ok weird fucking question

I do not know, I never really ever thought about that but I don't get them on my face either...hummm
Emerald_eyed said:
How come when you get goosebumps...you dont get them on your face?

It has to do with hair... and the structure of skin ...

but what's the fucking part ?

Probably the last time I open one of your threads I guess
Dr. David J. Krasovic of Rocky River Ohio says:

The prickly, skin-puckering sensation you experience when you're frightened or titillated or shivering from the cold is caused by constriction of tiny arrector pili muscles at the base of the hairs on your arms, your legs, and the back of your neck. Technically known as piloerection--pil is Latin for "hair"--goose bumps are a holdover from long ago when our hairier forebears hunted mastodons. Your body is attempting to stay warm by "fluffing out" your nonexistent fur. In the old days, chilly weather made the voluminous hair of primordial hominids bristle, providing natural insulation by creating pockets of warmer air between the skin and the outside cold. Piloerection is one of those rudiments, like the vestigial tailbone, that Darwinists believe will disappear over evolutionary time. Piloerection also plumps up mammals' coats, and yes, says Louisiana State University biologist Mark Hafner, it underlies puffing-up defense behavior. The latter is "probably a secondary function," he says, "because not all mammals show it. But there's no doubt that piloerection makes an animal appear larger, which may cause a potential competitor or predator to look elsewhere for a smaller and less imposing victim."
when you get them on your face, they're called hives
! Goosebumps (also called goose flesh and terror bumps) are caused by tiny little muscles in dermis layer of the skin (the layer just under the very outside layer). Each of these muscles is attached to a single hair that sticks out of your skin. When we get cold or scared, the muscles contract and make the hair stand up. This makes it look like we have bumps because the muscle contraction causes a slight rise in the skin.

Must be because we don't have much hair on our face. Do people with hairy faces get goosebumps there?
To get to the root of goosebumps, look at the top of your arm between your wrist and your elbow. You will see that it is covered with fine hairs.

When you are cold or frightened, muscles contract in layers of skin underneath the hairs. That makes the hairs stand up. It also makes the skin around the base of the hair rise. That bump is the goosebump.

ksmybuttons said:
! Goosebumps (also called goose flesh and terror bumps) are caused by tiny little muscles in dermis layer of the skin (the layer just under the very outside layer). Each of these muscles is attached to a single hair that sticks out of your skin. When we get cold or scared, the muscles contract and make the hair stand up. This makes it look like we have bumps because the muscle contraction causes a slight rise in the skin.

Must be because we don't have much hair on our face. Do people with hairy faces get goosebumps there?

oops, sorry, search engine overload! :D
Maybe it is the little muscles. Do guys get goosebumps on their faces? I've never noticed.

You do have hair on your back and butt, I bet. Just very fine. Or you have worn it all off..
ksmybuttons said:

You do have hair on your back and butt, I bet. Just very fine. Or you have worn it all off..


Have you been dragging your ass across the carpet again EE??????????:eek: :p
Emerald_eyed said:
i dont have any hair on my back or butt either, but I get them there

Sorry to break it to you, but you do have hair on your back and butt.

The only place you don't have hair on on your Glabrous skin. This skin covers the palms of your hands and fingers, The solles of your feet and toes, your lips and your genital areas. These are the areas of your body that you use to explore your environment.
Emerald_eyed said:
well yeah, I ran out of TP again

OKAY STOP my sides are hurting.........LOLOLOL:p

All I can picture is you shuffle across the living room, lol......Goosebumps and all lol........;)