only if mcdonalds could..


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010
i would ask for it aswel.. haha

I could use a McGin 'n' Tonic right about now. Supersize that shit too.
They serve beer in the home office McDonald in Oakbrook, Il.

I also hear they sell wine and beer at the European McD's.
They serve beer in the home office McDonald in Oakbrook, Il.

I also hear they sell wine and beer at the European McD's.

really? sheeiiiit, they should do that in all states. hahah

you will have more drunks at work an driving than hyped an souped up on caffeine
McDonald's coffee does suck, and always has in my experience.

But McWudka?

It's be McComanchero brand, and that'd be mcfucked up.
I've had a Big Mac and beer at Mc' in Europe many times. In fact, beer was like 1.00 there and 5.00 at the bars. Yeah, cheap date.