OK, I have an odd, but serious question.

Lack of equalising air flow through your plumbing?
I'mVan said:
Lack of equalising air flow through your plumbing?

My drains are badly vented. When I flush the toilet, the kitchen sink emits a gurgle from the drain. Something about a big slug of water in a little pipe, and the displacement of the air in the line.
Put something heavy on top of your toilet lid when you go to bed tonight...just in case:eek:
I live in an apartment, and this occasionally happens. Like, you drain the bathtub, and the sink gurgles in the kitchen, or the pipes for the washer make noises.

Have you noticed that your drains are slow to drain? This seems to be the first sign.

Usually, when I am noticing the first signs of this, my neighbor will call the landlords, and they send the Roto Rooter guy who does some mysterious things to the drain thingy in my back yard. It has happened about every 8 or 9 months here. It doesn't bother me much because the landlords take care of it.

Emerald_eyed said:
Hell if I know, thats why I asked you.
My grandpa taught me the only thing I really know about plumbing - shit don't flow up hill. This was a guess. But it sounds similar to mbb308's issue, and theirs is airflow.
You ever see the movie "Anaconda" EE? *grins*
One of those could plug up your pipes pretty good. *evil grin*
Emerald_eyed said:
SO is it toilet water gurgeling in your sink??

I know at work once, we had sewer oder come up from the pipes. No chunks though, I wudda ran screaming if that happened.

No, it's toilet water in the drain, which is connected to the toilet drain. The gurgling occurs in the sink because it's the closest drain. The water doesn't back up, it just gurgles as the air below the flush escapes, and it escapes through the sink drain, which is the only vent it has.

If the pipe were vented form the union properly, it wouldn't do it.
Emerald_eyed said:
ahhh ok....

I wonder if thats why it happened here, my son flushed upstairs at about the time it was bubbeling.washer draining, toilet flushing= bubbeling in main floor stool?

That sounds like a lot of water simultaneously. That could do it.
Emerald_eyed said:
When my washer was draining, my toilet was bubbeling. Why the HELL would my toilet be bubbeling?

I flushed it, and it flushed just fine.

My suggestion, boil your tap water before drinking! LMAO
Emerald_eyed said:
I wonder if thats why it happened here, my son flushed upstairs at about the time it was bubbeling.washer draining, toilet flushing= bubbeling in main floor stool?

It sounds like you have a restriction or obstruction in your sewer lines or sewer vent line. A call to a plumber or complaint to the landlord would seem to be in order. If it's the landlord's problem, you might have to wait until the blockage is complete to get any action.

You might try a bottle of Liquid Plumber (tm) or similar product sent down any drain in the house to see if the restriction can be disolved, but that's a slim hope for a long term solution. It's going to take a roto-rooter (tm) type cleaning of the sewer line to fix the problem.

Edited to add: It might be a seasonal problem if it's been real cold. If part of your sewer lines are subject to freezing it can cause this sort of problem.
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