On a day like today does PP man even bother to put the bottle down?


Spitting Game Theory
Mar 27, 2001
Massive victory for Sharon. Which is great if for no other reason than it must piss him off.
Weevil said:
Massive victory for Sharon. Which is great if for no other reason than it must piss him off.

No surprise there. It was forecast last week.

Labour blew their chance at grabbing power.

Now we have to see if Sharon can cobble together a coalition without them using only the extremist right wing religous groups. If he's got any sense at all (God am I talking about Sharon?) he'll do what he can to broker a deal with Labour...

You must be wrong. PP predicted scandal would bring down Sharon on these very same Lit pages only a few days before.
Ham Murabi said:
You must be wrong. PP predicted scandal would bring down Sharon on these very same Lit pages only a few days before.

That was over a week ago and as we all know...

"A week is a long time in politics..."

p_p_man said:
That was over a week ago and as we all know...

"A week is a long time in politics..."


Particularly if you are practicing political punditry.
Between that and the State Of The Union, I figure p_p_ fitted himself for a Bacardi IV.

teddybear4play said:
Between that and the State Of The Union, I figure p_p_ fitted himself for a Bacardi IV.


Hey, you've forgotten my concern over Cyber War!!

Definitely a Bacardy XX day...


Fawkin' toady lyin' bootlick parroting whatever Bush tells him too...
p_p_man said:
Hey, you've forgotten my concern over Cyber War!!

Definitely a Bacardy XX day...


By "IV," I meant an intravenous connection, not a Roman numeral.

I'm thinking you've been slamming the Bacardi 151°.

teddybear4play said:
By "IV," I meant an intravenous connection, not a Roman numeral.

I'm thinking you've been slamming the Bacardi 151°.


:D :D

That's why American airspace is considered by most commercial airline pilots to be the most dangerous in the world...

You will break things down into EasySpeak and slang...

If you meant intravenous why didn't you say so?

No good popping these little shortcuts in when there's a chance the meaning could be misundertood...

"Intravenous" didn't sound as good, and it's an abbreviation most people comprehend.

You talk about the EU all the time . . . don't you think that some people may not get it?

(this stands for "teddybear4play," by the way)
teddybear4play said:
"Intravenous" didn't sound as good, and it's an abbreviation most people comprehend.

You talk about the EU all the time . . . don't you think that some people may not get it?

(this stands for "teddybear4play," by the way)

EU is an easily recogniseable and understood abbreviation, like the US, USA, UK and GB (Great Britain)...

That last was thrown in on purpose in case you thought I meant George Bush. That's why I clarified it...

IV can be intravenous, the Roman numeral 4 or something I have never heard of...

Abbreviations are OK, though I personally hate the more idiotic ones like PC and WMD but where the meaning is clear only in the mind of the writer the full expression should be used...

Sheeet...and I call Texan pompous!

Shut up ppman and have a drink...

Yesterday I took my AMC to the DMV but then I stopped at McD's and got a BLT while I was listening to DMB on WXYZ.

Get all that?

teddybear4play said:
Yesterday I took my AMC to the DMV but then I stopped at McD's and got a BLT while I was listening to DMB on WXYZ.

Get all that?


:D :D

McD's and BLT no trouble with...

But then I'm a bit mutton jeff when connaught rangers are talking to me. Anyway time for the apples and pears and a bit of bo peep...

Not ABREVS but confusing enough...

Bit like the US airspace problem I mentioned earlier...

