p_p_man, what's the plan?


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
I've seen you attack, attack, attack, what we do, do, do...

So, what's your plan? How do we deal with the world? How do you resolve the problem? I know you've GOT to be dying to tell us. And please hurry, before they get the bomb to London.
Uhu Bush bad, Osama good

israel bad, arab good

uhu <dribble> Blair evil huh Saddam cuddly
SINthysist said:
I've seen you attack, attack, attack, what we do, do, do...

So, what's your plan? How do we deal with the world? How do you resolve the problem? I know you've GOT to be dying to tell us. And please hurry, before they get the bomb to London.

Hey, SIN . . . haven't you read any of my posts lately??

1. Restore the common law rights to American citizens that the Patriot Act removed.

2. End the US Farm Bill rural socialism subsidies which give 90% of government money to 10% of farmers, agricorporates who fund the Republican Party.

3. Call off the preparations for the imperialistic US war in Iraq for control of 20% of world oil reserves.

4. Get the CIA out of Oz politics . . . they're meddling again . . .

5. Spend less on armaments and more on public housing, education, infrestructure, foreign aid, pay the outstanding UN dues . . . and stay current.

6. Have electoral change so that the miscarriage of the people's will in 2000 cannot happen again . . . try abolishing the electoral college system in favour of the Oz one vote, one value system . . . with compulsory voting of ALL citizens, regardless of racial affiliation . . .

That will do for a start . . . I'm sure there will be plenty more . . .
Don, I like you and I think your posts are well thought out. And you know, I can buy your points until you get to the CIA conspiracy thing and then, it ALL goes to shit. That one point makes it all real hard to then take everything else seriously.

Why are you so convinced that the CIA is fucking in your internal affairs?
Abandon Israel...

and get rid of George.

All things will then begin to fall into their proper places.

America looks at world events which take place naturally, like the Israeli-Palestinian problem, and tries desparately to exert influence over them. Little realising it seems that pressure put on one place leads to explosions in another.

All thing are related. America can't influence them all. When it becomes obvious you're backing the wrong horse change sides.

At the moment the world is facing a terrorist problem which is based on hate but America it seems, is determined to treat that problem as if it were hers alone.

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Re: Abandon Israel...

p_p_man said:
and get rid of George.

All things will then begin to fall into their proper places.

America looks at world events which take place naturally, like the Israeli-Palestinian problem, and tries desparately to exert influence over them. Little realising it seems that pressure put on one place leads to explosions in another.

All thing are related. America can't influence them all. When it becomes obvious you're backing the wrong horse change sides.

At the moment the world is facing a terrorist problem which is based on hate but America it seems, is determined to treat that problem as if it were hers alone.


Oh shit wait...did I just say America is acting like the problem is her own...yet the US has worked tirelessly to get a coilition....the biggest coilition ever seen in militart history

Oh doh..there I go again talking like the uneducated Brit I am
Re: Re: Abandon Israel...

Pee Pee man said:
Oh shit wait...did I just say America is acting like the problem is her own...yet the US has worked tirelessly to get a coilition....the biggest coilition ever seen in militart history

Oh doh..there I go again talking like the uneducated Brit I am

So true, as your spelling of coalition proves!
Don, who asked you?

Desert Rose, Don is really a CIA plant down under doing everthing he can to make the CIA look organized and important! :D !

Good Gawd p_p_, you were the first one secreaming bloody murder when we didn't go, "Where's the monkey!" Why, it seems like it was just yesterday :D !

Good Gawd Ya'll!

SINthysist said:
Don, who asked you?

Desert Rose, Don is really a CIA plant down under doing everthing he can to make the CIA look organized and important! :D !

Good Gawd p_p_, you were the first one secreaming bloody murder when we didn't go, "Where's the monkey!" Why, it seems like it was just yesterday :D !

Good Gawd Ya'll!


Jeez! Flatlander.... are we feeling a bit out of sorts today... "crying in our beer" so-to-speak? :D

Jimi, it's like this, trying to pin down p_p_ on an issue is much like the proverbial p_p_ing up a rope...

I'm just trying to figure out what rope he's on...

First we're supposed to be in Israel, then we're supposed to be out, we do the p_p_hokey and we turn it all about :D !

Also I feel a lot less safer knowing that Clinton gave nukes to North Korea at the same time he was giving the missle technology to thier bosom buddies the Red Chinese which makes me feel a little less safe, a little more tense, a lot more like someone's out to get me, p_p_, Don, RED, and cool, they all know how I feel.. I can read their pain ;) ...
Hanns, at least have the balls to post under your own name. Oh, man I forgot dude, I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk about that in public, don't want to spread it around, that you don't have any balls.

Here Hanns, here are some balls for you.

SINthysist said:

First we're supposed to be in Israel, then we're supposed to be out, we do the p_p_hokey and we turn it all about :D !

Out in your support of Israel...

In when Israel shows its true tactics as a terrorist nation.

Simple really...


CIA Meddles in Oz . . .

A Desert Rose said:
Don, I like you and I think your posts are well thought out. And you know, I can buy your points until you get to the CIA conspiracy thing and then, it ALL goes to shit. That one point makes it all real hard to then take everything else seriously.

Why are you so convinced that the CIA is fucking in your internal affairs?

Hi Rose, thank you for your considered opinion . . . in 1975 the democratically elected Whitlam Labor Party government was overturned with the assistance of the CIA . . . Yesterday, the Howard government said that it was OK for the CIA to meddle in Oz political affairs like they are doing in a current by-election . . . words of protest from a present MP, while the condescending reply was from a goveernment minister . . .

As for the other CIA interference since 1945 . . . there are a plethora of books by former CIA agents documenting their "work experiences" destabilising governments around the world, but particularly in the western hemisphere . . . for example, a CIA agent proudly boasted on a TV special that he had ordered Che Guaverra shot when he was captured . . . :)
sch00lteacher said:
Hanns, at least have the balls to post under your own name. Oh, man I forgot dude, I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk about that in public, don't want to spread it around, that you don't have any balls.

Here Hanns, here are some balls for you.


He/She has balls?...methinks Hanns is a Coprolite{petrified dino shit}

For once we agree Schoolteacher.
