? on non-verbal flirting-help


Sep 24, 2001
For research and info, I guess I'll post this in two different locations. Is there such a thing as non-verbal flirting? For example, if a woman dresses provocatively, or in a way designed to attract attention of members of the opposite sex, is this flirting or even a form or, for my purposes, a form of exhibitionism? Doesn't sound too erotic so far, but stay with me.

Also, if one assumes a person can have an affair(unless you don't assume this part) with an emotional attachment only, ie. talking about personal things, etc. because there is no communication with his/her mate, which in turn may lead to physical contact later and that an affair can involve only physical and not necessarily an emotional attachment, can a person dressing for the excitement of having other people look at them be engaged in an affair of sorts where obviously the emotional and physical(except visual) do not come into play? If so, could an erotic story, probably loving wives or exhibitionist & voyeur, be written without physical or emotional involvement of the main character and others of the opposite and same sex just by dressing for the excitement having others look and take notice? The viewers thoughts would be known, probably verbally but not necessarily to the character. Kind of a vision of a woman as seen by men, maybe women, as "Oh, two tits and a pussy." The little quote is not mine-saw it in a cartoon once. Thanks
bearlee said:
For research and info, I guess I'll post this in two different locations. Is there such a thing as non-verbal flirting? For example, if a woman dresses provocatively, or in a way designed to attract attention of members of the opposite sex, is this flirting or even a form or, for my purposes, a form of exhibitionism? Doesn't sound too erotic so far, but stay with me.

Is there such a thing as non-verbal flirting? Most definately. I do my best flirting with body language. It's amazing how eye contact, a tilt of the head, a smile, etc. can do more than even the skimpiest of outfits or anything I could possibly say verbally. I would call it a type of exhibitionism, not in a "flashing" way though. Although I know chicks that dress in ways to show off with the intent of flirting ... I will admit to it myself.

The second part of your post was difficult for me to understand. For a moment I thought you were describing what I would call "very close friends". It's tough for something like that between a man and woman not to escalate to a physcial or emotional relationship that I would consider "an affair". But it has been done I am sure. I lost a wonderful friendship with a guy by becoming intimate with him. When we finally broke up, the friendship was gone. We became lovers because we were so close in every other way. For us though, we were not cheating at the time we became lovers, as we were both unattached.
oh yes! ALL my best flirting is done with body languge, it really is a fascinating subjeect, I actually studied it as part of my communucation studies course in college. Things flicking your hair, lots of eye contact, touching the other person (hands up all those girls who've picked "fluff" off a guys jacket or top!) ,exposing your wrists are all bnody language signs, and so often we do them without thinking, like crossing your arms when you are listening to something you don't agree with!

I could go on forever so i better stop now before i bore everyone silly*L*

platonic friendships exsist between men and women but they are very rare!
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The second article was pretty interesting-tons of pop-up ads though. Thanks
Non verbal flirting?

Hell yes.

I love it when I'm busy working at my desk and a lucious attractive female employee comes up behind me, pressing her firm soft breasts against my back, kisses my ear reaching down with her free hand to teasingly fondle my crotch and asks me if I'm free for lunch.......

Does that count as non-verbal flirtation?

Oh yeah...BTW, my wife and I work together.

So......does THAT count?

I remain,
Well shit bear.........

Dawn's not exactly a non-verbal woman ya know...what the hell else do you want anyway?


I remain, (verbally challenged)
Well, not talking about Dawn-she's verbal as hell LOL

I remain,


Mentally challenged
Oh Sandyman...

okay i want to know...

Is Dawn your wife?

Is Dawn the employee who fondles your crotch?

If Dawn is your wife and is not your employee, does she know this other woman is fondling your crotch?

And finally...

Are you usually free for lunch?


*sigh* okay I tried to hold my tongue... ;) damn i think i need to start my own thread to keep outa trouble again ;)

I certainly wouldn't argue against you on either point...especially in court........

I remain.....(ah to hell with it)
Oh this is going to get good.......

Dawn is NOT my wife no...someone else's soon to be wife, she hasn't fondled my crotch........yet. But hell, ya never know.

And neither my wife, nor Dawn knows about the woman I let fondle my crotch any time she wants too.

And finally......why yes, yes I am. Where and when?

I remain....(excited now!)
There's always room........

For you Wild.........

Never mix names up....(been married four times, have plenty of practice guarding against doing that).

Talk in my sleep? No. But sometimes I do go sleep fucking........

I remain....(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
lol.......that's ok bear

Just ask her about room 1503 while she was in Vegas.....


Wish you were there.........(not)

I remain, (satisfied)
Shit-fuck you:mad: That's really the room she was in, but it could have been a lucky guess-name the hotel and then I'll believe it:rolleyes:
And by the way, you're screwing up myn post-I was really trying to do some research here:(

The pyramid thingy......though I was too busy enjoying two other pyramids to remember the name of the friggin hotel.

And research? Yeah right........you're just looking for another hot babe to hook you and Dawn up with.

(I'd be careful Wildsweetone) best stay away from this character.

Though Dawn may be going back to Las Vegas again soon if you're interested in that sort of thing.......

I remain, (lol)
Yeah, like Wildsweetone is going to make the trip up from New Zealand, well for Dawn I suspect someone would. I gotta get outta here. By the way, did that penis enlargement ad you wanted so desperately arrive yet?:p

Ya never know. Dawn came all the way from BF Ohio...or where ever the hell it is that you live to come to Las Vegas.

And yeah...it did. I'll send it right on to you. Patience my friend, Patience. Dawn hasn't called the wedding off......yet.
Hey wait a minute, Room 1503 was the hotel room number in my story, A Special Birthday Surprise. Just a cheap plug.

I did get the ad with your endorsement-and I do thank you! Man, talk about patience-sound like Thesandmonster is really coming along!:D
"Want a BIG Penis?"
Experience the results you've always wanted
with a MASSIVE scientific breakthrough:
Our Doctor-Approved Pill Will Actually Expand, Lengthen
And Enlarge Your Penis. 100% GUARANTEED!
Best of all...

There Are NO Agonizing Hanging Weights, NO Tough Exercises,
NO Painful And Hard-To-Use Pumps, And There Is NO Dangerous Surgery Involved.
NOT CONVINCED, LISTEN TO WHAT ONE OF OUR SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SAID: "I took it for just three weeks and measured and I couldn't believe the results...from 2 1/2" to 4"! Tell me I'm not satisfying the ladies!
I remain,

Heck, they cool picture didn't come up! Oh well, I'll email it to you!