ok...So I've had 5 glasses of bubbly.....


Literotica Guru
Jun 16, 2002
....and Im feeling fine......

Now what?.....:p

Please excuse typos........
I have only had 3 beers.

and I am buzzed pretty well.:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: ok...So I've had 5 glasses of bubbly.....

kjtatts said:
It just so happens I picked up a bottle of Aquila :D
Wasn't Aquila a bird that belonged to Zeus? How do you get such a thing in a bottle, and why does it bubble??
I've had 4 beers already.....but I love bubbly and I'm thinking of switching.....should be an interesting night....lol
LukkyKnight said:
Wasn't Aquila a bird that belonged to Zeus? How do you get such a thing in a bottle, and why does it bubble??

I have no fucking idea! :D

I will not - could not - question such a thing, that gives me a total body tingling sensation, of which I am experiencing right now....

I think I have a new addiction......

You're drinking this early?
I know it's hot.
You celebrating Christmas already?
Cant type - too busy giggling......plus I dont trust my fingers right now......

My god ...that just makes no sense......
Re: in New Zealand

scrymettet said:
is there a local alcool ?

Dont get me started on local alcohol.....

I remember once..there was 'Purple Death'.........kind of a liquer...that everyone drank straight.......wonder if its still around...
debbiexxx said:
scrymettet? Beer is quite popular in New Zealand,
Tui, Speights, Lion Red, DB export gold to name a few.

I have to go to check by myself.
debbiexxx said:
Purple death is still around. :)


scrymettet? Beer is quite popular in New Zealand,
Tui, Speights, Lion Red, DB export gold to name a few.

Well, I'll be fucked....:D

I found an old bottle of Death in the cupboard....this is on the label.....

"Purple Death"
An unusual "rough as guts" aperitif that has the distinctive bouquet of shorse-shit and old tram tickets. It is best drunk with the teeth clenched to prevent the ingestion of any foreign bodies. Connoisseurs will savour the slight tannin taste of old tea leaves and burnt cat fur. Possessors of a cultivated palate will admire the initial assault on the taste buDs which comes from the careful and loving blending of animan manure and perished jock straps strained through an old miners sock. The maturing in small pigs' bladders gives it a very definate nose.

Marketed under the Saviour Brand (9 out of 10 people who drink it for the first time exclaim "Je-e-sus Chri-ist")

Caution: Keep away from "naked flames" (both old and new)


:D heehee thats the stuff!