Oral Servitude

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Sure is quiet around here. Guess nobody likes oral sex anymore? :confused:

I'll end with a fragment of a cartoon I picked up from somewhere:

Blushing Bottom said:
I'm a little confused...oral servitide or objectitfication?

I say it's talented oral servitude. Takes skill to operate under pressure that way. ;)

Second sheet of cartoon fragment:

Standing O on this one.

stirbird said:
Sure is quiet around here. Guess nobody likes oral sex anymore? :confused:

I'll end with a fragment of a cartoon I picked up from somewhere:

You O standing up? That's interesting! ;)

I liked that cartoon too, tres hot. :)

msg to stirbird
not since the great contributions from tainted b has this thread now burst back into life.
much admired contributions that encourage regular visits to this great thread. :)
stageleft said:
msg to stirbird
not since the great contributions from tainted b has this thread now burst back into life.
much admired contributions that encourage regular visits to this great thread. :)

Well, as a matter of fact, I am taintedb. :) A certain number of sneaky slimeballs on here have acted like this is some deep dark secret that they've managed, through their brilliant deductive powers, to figure out, and have gone about making what they imagine to be extremely clever and sly "outing" innudendos in public , lol, but if even a single of of those great sleuths (cough) had bothered to ask me directly to my face, I would have told them flat out who I was! ROFL! Of course, simply asking an honest person for the honest truth isn't something that often occurs to the Machivillian-inclined (albeit not Machevillain-capable!). :rolleyes:

I decided not to use the taintedb AV anymore for personal reasons (which I'm certain that the same brilliant geniuses who congratulated themselves on figuring out the ID of someone who wasn't even trying the least bit to hide to herself begin with will develop brand new conspiracies about--tee hee).

Anyway, it's good to be back and thank you for comparing me to myself! I fully agree that I am a lot like me. :D I've missed posting to this thread and seeing other posts, but have been mightily occupied with other engrossing endeavors. A new poster put up some nice pics as well--maybe this means good things for the thread. I liked her contributions a lot because I rarely see goth girls "smoking the bone" as Rosco terms it.

Thanks for the note of appreciation, btw, it inspires me to contribute more. :)
Finding out your taintedB has made my poor mind spin.

I really enjoyed the tainted posts, but as Stirbird you used to make me mad :confused:
(but you knew that)
I cant decide if I changed or if a new name is what made the difference.

Maybe I need Roscos pms cure, yet it wasn't pms that caused me to become irratated with some posts:confused:

I do know which discussion it was and it was at a time when life was confusing, so maybe it was me and not your posts *sigh*

I have no idea what your talking about when you refer to why you stopped using tainted or who the slime balls who figured out who you were are.

I wish you had explained it to me when I pm'd you, still whats done is done

All that aside its great to see the oral thread revived and the cartoons add a different edge to it :)

Stageleft is right your pics are just like the contributions from tainted b :)
Great pix.

I like the one with Red Stripe (which I like). "That bottle better not fall off your head...."
shy slave said:
Finding out your taintedB has made my poor mind spin.

I really enjoyed the tainted posts, but as Stirbird you used to make me mad :confused:
(but you knew that)
I cant decide if I changed or if a new name is what made the difference.

Maybe I need Roscos pms cure, yet it wasn't pms that caused me to become irratated with some posts:confused:

I do know which discussion it was and it was at a time when life was confusing, so maybe it was me and not your posts *sigh*

I have no idea what your talking about when you refer to why you stopped using tainted or who the slime balls who figured out who you were are.

I wish you had explained it to me when I pm'd you, still whats done is done

All that aside its great to see the oral thread revived and the cartoons add a different edge to it :)

Stageleft is right your pics are just like the contributions from tainted b :)

All right, since you want to air dirty laundry in public, listen to this. I did explain who I was when you pm'd me. You were still pissed. I was deeply hurt by what others, who know who I am, were cruelly saying here about my beloved master and husband, so recently dead. (Can anything be more tactless and cruel than that?) You seemed to be taking the side of those who would kick a greiving widow on the ground in the face to "get back" at her husband for his imagined wrongs to their egos. So I put you on ignore. Can you blame me? I still cry for his loss nearly every day. He was my only and most probably my last master. Now this is all I am going to say about the matter...TO ANYONE. Leave me be and let me post my pictures. It distracts me from the hell I live in.
How do I always never know what is going on around here? :confused:

I don't understand any of it but it is good to know you are still around tainedb...or now stirbird. :)
Kajira Callista said:
How do I always never know what is going on around here? :confused:

I don't understand any of it but it is good to know you are still around tainedb...or now stirbird. :)

It's not important, just some personal bizness between me and shy slave. I've taken it to email. Yes it's me. :) And is that you (in the avatar?) with a cute pixie cut? :) If so, I am jealous, it looks great!
stirbird said:
It's not important, just some personal bizness between me and shy slave. I've taken it to email. Yes it's me. :) And is that you (in the avatar?) with a cute pixie cut? :) If so, I am jealous, it looks great!

Hi Stirbird. I love your Avatar. What kind of nudibranch is it? :)
Not bad. ;)

It's a white-lined dorid, photographed in my old stomping grounds, Puget Sound.
stirbird said:
It's not important, just some personal bizness between me and shy slave. I've taken it to email. Yes it's me. :) And is that you (in the avatar?) with a cute pixie cut? :) If so, I am jealous, it looks great!
Thats me, but holding my hair up. Im not daring enough to cut it off. If i hated it, it would take a long long time to grow back.

Now if someone cut it off for me.......that could be a fun game that KC would like playing :cathappy:
Someone ought to set up a perverted barbershop for long-tressed ladies who like haircut humiliation. ;)
stirbird said:
Not bad. ;)

It's a white-lined dorid, photographed in my old stomping grounds, Puget Sound.

Really do love them. Beautiful creatures but nasty. :D
Kajira Callista said:
Thats me, but holding my hair up. Im not daring enough to cut it off. If i hated it, it would take a long long time to grow back.

Now if someone cut it off for me.......that could be a fun game that KC would like playing :cathappy:

With a good bit of bondage thrown in for good measure. :D
raven2 said:
Really do love them. Beautiful creatures but nasty. :D

They look like the sort of thing I'd just reach down and touch because they're so pretty. How are they nasty? Do they sting?
stirbird said:
They look like the sort of thing I'd just reach down and touch because they're so pretty. How are they nasty? Do they sting?

Some do and most are voracious predators.
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