J J.B. stuff & junk Joined Dec 24, 2001 Posts 27,429 Feb 26, 2003 #1 Anyway, Todays a happy day. I shall continue to ignore you.
RegisteredTroll Literotica Guru Joined Dec 16, 2002 Posts 845 Feb 26, 2003 #2 no worries, your not important enough to pay attention to. continue.
H HotCrossBuns Experienced Joined Feb 12, 2003 Posts 49 Feb 26, 2003 #3 Then why don't you take your hands from around your cock for ten seconds
teddybear4play better when i'm drunk Joined Apr 8, 2002 Posts 12,906 Feb 26, 2003 #4 Dickhead #1 was unfunny, but Dickhead #2 was just stupid. Why don't you two monkeys stop your little circlejerk and go light a fart or something. and J.B., if you're going to do something with your hands, there are activities far more worthwhile. TB4p
Dickhead #1 was unfunny, but Dickhead #2 was just stupid. Why don't you two monkeys stop your little circlejerk and go light a fart or something. and J.B., if you're going to do something with your hands, there are activities far more worthwhile. TB4p
teddybear4play better when i'm drunk Joined Apr 8, 2002 Posts 12,906 Feb 26, 2003 #6 Well, we can always count to twenty. TB4p
marksgirl Dreaming of Spring Joined Mar 24, 2002 Posts 35,304 Feb 26, 2003 #7 I'm thinking I might wanna turn into a troll, that is if you will put your hands around my......nevermind
I'm thinking I might wanna turn into a troll, that is if you will put your hands around my......nevermind
J J.B. stuff & junk Joined Dec 24, 2001 Posts 27,429 Feb 26, 2003 #8 Thoughts... oh the naughty thoughts I'm getting.