Online affairs..........


Dec 6, 2002
I've seen some threads about online relationships. I'm a curious kind of person so i'd like a little info about how you find someone who also wants a strictly online relationship.
Do these usually stay just online or is it assumed that you'll eventually meet?

Any info would be appreciated
First off, as another Chicagoan, let me welcome you to Lit. I hope you'll enjoy it here.

Personally, I think Lit is a great place to find online friends. I feel like I've made several great friends here. So, I highly recommend it as a good place to start your search.

Online relationships can be anything from just chatting about life in general to pretty intense sexual conversations. You don't really specify what you're looking for, but I get the sense that you want to move more to the intense at some point. It's good to participate on some of the boards for awhile and find people you like then see what develops.

As far as real life meetings go, they sometimes happen, but I would guess most of the people here have been chatting with folks they've never met and probably never will. Some have, of course, but I don't think it's expected by most. I've been fortunate to meet a few Litsters in real life and have found them to be as fun and wonderful in person as they are online. Real life meetings (and how far those meetings go) are very much up to you.

If you have questions you don't want to ask of the general population, you're welcome to PM me. I can't say that I'm any sort of expert, but I'll do what I can or try to lead you to someone with more information.

I guess i'm more curious about what's involved in a relationship that isn't physical or even face to face.
So what area of chicago are you from?
skye25 said:
I've seen some threads about online relationships. I'm a curious kind of person so i'd like a little info about how you find someone who also wants a strictly online relationship.
Do these usually stay just online or is it assumed that you'll eventually meet?

Any info would be appreciated

Textual intercourse;)
Re: thanks

skye25 said:
I guess i'm more curious about what's involved in a relationship that isn't physical or even face to face.
So what area of chicago are you from?

I'm from the far west suburbs.

I suppose the answer to your question depends a lot on what kind of relationship you're looking for. If you want to develop something as friends, it is much like any other, share...that kind of stuff. If you're looking for something more sexual, I suppose some naughty email, stories, maybe some instant messaging or phone calls.
Talk, Skye. Sexy talk, funny talk, friendly talk, commiseration.

But talk. Maybe even talk about orgasms.

But if it get's to meeting, it's not all online anymore. And that happens a lot, I think. Sometimes for good, often not.
hi there!

I actually met my husband online, but we did not have a cyber relationship for long. We began talking on the phone shortly after we first met online and in a matter of weekes we met IRL and have been together ever since.

I also have cyber relationships, none of them have ended in a face to face meeting though many have hinted at that being something they like. purely online relationships give you the freedom to be you with no inhabitions. you can act out fantasies as well as discuss what is really going on in your life. Online relationships are flexible and "safe" no fear of STD's online.

I always make the point that any online relationship is purely online but many push the boundaries. It is always up to you how far you take things*S*
Okay, I'll admit it...

The Chicago in your location caught my attention more than your question did ( :eek: ) since I live in Rockford. Let me reccomend this thread to you. (Could be a great place to make friends! We are planning an OFFline get together, though.) Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin Litogether.

As for your question... I wouldn't be able to offer any advice. I've never persued an "online only" relationship. I've had relationships that began online, but ultimately I've met the men I "dated" online (with the exception of two I never met).

I'm sure the rules are "anything goes!" with online relationships. You make up the rules that fit your life.

Some people are married, and not looking to physically cheat, so they develop a friendship online. Over time that friendship develops into a "net relationship".

Some people are single and looking for love. They use the net just as they would any other dating tool. (IE: school, bar, club, bookstore, coffe house)

I hope you find what you're looking for. :)