Oxford Don's photo gallery

Okay said:
You're like that Jessica Wotserface in Murder She Wrote (except that I hope people don't suddenly expire when you walk into a room!)

Anyway, I never went near that bridge Jessica! Cecilia, she skidded on a cow pat, I did not push her - and she was into geology, that's why she had all those heavy rocks in the pockets of her Burberry! Ok, she might have been a loathsome, two-timing, whoring bitch Jessica, but I loved her!!!
You're like that Jessica Wotserface in Murder She Wrote (except that I hope people don't suddenly expire when you walk into a room!)

Anyway, I never went near that bridge Jessica! Cecilia, she skidded on a cow pat, I did not push her - and she was into geology, that's why she had all those heavy rocks in the pockets of her Burberry! Ok, she might have been a loathsome, two-timing, whoring bitch Jessica, but I loved her!!!

[SIGH] You just bring out the Nancy Drew in me. :rose:

On topic: Great pics, Don!
A Fountain for Lily

Thanks everyone...here's a fountain just for Lily!!

I too love the picture of the Lone traveler...

Get my laptop back today :D sooo can get all my photographs off and post.

I remember you liked my photographs Don :D
I too love the picture of the Lone traveler...

Get my laptop back today :D sooo can get all my photographs off and post.

I remember you liked my photographs Don :D

I did...they were amazing!!!;)

Glad you all liked the traveller...it was taken early in the morning and I thought the lone figure made the photo...
Good Afternoon Don :kiss:

More beautiful images for us all to sigh over, I think the tourist information board will be tagging you soon :) Hope you've had a fab Friday, do you have any sunset shots or oxford on a night please?
Good Afternoon Don :kiss:

More beautiful images for us all to sigh over, I think the tourist information board will be tagging you soon :) Hope you've had a fab Friday, do you have any sunset shots or oxford on a night please?

Thanks honey...I'll see what I can find!!!:kiss::kiss:
Wow, some fabulous pics there Don! Loved the close up of the fountain, spectacular with the sunlight reflecting off it! :kiss:
Thanks everyone...here's a fountain just for Lily!!


Oh my................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this is just, well STUNNING!!! Thank you, Don :kiss: Seriously, I just want to jump into it! Can I please use it for my background pic on my pc???

And this one here is absolutely beautiful. It's funny because we had fog late last night and although I know it is morning here, it's eerily familiar.