as other categories, but notable.
No, not even sex with a unicorn would be considered bestiality. Lit's kind of funny that way. If it is a fantastic or mythical creature, you can do it. Pun intended.

There are quite a few stories already, in the Non-Human and Sci-Fi categories. I'm finishing up one now for Earth Day, in fact. There's an audience for it . . . not as large as other categories, but notable.

Well, I'm glad there's an audience for it at least. It'd be good to hear from someone who's into this kind of thing (don't be shy!). Are there any mythical creatures in particular you'd like to see?
Ooh, yes, go for it.

It would definitely not be bestiality. Even my werewolf story which has been slammed as disgusting bestial filth on Amazon (and is enjoying a runaway success in consequence!) was not banned on here. I was a bit scared it might be, LOL, as I skated very close to pet dog. ROFLMAO! It made my friend Aussie Scribbler laugh his arse off too, we love silly skits on things that Twilight fans take VERY seriously.

Trolls, yup, mermaids, lovely. I suppose octopii are banned? (Culturally appropriate yearning for fishergirls and octopus lovers. ;)) Were-octupii?

Any chance of demi-gods? Um, Loki? :devil: <snerk>
Ha ha. Satyrs. I've always had a vague idea of a story involving satyrs.

As for the really "freaky" kinds of mythical creatures . . . not normally my bag. I suppose it would be, eh, interesting, to say the least, to read a story concerning a unicorn, or pegasus, or some other non-humanoid creature.
That's pretty much what Despina is... Although I don't think she can breath underwater. ;)

Anyway, OP, whatever you think of has probably been thought of already-- and the people who loved it are hunting for more like it, so get typing!
Not sure about magical but do love stories about the paranormal,especially if its part of a long series,im a great story reader
Count me among the target audience for this, KlaytonFrost. I'm actually getting together ideas in preparation for writing a similar story myself, but with more of an action-adventure/nonconsent theme than what it seems like you're going for. Your idea sounds very promising... go ahead and post it, once you're done.
A favorite topic of mine to illustrate.

Done: Poseidon, mermaid, werewolf, werebear, Minotaur, Centaur, Satyr, dryad, raven woman, angel, lizardman, lizardwoman, nymph, fairy, leafman, dragon, octopus, Paul BUnyan & Babe, Venusian-Mansnatch...........

with various interactions and some more than one iteration.
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Mid-May to Mid-August. Yes. :D

You are ON! ROFLOL.

I'm surprised that Stella or Thee haven't already given it a try.

That's pretty much what Despina is... Although I don't think she can breath underwater. ;)

Anyway, OP, whatever you think of has probably been thought of already-- and the people who loved it are hunting for more like it, so get typing!

Stella's Character, as I imagined her:

Must give up sleeping so I can do some reading of stories on here, not just posts!
Go for it. As long as it's something involving mythical creatures or paranormal creatures, it should definitely fly here. Unicorn is a bit of a stretch, but as mentioned below, mermaids, demons, werewolves, angels, gods... they all are fine and deserve a place in fiction, so why not erotic fiction?

Don't lose faith either. The following for this sort of story may not be large, but its there.

For Christ's sake, the Twilight stuff hit home with the hopelessly romantic teens of the current generation, and technically those creatures aren't even necessarily human.
You are a wacky dude, Throbbs. Despina, as I know her-- looks at those pictures and just laughs and laughs...
I've also got plans for a supernatural story of some kind. Sort of a non-consent, smoke monster from LOST kind of thing?
Hm, I guess lamia are my favorite: half woman, half snake. What's not to love about the thought of being wrapped up and immobile in bed, completely at her mercy..?

I'm sorry, what were we talking about?